Saturday, August 18, 2007

...And be specific

Forgot this part.

You have to be specific.

If you're writing you want a house:
How big? Where? Does it have a pool? What shape is it in?

Again just make a choice.

When I said I wanted to be part of a good ensemble show in my head I was thinking something like Cheers.
LOST is nothing like Cheers. But it still fits the category. And as an actor the stuff I've gotten to do as Hurley way surpasses the stuff I could have done as a Norm-type. Right?

I wonder if thinking Cheers when I wrote that had anything to do with me booking Becker and working with Ted?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. funny i got a complete list of thing i want to do in my life, some of then are really dificult but anyway i wrote then so some day i'll be able to do them and so mark them on the list as DONE. I always carry that list with me so if something new comes to my mind i can write it imediatly.

  3. te hice un dibujo
    que lo he subido a mi blog
    a ver si te gusta

  4. my step mother is a motivational speaker and life coach and she always said make specific goals and write them down. Make a five year plan and make a 10 year plan. So i think that goes along the same lines with what u are saying Jorge. I used to be like 320 lbs but when i set goals about weight loss i got down to 160, mind you I am 6-4. When i reached all my goals and didnt have any future ones i floundered an gained back half the weight. Plus people are just as mean to really skinny people like your co-star dj qualls as they are to fat people. I have lived both sides. When your big the guys at foot locker call you Big guy all the time, when your skinny they acuse you of being a crack head or having aids...

  5. Oh dude!
    it's amazing can talk to you
    i'm a big fan of Lost
    I'm from Brazil and I like you so much.
    You're fantastic!!

    We love you in Brazil!
    Sorry for some mistake with my text!!
    My English is not so good!

  6. Hey, Jorge: My childhood friend, Ken Levine, worked with you on Becker and had very nice things to say about you!

    Having plans and goals can only be a good thing. Much better than wandering aimlessly through life!

  7. Hi Jorge! I´m from Brazil! In Brazil, you is a very sucess! You is a very good actor! Congratulations! And visit my country!

    Type a message in my blog man!

    See ya!

  8. Oh man, my blog is



  9. _ I want to graduate in Cinema in any faculty.
    _ I want to create an outstanding TV show here in Brazil with the skills I learn.

    _ I want to make success being an writer.

    Simple, no?

  10. hi again =D
    es muy probable que no leas mi comentario ,pero bueno...
    lo escribo con la esperanza de que algun dia lo leas
    me encanto tu idea de hacerte un blog..( bueno en relidad a quien no le gusta)
    cuando ibamos a pensar que uno de los actores iba a querer saber lo que pensamos los fans de lost!!
    y como ya te diste cuenta
    somos muchos!!!
    ey cuando hables con jj abrams dile que reviva a charlie
    es que en verdad aun no entiendo porque no salio por la ventana en vez de quedarse ahi dentro
    bueno tengo que irme...
    mandale saludos a todo el casting de parte de sus fans que los queremos muchos...
    y no permitas que uno de los otros mate a hurley :D

    I see in another life brother!

  11. Very sound advice in these two posts! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    You could be correct about the Becker thing. Your life is starting to sound like the Lost mysteries! :o)

  12. You should do an ensemble comedy one of these days... I could definitely see you complimenting such a cast.

    And I quite enjoyed your cameo on Curb your enthusiasm!

    How'd we get onto wildest hopes and fantasies? Cuz ironically, mine is to cut an ep of Lost! Beats a house of any shape (including polygons) any old day. I'm working on it :)

  13. And now everytime I watch Cheers I'm going to see you in place of Norm. How would the rest of the cast match up to the Cheers cast. There ya go Jorge, another post topic.

  14. Thanks for blogging, Jorge. Surely you can blog about things going on "around" the show. Practical jokes, bloopers, that sort of thing. We'd all just eat that up, I'm sure. On another subject, I saw a re-run of Becker the other night. I guess I never realized that you were on that show for awhile. Tell us how you felt about doing that show. Give us some stories. Thanks again, Sue.

