Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Big Buck Hunter

I love Big Buck Hunter Pro and all games of it's kind. Now I would NEVER shoot an animal in any real-life situation. But when I first played this game earlier this year I had so much fun that I would seek it out in any arcade I found myself in. (Also the game where your supposed to put ping pong balls painted to look like bees into a hive or basket, but that's a whole 'nother blog.)

I had no idea that it was such a huge game with the rest of the population. I wouldn't have thought twice about playing this game if my brother in law hadn't given me my first "fix." But I should have guessed.

It's that Emerson quote, "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men-that is genius."



  1. Por favor Jorge, escribe algun post en español ;-)

  2. Never played it but World of Warcraft has had me in a headlock for over a year so I really havent played anything else other than that. Im gonna go get BioShock tomorrow, heard its suppose to be real good.

  3. Hi Jorge
    I am founding a LOST fan group in Peru. By the way, we have just suffered an earthquake in my country. Would you please send us a little message to confort all the people suffering? I am sure you are as kind as your character is.
    thank you very much Jorge

  4. I've never played it... hunting doesn't appeal to me either... but the "bees" one 'tis fun!!! *smilefaceguy*

    Is that a favorite quote or did you just happen upon it!?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I keep telling people they like what I do . . . but no one listens!!

    I've played that game also, it is addictive!!

  7. Jorge escribe algo en español en serio :D

  8. I never played that one, but I am addicted to Rise of Nations (must be the megalomaniac in me coming out as I conquer the world), Playstation RPG and strategy games, and video poker in Vegas! I like shooters too, so maybe I will try BBH...

  9. That so funny, putting that quote in that context or understanding! You have a great sense of humor! :-)

  10. Dude, Jorge, I'm in Oahu for a friend's wedding for a whole week. Would you recommend a tour at the Ka'a'awa Valley where you built the golf course? Or how bout the original crash site? Is there a place where fans can meet or hang out with Losties or are you sequestered when you're not filming for fear of leakage?


  11. Haven't played it yet, but might give it a shot.

    Right now Bioshock is my crack...

  12. Hola Jorge!

    I'm a big LOST fan and I just wanna to say hello!, I'm chilean like you, but I stay here not like you xD

    so, do you like to play?, that's awesome, I love to play ... Do you ever play the nintendo wii?,

    and keep up the good work!


  13. Cool game. The next game i want to get is bioshock. I ma also looking forward to the Lost game that is coming out next year. Ps: you can read an Interview with Jorge Gacia talking about the Lost game here: http://lostgiddy.blogspot.com/2007/08/jorge-garcia-hurley-on-lost-game.html

  14. I love World of Warcraft too.

    I think you'd love it, but it wouldn't leave you much time for work ;)

  15. Never heard about, here in Brasil

  16. you play Hugo so well!!!!
    i love the word DUDE!!!

  17. Perhaps I should hunt (har har, bad pun) this game out next time I go to the arcade. Hey, anything's gotta be better than that jet-ski game - I always fall off like a dork. *laughs*

    Jennifer ^_^

  18. Querido "Hugo",

    Fale para o Sawyer que eu sou louca por ele...hehehe

    Bjos para vc tbm...
    Marianne - Brasil

  19. I used to play that game when I was little, but my dad didn't let play that much because I always hit the TV with the pistol xD!
    I prefer Zelda, the first one that went out on sale...I never finished =(

    Dude!, you never answer the thing that if you are chilean or not...

    Post in spanish!

    that's all...
    see ya!

  20. Hi

    Well, I never played Big Buck Hunter Pro, but maybe I should give it a try. My last game was Final Fantasy XII. Looking forward to the Lost game.

    Thanks, Dan Morton, for the link to that interview.

    Jorge, I also loved Kid Icarus!!!!! ah, memories....

    I think you'd enjoy this site....http://www.ff0000.com/
    It's fun and you can bash people. You can be totally incognito, too.

    Take care

  21. D'you know..I've never really gotten into a lot of video games, but Sims-type games - I love 'em. I even created some Lost Sims to play with! Lately, I've been hooked on Second Life....it's brilliant. My favourite SL world is Brythony - a community for the mythic arts. A great place for fans of fantasy and faery art. It's modeled after parts of Wales and is like visiting an old-world market town.

