Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Best Pizza in Hawaii

is on Maui.

We went to
in Paia.

It was hands down the best pizza we had eaten since relocating to the islands.
In fact it was so good we ended up ordering an extra pizza to go after we were finished with our lunch.


  1. Mmmmmm... pizza! Now I know where to go when I visit the islands.

    Hey, is that an engagement ring on Beth's finger???!!!

  2. terribly enough, i just discovered your blog and boy do i love it!!! i can't believe you're an amateur bread maker... needless to say i'm a huge lost+hurley fan and i have a baking blog and... this is so cool!!! :) i'd say, try making pizza dough! home made one is soooo good!

    i'll keep on reading!


  3. Huh! We've got those here in Maine. I thought it was a totally local chain. Great, great pizza!

  4. Is that an engagement ring on Beth's hand?? Am I late to the party? Did everyone else already know this?

  5. Dude, the words "wood fired" and pizza are ALWAYS a combination for win... at least in my experience.

    That does look good.

  6. I must remember this in the unlikely event I ever make it to Hawaii!

  7. This is not pizza, but it is GOOD food:
    If you ever get to the Big Island again soon, try U-Top-It in Kailua-Kona. It is a smaller place, but they make amazing crepes there.
    My husband made us go there twice during the week and can't wait to get back. Me? I am Japanese and I just love any breakfast with eggs and rice. All over Hawaii has my favorite breakfast!

    Love your blog, Jorge!

  8. If you find yourself in New England, we have those here, too. It's funny - they are in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts ... and Hawaii. And they are all all-natural, and all incredibly delicious.

  9. Looks delicious!!! Jorge you were hilarious on Kimmel!! The best part was showing Beth in the Rat scene on national TV. I was crying this morning laughing!

  10. I concur with that ... some of the best pizza on the islands. It was fine when you were on Oahu as that was not my island but now you are making me homesick for my ohana and Maui. Regardless ... thank you. Enjoy!!!

  11. I love you Hurley! Thank you so much for sharing your favorites and opinions on a blog. You are a Fantastic actor! I started watching LOST this year,and was hooked from the start! I am almost caught up to season 6, and will be very sad when it all ends.

  12. Oh man!! I've heard of this place. Have always ended up at Mama's Fish House in Paia (I know, tourist trap, but still good). I'm sure you've had the best shortbread cookies as well? From Honolulu Cookie Company. Came across their shop in Lahaina (complete with SAMPLES). My gosh....some of the best shortbread cookies I've ever had. The Kona Coffee one is to die for.

  13. Love Paia - my favorite small town on Maui.

  14. Jorge,

    Your scene on the beach at the end of last night's episode really got to me.

    Thanks for the last 6 years.


    P.S. - And that pizza looks delicious!

  15. anything on Oahu? I know good pizza here is hard to come by. Our North Shore choices a few.

  16. hell yea, bet it wasn't large and up to 5 toppings for ten dollars!! HaHa

  17. yummy :). I enjoy Lost very much and I can't wait until the big finale but at the same time it make me sad. Hurley is my favorite character with Claire, Miles and Sawyer.
    Love from Canada

  18. Ooh drats. We'll have to wait til we get to Maui again to try it out. I was so hopeful it was on Oahu! Thanks for the tip. :)

  19. That looks amazing, I want to go to there!

  20. I like Pizza, it's my favorite food! but...I eat Pizza one time per year.

  21. Oh man. Now I want pizza.

    Unrelated -- you made us cry during last night's episode of LOST. It was so sad! :(

  22. Nothing to do with pizza, but you crying on last night's ep made me want to die. Fine acting, sir.

  23. Yummy! Now I HAVE to have pizza for luch...
    (Hey Jorge, please tell me that you will keep posting, we really love your blog)

  24. Have you ever been to Boots and Kimo's in Kailua (Oahu)? My family and I were there nearly every day during our vacation. The macadamia nut pancakes are HEAVEN!

  25. i'm spoilt..i like making my own pizzas..matter of fact i'm making 2 of them this friday for my granddaughter and her soon to be's what they ask for for birthdays instead of cake.

    by the way..i cried like a baby at end of last nights show..i held it together till you started to cry and then i lost it...feck!

  26. On live on Oahu but went to Maui with my family a few months ago. We stopped here to eat too... Very yummy! Although, I am from NY and I am dying for some good REAL pizza!! ;)

  27. Looks like I`ve gotta take a trip to Hawaii to eat some pizza! Looks absolutely delicious! :D

  28. i've always wanted to eat pizza at the hawaiian flatbread company! i live near two of their other locations (in portland, maine & north conway, new hampshire - by the ocean & in the mountains, respectively) and get pizza there as often as i possibly can. they also have locations in CT & MA... i've always thought it was awesome that their only non-new-england location is in hawaii. so.. if you ever find yourself in the north east - you can enjoy some more flatbread deliciousness.

  29. You speak the TRUTH. I live on the south side of Maui, and I happily drive to Paia to hit up Flatbread. It's UH-mazing.

    Hopefully you had a chance to walk just a few short strides up the street and hit up Ono Gelato for dessert. If not, then get on it for next time. That's one of my favorite Saturday afternoon things to do. Flatbread + Ono Gelato = Smiles.

    Next time you come back to Maui, if you're on the South Side, hit up WokStar and/or Pita Paradise. Both are small joints with HUGE flavors, and great Maui atmosphere. You can bring your own booze to WokStar, and that's fun.

    Oh wait, are you still here?

  30. Jorge, you can't go wrong with pizza!! It's my husband's favorite food.

  31. this is not related to your post but to last night's episode. I have read two write ups of the show (Kristen from E Online and Jeff Jensen from EW) and they both mention your scene at the end when you broke down as they moment they broke down watching. your acting in that scene was powerful. thank you.