  15. Preguiça de Traduzir =P
    Legal sua iNiciativa da Criação do blog, Kara eu sou muito seu fã, votos de Sucesso

  16. I'm the same way sometimes. I just write stuff I want to do on a piece of paper. It's great because when you write it down if feels like a priority.

  17. - I wanna know the name of the first episode of the fourth season of Lost :P!

  18. I am glad to see you are still posting! We are SO lucky that Flossie fell apart... bet that would have thrown a monkey wrench into the filming schedule! I hope you keep the house here, even if your next work takes you back to the mainland.

  19. ahahaha
    I m so exited

    I cant believe that you have a blog

    I m a fan of you

    I like a lot your caracter in lost

    Is my favourite

    this is amazing

    I m chilean

    and you have family living here

    that s cool

    sorry the english n_n

    good luck for the next season of lost

    I m loooking fowards for february


  20. hmm hezký dům - a pretty house :-)

  21. To Visit the Grand Canyon... And maybe ride a boat down it (Deliverance style) ;)

  22. Dude... Do you read many lost Forums and sites.... How about posting a list of your favourite Lost related Sites/Forums.

    And tell us why you like them. :)

  23. Don´t you wanna go to the Czech Republic...I swear, many people will be very lucky!!
    to the list: I want to be on Hawaii
    I want to met someone from lost
    i want to be stewards

    OMG, it´s so many things what I want to do...

  24. oooooooooooo i want to meet you LoL

  25. Well, I can see I'm not the first Brazilian to get here.
    so, u already know that we really love u and your job!! And LOST!!!
    I'm completed crazy to see the season 4!!!
    PS: Sorry if I write any mistakes.

    As soon as I knew that u had a blog, I came here to read your news. No matter if they are about lost or about anything else.

    It's just great to get in touch with u!
    Talking (or writing) about your last post, I've already heard this stuff 'bout writing what we want.
    In fact, I started to do it at the beggining of this year, I wrote my goals for this year, I think I'm getting them. At least one I have got!

    Have a nice Sunday!
    I'll wait more news!


  26. Hi Jorge!
    Me parece excelente la idea de que no escribas sobre LOST. Soy una gran fanatica de LOST, pero no me gustaría que te estén presionando todo el tiempo. Así que bienvenidos sean tus posts sobre la vida!
    Mi mamá acá me dice: decile que lo extraño! jajaja, de verdad lo hace. Cada tanto me está diciendo que extraña verte, y se pone a mirar los episodios de las otras temporadas! jaja
    Que hago? Escribo en español o en inglés? jaja
    Bueno, empiezo con español y luego vemos.
    Te mando un abrazo.
    Y realmente hay que escribir todo! Me alegra que lo hayas logrado!

  27. Jorge soy un gran fan de tu personaje espero que en esta 4ta temporada te vaya excelente.
    No se si leas este comentario espero que si!
    Bueno lo que te voy a decir nuevamente visita mi blog, ah y quisiera saber si puedes decirle lo mismo a parte del elenco y decirle que les deseo lo mejor para cada uno.
    Una pregunta cual es tu capitulo favorito?
    Cinemalost gran fan tuyo y de Lost

  28. I never wrote down what I wanted and let life just happen to me. Now, I've learned to be more specific. Like, I want to move to Hollywood and become a voice-over artist for animated films. It doesn't hurt that I have a long-time friend who's a script coordinator for Disney, and I've spent the last 19 years as a radio news anchor. Wish me luck!

  29. Jorge, we love u in Brazil!
    good luck for the next season of lost!!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I've never heard about Cheers..

    I wonder if it does exist here in Brazil and I never heard about, or if really doesn't have..

    I guess i would never be able to do something like that (write my wishes in a paper), otherwise i would have to write a book ^^
    I have so many whishes, but i always change my mind and what something new..

    Anyway.. your blog is very cool! I should come visit more ofter now (i've just heard about it now).

