Even though I am technically grown up and have no children, I can't walk by a toy store without looking inside.
I'm especially a sucker for toys I'd never seen before.
Some don't always deliver as promised. I recently picked up this Balloon Helicopter in Sausalito and got it to work only once as described on the box.

The rest of the the time it fell to the ground whistling annoyingly until the air ran out. I honestly think the only reason anyone would tolerate the noise this thing makes is if it actually flew.
However one toy that for me delivered exactly as I thought it would is Kid Galaxy's "Bump and Chuck RC Bumper Cars."

I picked it up at FAO Schwarz in New York and travelled with it for weeks before getting it home to actually get to try it out.
It took a little to get it working. But once I did I've had nothing but fun with this thing.
It basically takes the greatness of "Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots" and goes "one louder" by making them remote controlled cars.
You chase each other around until one of you bumps the other on one of the two side buttons, sending your opponent's driver into the air. It's a lot of fun.