Saturday, June 5, 2010

Goodbye for now

So leaving the island became even harder now. And my current mainland residence can't help but feel a bit empty. Sometimes leaving the TV on helps.

Thanks Hawaii. For an amazing six years. I look forward to returning to your 'aina. And picking up this blog where I left off.

The story continues here:

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thank You For The Outpouring

We appreciate all of your kind words of consolation and donations made in her name.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Nunu, the Greatest

It breaks my heart to tell you that yesterday as we were preparing to all go to the airport Nunu was struck by a car as she crossed the street. She died in my arms.

We are burying her in the Pet Garden at Valley of the Temples in Kaneohe. Nunu hated the water so we couldn't bring ourselves to having her ashes scattered in the ocean. Three months from now you'll be able to find a bronze plaque inscribed with just her name there. If you'd like to leave a flower or a toy, I'm sure she'd love it.

Please understand that I have turned off commenting on this blog because I really can't deal with approving them all. I did go through and label the posts that feature her should you want to go through them.

We love and miss her very much.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

One Last Thing Before We Go

Before leaving the island we knew we wanted to do Dining in the Dark at Formaggio Grill in Kailua one last time. This time we really did it right by getting a big group together so we had the room to ourselves. First we put our blindfolds on and they lead us in.
Sit us down.
I made sure I had my protective napkin in place.
And as usual you start with the silverware.
But eventually you just move onto hands.

Hanging in NY with Bobby Moynihan

So the night I did the NY Times talk with Damon, Carlton and Michael Emerson I hung out with Bobby Moynihan from SNL.
It turns out he was a huge LOST fan and even met me once before when I was in NY for the Todd McFarlane toy release.

My favorite part of the evening was when Kelsey Grammer came over to our table to congratulate me. We had both been in the movie Good Humor Man together.
Suddenly these two Scottish women were right on his heels asking me for a picture. Without missing a beat, Kelsey volunteers to take it.
It was kinda surreal.
They had no clue who he was.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Almost Made It

Damn. This cup survived the trip from New York to San Francisco to Honolulu. And then as I'm looking for something in my suitcase I set a bag down too hard and I heard the ominous "clink."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Finale Day

I chose to watch the finale in Hawaii with my friends.
I figured this was where it all started so this was where it should end.

And I baked. We decided to make it a bread, wine and cheese spread. And then popped a cork at the end of the night. It was nice.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spoiler from the Finale

Hurley loses his keys in the flash sideways.
And you'll never guess where he finds them.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My New York Trip

Had lunch with Michael Emerson at the Red Eye Grill, home of the "dancing shrimp." (That's them dancing in the background.)
In Time Square there was a clock counting down to the finale.
It's blurry because I took it from the car as I was heading to the NY Times talk.

This is Matt.
He's the video engineer for the New York Times talk and a grower of awesome beards.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just Discovered a LOST 365

I just found this website called LOST 365.

Jared Stumpenhorst is an artist who is doing a different LOST inspired illustration a day for the entire final season.

Check some of this stuff out.

Just Saw an Amazing Play

Tonight I had the opportunity to see the production of August Wilson's Fences at the Cort Theater.
It was amazing. If you get a chance to go, go. Denzel Washington is fantastic, but I was in awe of Viola Davis. She has a moment (and you'll know it when it happens) that is so incredibly fearless and moving it will blow you away.

In the audience there was a bit of a scene as well. Lenny Kravitz, Aretha Franklin, and Will Smith and Jada were all in attendance. So I'm guessing this show is the hot ticket right now.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Crashed the LOST viewing party at the Knitting Factory

Last night Damon, Carlton, Burky, Daniel and me went out to Brooklyn to check out the Knitting Factory. Apparently they do a pretty serious LOST night there with live music from the band Previously On Lost.
It was fun to surprise everyone including the band which are pretty damn awesome to see live.
Here's a taste of their cover of "You All Everybody."

I also found this from their first set that night, although technically it was before we got there.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Little Behind The Scenes Moment

This is from the episode "The Candidate."
The shot was walking up this hill in Manoa Valley.

In fact it was so wet and muddy here that when I grabbed onto this fallen tree, the wood crumbled in my hands.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Did an Interview with AOL Television

Thought it turned out well. They definitely caught me at my most animated.

Blogger kinda cuts off the right side of the picture so if you want the link, it's here:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

In the Season of Lasts I Just Had Another

Yesterday was my last ADR session on LOST

From Wikipedia:

Automated dialogue replacement / post-sync

Automated dialogue replacement (ADR) is the process of re-recording the original dialogue after filming for the purpose of obtaining a cleaner, more intelligible dialogue track (also known as looping or a looping session).[1] In the UK it is called post-synchronisation or post-sync.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I had a 1 in 10 chance that my subscription copy of Entertainment Weekly would arrive with me on the cover. Like this:

I got Josh.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Best Pizza in Hawaii

is on Maui.

We went to
in Paia.

It was hands down the best pizza we had eaten since relocating to the islands.
In fact it was so good we ended up ordering an extra pizza to go after we were finished with our lunch.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Not Quite My Last Day At Kualoa Ranch

These are pictures I took a while back when I was shooting on Kualoa Ranch.
We thought this was going to be our last day here. But as the rain became plentiful and the daylight became scarce, we knew we would return once again.Something to keep in mind when shooting on Kualoa Ranch:

We are only renting space here.

The real owners of the ranch

are the cows.

So watch your step. Even at lunch.