    PS: sorry my bad english, and good luck on next season of Lost. \o/

  32. I've never heard about Cheers..

    I wonder if it does exist here in Brazil and I never heard about, or if really doesn't have..

    I guess i would never be able to do something like that (write my wishes in a paper), otherwise i would have to write a book ^^
    I have so many whishes, but i always change my mind and what something new..

    Anyway.. your blog is very cool! I should come visit more ofter now (i've just heard about it now).

    PS: sorry my bad english, and good luck on next season of Lost. \o/

  33. Congratulations Garci'a for its work. You he is an excellent actor. I am Brazilian and I admire you very. It always follows thus in its career. One more time congratulations. I wait that my “English” has understood, forgives.

    Gustavo Calçado Ferreira

  34. Hola, como va???
    todo bien???
    Te comento
    Soy de Argentina y fanatico de Lost, comparto este blog y un fotolog con una amiga (ambos dedicados a Lost, obvio :P)y la verdad que tener la posibilidad de tener aunque sea una remota llegada con vos por medio de este blog es demasiado para nosotros



    esperamos que andes bien y que sigan los exitos



  35. You know, Jorge, you're the best. What a sweetheart to post this blog...and what you write on it really does seem to come from the heart...

    Well, good luck with filming Season Four. I know that everyone is excited to see it take shape. You really bring Hurley to life...

    Great advice about writing stuff down that you want. I like the idea that you had that by writing stuff down that you want it means that you're acknowledging them and saying them outloud, so to speak...

    All the best,


  36. By the way, Jorge, how cool is it that people are posting their wishes and dreams on your blog...that made me smile...

  37. Hello
    I am currently reading the Secret, and they say the same thing, to write down what you want, even if it doesn't seem possible. I was wondering if after you wrote this list, did you read it every day to keep it in your mind, or did you just put it away and only look at it occassionally?

  38. Hi, Jorge!
    I'll try to do it, write down my wishes... But, when we do it, we have to help the destiny, right? Or is it magic, we wish and... happens? Lol. Just joking. I mean I'm sure you fight a lot to have what you have so, man, all of good for you and good luck too in your next goals!
    Cheers and a kiss,
    Jú Alves

  39. Hi Jorge, I'm a fans of lost, and write to you from chili..

    (Practicando mi inglés )

    Te felicito por estar en esa gran serie..


  40. Hi, Jorge!!! I'm from Brazil and I'm absolutely addicted to Lost. I totally agree with your idea of writing things down. When I was in high school I used to write in my notebooks’ covers that I would go to med school no matter what... And I did that over and over until I got in! Today I’m a freshman in med school. I just wanna say that I love your work and I’m really Hurley makes it on the island. I never had a chance to talk to a famous person before, even if it is just a post on a blog.

    Um abração de uma fã brasileira!!!!!

  41. hola jorge (hugo)

    me llamo marco y soy de chile (valparaiso)..solo quiero felicitarte por el trabajo inmenso que haces en la serie...aca en chile todos te tienen cariño, ademas que dicen que esw tu segunda hasta sales ya en algunos comerciales !!
    ojala leas este mensaje y me respondas aunque sea para saber que lo leiste....felicidades y animo para la grabacion de la 4º temporada...aca la estare esperando con muchas ganas

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Hello Hurley, opsssss Hugo... opssss Jorge!!! sorry, i don´t speak english very well, but i try =) i´m a brazilian girl, and i love your personage in the lost, it´s my favorite!!! i love lost too, and i´m anxious for the 4th season. I hope see you!!! You are hanson and veru likeable, and of the next time that to waiyer to call you fat person, I it weeds! hmmmm !!! congratulations for you success!!!! i love y !! it continues thus...

    Your fan!! so much...

    sofia =D

  46. Hey Jorge,
    thanks for making lost such a cool show to watch. I thought you and Doms character - Charlie - were a fun pair. I guess you must miss working with him. Please just continue to be funny and be yourself. G

  47. Tío, ¡escribe también en español! ¡Medio planeta te lo va a agradecer!

  48. Dedícanos unas palabras en castellano Jorge.

    Soy de España y por desgracia hasta día 10 de septiembre no comienza la 3ªTemporada, ESTO ES UN INSULTO POR PARTE DE LA CADENA.