    I'm glad to see you've decided to keep up with the 'blog - I'm sure there are lots of topics you can blog about that won't endanger the sanctity of Lost!

  22. I just played that game in a movie theater arcade and I sucked at it. Bummer... I used to love Duck Hunt on Nintendo though.

  23. Hey Dude... I'm from brazil and I'm a Lost Freak. My fellers and I talk about the island all day. And we consider you, the most charismatic actor and you character is awesome. The best episode in our opinion is that one that you drove the kombi. God bless you and congratulation for your great job.

  24. Hey Dude, my name is Cinthia and I'm from brasil. We loved you, your person is very funny, tell with me ok cinthiameibach@hotmail.com

  25. hablando de juegos
    yo quiero jugar call of duty en la wii!!

  26. hey jorge !
    I'm a big fan from Brazil !
    you must know that you're the best and the funniest !

    about games, you must play "guitar hero" is so cool and if you enjoy music you'll love it !

    ok, I'm happy just to know that you are going to read my message :)

    kisses from brazil
    you are perfect !

  27. If you wanna really shoot, play GTA Vice City xD
    I like it

  28. I like that game too. Every week at the same time, and sometimes even on Bittorrent. BBHP forever!

  29. Sadly, the last arcade game I played was when I was 14 in 1975 - I believe it was Pac Man. I also remember playing Pong. God, I'm old!

  30. monkey island forever!!! ;P
    i know, it's prehistoric, but i love guybrush threepwood!

  31. I've been addicted to yahoo towers for (gulp) 6 years.. Never played Buck hunter. Ive heard warcraft is a great game.. Lots of my friends play. I havent tried it myself.. Also saw a tournament aired on CBS for Warcraft. Looked awesome and if i can ever tear myself away from the falling blocks of towers Ill give it a shot.

  32. I just sat at work(office job) and watched the entire season 2 of LOST. I love my job, but I love LOST more!

  33. As I can't believe you are the real Jorge, I propose you to touch your nose with your hand in the first episode of the 4th season you appear.

    I remember that fake blog of Quentin Tarantino...


    O dicho en español, que es como mejor me defiendo, que hagas un gesto en el primer episodio de la cuarta temporada con la mano, tocándote la nariz, porque no me creo que seas tu el actor auténtico :-D

    O por lo menos que te dejen hacer algo y publiques en el blog que es lo que vas a hacer. Un estornudo estaría genial. :-D

    De esa forma probarías que eres tu el auténtico, aunque tendríamos que esperar a que estrenen la 4ª temporada. Pero nos lo ibamos a pasar bien con la guasa.

  34. Hello Man...
    Hope you read this =) I´m writing from Brazil and here, as in most of the world, everybody is crazy about LOST. But that´s not what got my attention. It´s easy to now the show character and stuff, but to get a glimpse of how you really are is waaay cooler! Keep going man, people must be lovin´ it! (ops, not doing merchandise...)
    Oh, and i would like to say hi and send my best to gremán and all my hermanos from Peru. Keep fight and keep strong! God Bless you all!

    PS: Sorry if i made any mistake. My english is rotten... we neither speak english nor spanish in Brasil, by the way. We speak portuguese!

  35. Talkin bout games Jorge..

    Tell your producing team that they have to let Ubisoft produce the Lost game for Nintendo WII!!!

    thanks ;-)

  36. Grande Jorge , saludos y abrazos desde Chile , sigue así de bien tu personaje entrega mucho carisma e identifica muy bien a muchos de los fans .

    estaremos al tanto de tu blog par ver que reportes nos hace desde la isla ..Saludos.

  37. I'm more of a FF or starcraft fan. I'll play almost anything, but those are really only things I can play after I beat them.

  38. my hubby and I LOVE this game. I am not into shooting animals in real life either but I love this game. I even tried to buy one for the hubby as a wedding gift but they are pretty expensive! I think the new one's are over $4,000 and we don't have that kind of loot!

  39. Here's my quote of the day...........

    When in doubt...go to sleep.

  40. i only ever shoot the cows and/or doe.

    that's talent.

  41. a friend recommended this blog so i'm starting from the beginning -- 2007 archives =)

    i just had to comment about the bee hive game because i can play that game non-stop.
