Saturday, August 18, 2007

First Day of School

Today felt like the first day of school.

I had my new over-the-shoulder book bag. Still with the tags on it.

I even packed myself a "lunch."

I get nervous the first day back. I feel like I'm "rusty."

But it went alright.


  1. I'm glad to hear it went well. I'm really glad to know you all are filming again! woo-hoo only like 5 more months until we get to see it! haha! Thanks for posting - you are the best!


  2. keep up the good work man, your character is great!

  3. Thanks for keeping us updated!

    Have fun filming!

  4. I love that you packed yourself a lunch! Glad the first day of filming was good, and may the rest of them go smoothly as well. :D

  5. Hey Jorge!
    Glad to hear it went well!
    It gets me nervous though knowing we won't find out for about 5 more months! That's how addicting Lost is!

    Too bad you can't really talk about Lost on here, but spoilers do indeed spoil everything!

    Maybe when an episode has aired you can tell us what you thought about it and talk about it in that way?

    Cya! and keep on the good work!



  6. thanks for this blog!!

    good luck! no doubt you´re the best on the show!!!

  7. hi jorge! i'd love to see some more dharma van action in the next season! thanks for the blog man!


  8. hey there, jorge!
    what an brilliant idea to do this blog!! :) So you're already filming, that's so cool to see that something is actually "going on" with LOST, because right now its like a LOST-dead time for all of us, hehe!

    hey did you hear about the lost convention 2008 in germany? - some of your colleagues are coming, hope to see you there too!! would be awesome!!!

    keep up your great work!! your a real delightment next to these 0815-hollywood people, a real character with profile! i love it!

    lots of love from germany,


  9. Oh good courage ! I hope you'll have big fun with all actors ^^ kiss josh for me if you can ^^"
    It's sweet to know you prepared yourself your lunch :)
    see ya soon brotha :)

  10. OMG! Happy day! I want to be Lost on that island I'd pay to work with all of you :)

    Have a nice filming, Jorge!

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  12. "Like the first day at school" it's a very understandable way to describe it.
    Well, I would like to go at the same school than you!

  13. Salu2 Jorge !
    Suerte con la nueva temporada y gracias por mantenernos informados en la medida de lo posible ;)

  14. Whoopee! Filming has resumed! Is it wrong to be so excited about a television show?

    I'm glad the first day back went well for you.It must feel good to be back to work, yes? Does it take some time to get back into Hurley-mode? Got any good cast/crew stories?


  15. to je dobrý, já jsem ještě nic nedostala...:-(

  16. Hey Jorge!

    Just wanted to say hey and that you're one of the best actors on Lost! Hope you're there til the end!

    Lotsa hugs,

    Nicole from Ireland x :)

  17. I'm glad your first day went well!

    Have fun :D

  18. Hola, me encontré con tu blog...pero no es mucho lo que entiendo de inglès , pero igual sigue escribiendo y yo trataré de seguir leyendo.

  19. Hi Jorge! You have no idea how many fans you have in Brazil . I am very happy to read your first impressions on the filmings.After all, you are the most interesting character for symbolize the purity. That´s my opinion. I looking forward to see the next season. Greetings from Brazil.


  20. My Pop would always sing "Happy First Day of School" so I pass that along to you *smilefaceguy*

    Hope all went well and you had some fun!

    Thanks for entertaining us with your blog too!

  21. So glad to hear it went well. Hope everything continually goes well and theres no need for a parent teacher confrence! Lol the show is great, I'm so happy that you are all filming again, it makes february seem closer everyday : )

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  23. "Have fun storming the castle, boys!"

    I'm feeling your 1st-day-o-school nerves, Jorge. Going back to college m'self, fifteen years after dropping out. :)

    Thanks for keeping up the blog! You're an interesting guy--the 'net needs more of 'em.

  24. Yeah, well, but you got the best "school" ever... lol.
    And with the responsabilitys also come the great fun, and reencountering old friends and colegues... always fun! Maybe it gets a little stressfull and a little bit har from the middle of the "year", but in the end, it all gets better again, with the "vacation" and the sense of the acomplished dutys.
    Hope you keep up the great work, man.

    Greets, from Brasil!

  25. Heya Jorge :)

    Glad your "first day of school" went well. Thanks for keeping us posted!

  26. HURLEY!!! :D man ur character rocks! he was the one who saved all of the losties! :D

  27. that dude that put his website a hundred times is a real a-hole, I would never go to a site like that just out of being spite. So Jorge is the catering table food horrible or what, why else pack a lunch. By the way you were funny as sh*t on Curb your Enthusism. You have a lot of groupies there buddy, I dont think they realize how hot your girlfriend is.