  32. We have one of those in North Conway, NH too. My wife is bringing me dinner from there tonight. Crazy the small New England company has made it's way out to Hawaii.

  33. "Wood Fired Love" has to be the greatest slogan!!

  34. wow!! that pizza looks so awesome it really made me super hungry.
    First of all I wont bore you with "i'm such a fan and stuf" eventhough it's totally true, but thank you very much for aiding Chile with the earthquake. I'm Chilean and I saw the post you made back up in march and made me very happy, I wanted to comment but it was dissabled so again. Thank you very much for being such an awesome and cool person and at the same time making Lost my favourite series in the world

    Keep on rocking Jorge!! and thanks for supporting Chile!

  35. "wood fired"? I wonder if they have a special pizza oven for that, because that would be awesome. Looks tasty.

  36. Jorge, I've just seen 6x14 "The Candidate" It's soooo sad to see you crying!

    You are a great actor. Kisses from Canary Islands!

    PD: It seems a delicious pizza by the way :-)

  37. Is it wrong that I'm attracted to that slice?

  38. Flatbread pizza is excellent! I go to one here in Massachusetts.

  39. I'm personally attached to Big Island Pizza on the Big Island. Yum...Now you have me wanting to order some.

  40. Hey bud, you doing okay? I'm quite depressed that ya'll are not gonna be doing LOST anymore. It's sad to see it go. I bet the last filming day was an emotional one. Anyway bro, God Bless and thanks for all the laughs and tears.

    Damon DiRisio

  41. That pizza looks delicious, but what is the red stuff on top? Is it sauce?

  42. aloha, for awhile longer.
    that pizza looks to die for, wish that pizza place was in Waikiki, I wont be seeing Maui this trip.

    Well three more weeks and I will be on Oahu and you will probably be gone. Just want to wish you both and NUNU too,an easy transition into what ever great things come next.

  43. I Love Love Love Paia!! One day I hope to live there! Flatbread is the best! It's so fun to see one of my favorite places enjoyed by one of my favorite actors! Oh and PS you guys wrecked me with The Candidate on Tuesday. Stellar! Can't wait to see how it all ends. Thanks for 6 great years and this wonderful blog! I look forward to what you do next. - Thanks from a totally nerdy fan

  44. Jorge!!! today i saw the 6x14 chapter of Lost....the only thing i can say is: WHYYYY???????? =( =(
    i'm afraid of the last chapter....uff..i think i'll get traumatized xD

    very good work anyway,i'll miss u!you MUST start another thing,we want to keep seeing you on TV! ejjej
    Oh! and that pizza looks very very nice!!!!!did you repit the bread experiment??lol
    kisssssessss!!!! :3

  45. Oh, my Gosh!!!! I live in New Hampshire, and we have one in North Conway. I thought it was a local place, but we have the same boxes as you pictured! They are hands down the best pizza I have ever eaten. If you ever find yourself in northern New England, rest assured you can find great pizza!

    BTW, have read your blog for about a year now but never commented before, am a total Lost junkie, and am very sad to see it almost over....

  46. Jorge,

    You lucky dude. mmmmmm pizza!! If I ever make it to Maui I know where to go, and I'll say Jorge and Beth sent me!

  47. Oooh, that looked like my favorite Flatbread pizza, with roasted red peppers and goat cheese. Flatbread also does benefit nights for local non-profits and progressive political candidates. They're a good company - and they make a fine pizza.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Flatbread was awesome when we were there. Mmmmm! I took pictures to remember it :)

  50. Flatbread! That's so funny! I live in Massachusetts, and I'd been to the one in Bedford. On their website they have a list of their locations, and you see Massachusetts, Maine, NH, Connecticut ... and Paia Maui! WHAT!? Ha! That's great that you found the place and liked it so much.

    (The pizza at Kona Brewing Company in Hawaii Kai is pretty good too, I thought.)

  51. Oh but it needs pineapple!! Yum :)

  52. Hmmm looks good but hey you really should try pizza with no cheese (Like my husband makes!) To die for!!!

  53. there's a new place called "Pizza in the Raw" on the main island. Its owned by one of the child extras parents and its awesome!!

  54. You guys should try V Lounge Pizza before you move. It's a bit underground so very few know about it. The chef (formerly pastry chef at Nobu) spent over 6 months building a Kiawe fired oven and it is authentic Neopolitan pizza with hand pulled mozzarella, tomatoes and flour imported from Italy, but all the produce is local, from Mao. It was better than anything I had while living in LA. I took a twitpic when we went last week. The Boquerones look a little weird but my husband loves fish anything. If you go early, they open at 5, the atmosphere is low key, hardly anyone there (it is an after hours chef spot like Side Street that goes big after 10) Good luck in LA, I will miss being your neighbor. -Vicki in Lanikai

  55. Jorge, it was literally "awesome" sitting next to you on the flight over from LAX to HNL! I've never been so starstruck... I was still reeling from the episode the night before (Sun and Jin dying on the sub) and then to have you next to me for six hours was mind blowing. We flew on to Kauai to chill for a week. If I ever get to Maui again, I'll make it a point to check out this pizza. Will keep reading your blog and look forward to your next project!

  56. I live in Haiku, 7min away and eat there often.. What did you get ? The Mopsy's is oh so good.. Kalua pork, with the best damn bbq sauce ever.. Mmmm, I'm getting hungry now : )

    Love and Aloha, Kalani-

  57. OMG yes!!!! Flatbread in Paia NO KA OI!!! I even thought about getting married up in this bitch, but instead I had our day after "hangover lunch" there. AMAZING AMAZING pizza.