    Ellos nos dieron Prison break, House, Mujeres desesperadas, Anatomía de Grey... Vamos todas les series de gran audiencia en USA menos Perdidos.

    Tuve que bajarmelos de internet pero lo volveré a ver cuando se estrene en TV aquí y luego me compraré el DVD. Nunca me canso de ver la serie. Sobretodo tus capitulos.

    Te doy mi enhorabuena por la serie y por tu blog...

    Tambien porque el otro dia te vi en una serie de TV llamada Becker, JAJAJAJAJA que joven, dude.

    Espero que leas esto algun día.

    Escribeme o algo, dude.

    Eres el mejor Jorge.


  49. Jorge:

    Love that you are blogging on the web! Aren't you just blown away that this type of technology exists now, and that there are people out there that actually get online and come to this page just to see and comment on what you have to say!

    I think its amazing, and can't even begin to imagine what the future holds as far as computers are concerned.

    I love your suggestion to write down the things that you want. I totally agree - I am really big on goal setting and it does help if you actually write down what it is that you want - and goalsetting should always be as specific as possible.

    What I am interested in is the actual 'getting' of the things that you want. Yes, we can all write down our goals - that is the first step - but how do you go about actually achieving those things.

    For instance - you talking about wanting to be part of an ensemble cast, or wanting a home in Hawaii -were these actually tangible goals that you were taking steps to try to achieve?

    I feel like too many people think goals and dreams are two different things when they really can be the same thing - and you really can make them happen.

    Anyway, LOVE lost - my friends think I am batshit crazy with all the Lost info I can churn out!

    Hope you are having a blast filming season four.


  50. This is the power of positive thinking and the laws of attraction. Have you read the Secret?

  51. Good advice. So many people have dreams but fail to follow through. Writing them down is an excellent way of keeping them in front of you and keeping focused.
    Remember, becoming an overnight success takes years of hard work.

    @I'm not a liar "I wanna know the name of the first episode of the fourth season of Lost"

    I predict your dream will come true pretty soon - as soon as Feb 2008! Just further proof of Jorge's good advice. ;0)

  52. Jorge - great advice about writing things down - and being specific. Time can really slip away before you know it, and it's good to have a plan and set goals - and dream big.

    I guess we don't have to ask you if you like living in Hawaii, since you've wanted to have a house there for a while!

    Happy Monday and keep blogging - Julie

  53. Look at you, Jorge! Inspiring people from "the dispatch!" I can almost hear the collective sound of paper rustling as people go to write down their goals. I have almost chronically gotten out of this habit. But today... I am getting back up on that horse!!

    *waves at Juniebun*

  54. Mmmmmm...

    My I have all I want, I'm not greedy but if I have to choose one thing:

    I want to meet Josh Holloway just once in my life ;)

    Am I greedy?

  55. Hey, Jorge!
    Hurley is my favorite character in LOST.
    You're a very special actor.
    Kisses from Brazil!

  56. Duuuuuuuuuude You´re awesome!!!

    Eres un orgullo para los latinos.

    Ayer veia la mesa redonda que hicieron para el radio and tv museum y eres hilarante... pensaba en ti haciendo stand up comedy o Seinfield.

    Lo que yo quiero hacer es ser un Hippie...

  57. ola! I am of brasil.e I love serie lost.. I adored its blog..muito show continues thus. e that everything of good happens in its life. he is with god... bjs

  58. Hi Jorge!I am from Czech republic and I'm 13 years old!Sorry,my English is bad...I'm big fan of Lost!!My favourite man was Charlie...Why he must death??Achjoo..My yfavourite people now are Sawyer,you and Jack...We are the best actors on the world!!!I love you..