  28. Jorge: Glad things went well the first day back "at school". Be sure to mind your "teachers"! LOL Love to hear the little tidbits you can give buying a new book bag and packing your own lunch! We LOST fans are desperate for anything. Many of us like to be spoiler-free, so we don't expect you to give anything away. We just want you to be yourself. We really appreciate hearing from you! Let everyone know we love you all!

  29. Ah, how cool is this. Just found out about your blog. Eventhough you can't say anything about the show, it's fun to hear that filming has started again, that things are starting up again. Hope you had a good summer!


  30. Hi Jorge!

    It's really amazing to see that you have started a blog, I know that you will not say anything about next season (I prefered that way, it was so hard to watch season 3 and not to read all spoilers we had).

    I will keep reading your blog, and I think it's very interesting to have a blog from an actor who is in Lost... and can't talk about Lost. So, I will ask for something that it's not about the show:

    It has been so hard for you to become an actor being from a hispano family? Does your family speak spanish? I would lke to see your caracter spaking more time in spanish!

    P.S.: I'm from Barcelona, Spain. :-D Good luck during the shooting!

  31. Jorge, you are the bomb.

    Thanks for so many great moments on Lost and, of course, your great time on Curb.

    Can't wait to see the new season! Did you get a chance do anything over the break, work-wise?

  32. Jorge, you are my God. Your character is the BEST bloody character on Lost.

    I know you probably won't read this but here's something interesting.

    Your co-star Henry Ian Cusick, well his girlfriend and kids used to live in Wimbledon (LONDON). My mum met her at party a couple months back!!

    Small world eh? Take care, and keep up the blogging. It's great to see the real YOU, mate. Cheers

  33. I think the real question here is . . . did you cut the crust off?

  34. Jorge, you could talk about how is it to film in Hawai, I mean, how is it to live in the paradise? Do you miss the U.S. or something?

  35. Hi, Jorge!
    I'm brazilian, I love L O S T and I adore Hugo. Congratulations for your job.

    Bye Bye.


  36. Hi George!

    You are the best! I'm from Argentina. Do you speak spanish?? If you can, add me

  37. Hi Dude,I've just discovered this blog,it's great to read your news about Lost!!Greetings from Italy

  38. \m/ <[@_@]> \m/ Right On! Thanks for taking the time to post here and on Darks site.. Cant wait to watch more of you in February..

  39. Hola Jorge!!!
    Soy chileno y soy un fan de tu personaje y realmente admiro tu trabajo en Lost. Sigue trabajando de la forma en que lo haces porque la gente aqui en Chile realmente te tiene cariño. Felicitaciones!

  40. Hola jorge, que genial que tengas este blog. No soy un seguidor de spoiler pero que bueno que hayas decidido mantenernos un poco al tanto de lo que se va haciendo.

    Espero que hayas entendido un poco lo que dije y que no se te haya olvidado hablar español.

    Saludos desde Chile

  41. Hola Jorge, me gusta mucho tu personagen, un saludo y un beso de Brasil.

  42. It's almost Christmas time on the island! If I'm not mistaken, when "Through The Looking Glass" ended it was December 23, 2004 on the island. Are the Losties going to celebrate Christmas? I hope so. They didn't even mention Thanksgiving, let's hope they don't ignore Christmas as well.

    Jorge....You rock, dude. You remind me so much of a friend of mine from Santa Clara. Just the way you talk and stuff. You are one of the most underappreciated actors on television. One question for you, dude....Charlie was your "bud" on the island. Now that Charlie has died, who will be your new best buddy? How about Sawyer? Sawyer and Hurley already seem to have a good chemistry.

    Do you know the title of episode one yet?

  43. Oh, we all get that feeling the first day back! Don't worry, you're going to be fine - just make sure to always eat your lunches and to sleep 8 hours a day. Good luck, and please keep us posted!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Hey Jorge !

    I'm from France and I'm very happy to hear that you are filming the new season of Lost =)

    I'm very eager to watch the new episodes. The end of season 3 surprised and shocked me a lot. I'm very impatient to know what will happen next.

    Thanks for making me dream, laugh and cry =)

    Bye, Eva

  46. Hola jorge!!!
    Me llamo Sandra , tengo 20 años y soy de Zaragoza (España)
    Te escribo en español porque en ingles... mal jajaj.
    Me encanta Lost y tu personaje es de lo mejor de la serie.Agrégame!

  47. I realize people are liable to hurtle themselves through cyberspace in order to beat me to death, but I just feel compelled to say this. "All right" is two words; the word alright doesn't exist. Well, actually, some spell checkers won't catch it because it has entered the vernacular and is so common that most have given up on correcting it, but in truth, the proper usage is all right. Commence the flaming.

  48. hey Jorge
    guess the blog stays, eh. I'm certainly enjoying it. keeps me busy while waiting for season 4.
    anyways, just wanted to say HEY!