  59. Hey Jorge!
    I`m from Brazil, and a big fan of the series and of your work.

  60. Jorge, how'd you do at the Bellagio 15/30 tables? I was the only one who recognized you in the room and dropped by asking if you were trying to be incognito haha. Hope you did well at the tables, didn't wanna bother you bro.

  61. Lost is not like cheers but Hugo is the smile of the island. Thans for your blog, Jorde. There are a lot of lostmaniacs in Spain, but Fox spain give us a very bad service and many see Lost i English, in internet. Are already filming? In Spain there is a rumor: sayid will die in the first episodes. It's truth? I hope No, because I think thet must lead the group instead of Jack (and I like Naveen Andrews a lot!). I suppose yo cannot say nothing.... Thanks again for this "diary", and sorry about my very bad English!

  62. Hola jorge!!!
    Me llamo Sandra , tengo 20 años y soy de Zaragoza (España)
    Te escribo en español porque en ingles... mal jajaj.
    Me encanta Lost y tu personaje es de lo mejor de la serie.Agrégame!

  63. hi! i´m alex marques from Brasil and i like to say thay: you are great actor and so carismatic! sand a hello for a brasilian people we love you! By

  64. Hi again,

    I think Lost is kinda like Cheers; where everybody knows your name............... people of science, people of faith.... just trying to work through it all...

    The ensemble feeling was missing in the first half of season 3 of Lost. That's one reason why so many people didn't like it.

    As far as being specific, you are so right. If I just write down "Dr. appt. Wed. 2:30" it's no good. Which Wed? I'll never know.... lol

  65. Hello!
    I´m here to tell that i Love your job and i loove HURLEY!!

    Big kisses from Brazil!!


  66. One thing I've learned is exactly what you stressed: being specific. Otherwise, well...they don't say "be careful what you wish for" for nothing. *grins*

    I would love to hear about your favorite movies, shows, music, that kind of thing.

    Jennifer ^_^

  67. You know what's strange to me? I've never been specific about my goals - the things I *want*. But, in the past, I made specific statements about things that I swore I would never do. Guess what. I've done nearly everything I said I would never do (some good, some bad).

    Now? I do not ever say that I will never do something. It seems to guarantee that I will. I wonder if the reverse is true...

  68. ·i want a house. it doesn't have to be very big (i'm too lazy to do all the cleaning), but it has to be spacious... a loft. and it has to have a very dark wooden flooring, large windows and little furniture, i just don't like it. and i want to have enough money to call it my house.
    ·i want to open my little shop and sell the little things i create. that would really make me the happiest person on earth.
    ·i want a cat. i miss having a cat around. i'd like to actually adopt a stray cat, but i think i won't manage to convince my boyfriend, who says that if we get a cat, it has to be a carthusian. o_0
    ·i want the fourth season of lost. now. ;)

  69. Jorgito cariñoo por que no nos escribes algo en español??
    Te lo agradeceria mucho, porque me entero de la mitad que escribes! jejeje. bueno, te dejo mi dire por si quieres agregarme (
    Por cierto, me llamo sandra, tengo 20 a�os y soy española.
    Un besazoo!!!

  70. Hi from Chile .....

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. This is what I was telling my son last night. Be specific, have a plan, and yea, write it down~~~wish I'd mentioned that part, but I will.

    He wants to act, HAS to act he says. I've tried to help him form a plan but I know from nothing about entering your field.

    I hope everyone pays attention to your advice here, Jorge. Because if I could do anything in my life over, it'd be to plan and to be assertive and proactive about all the things I wanted.

    It's my biggest regret that I didn't do that, and your advice here could keep many people from saying to themselves years from now~~~"if I could'a, shoud'a, would'a.

  73. Jorge, I think its great that you have goals, and I'm sure one day you'll be an actor!

    Only kidding!!! I'm in awe how your success matches your "want" list. Very very cool!

    And, totally loved the season's first show- you really delivered. I was half satisfied/half left craving.
    Your performance was wonderful.
