Monday, March 22, 2010

Quote From Beth

"Make the good old bread... days.
Don't make those nasty wheat breads anymore."

She wants the Lahey bread.


  1. She should tell you how she really feels about that wheat bread! (wink) Maybe it's not the bread, but what you are putting on it. The pic of your whole wheat loaf below looks delicious!

  2. Wow - lots o' new posts. I've been baking bread lately, too. I changed around an Irish Soda bread recipe so it is now Irish~Italian Soda bread. I added rosemary and some other herbs in place of the caraway seeds and lemon. And it's part wheat.

    So, did you like the wheat bread?

  3. did you check out the artesian bread book?...I have been making home made pizza from scratch..dough, sauce, etc. they are so famous now. for my granddaughters birthday I got them all the stuff they would need to make their own pizzas, pan, cutter spices and the recipe for the dough and sauce..they think I girls.

  4. I love ww I found a brand that only has 10 carbs..and since I'm a diabetic..that's great..

  5. Beth, are funny! What doing Nunu there! She like your bread, Jorge???

  6. the Lahey bread IS the best. I am so in love with that recipe right now. We just had it the other night with rosemary and thyme thrown in, and I felt so gourmet that I made something SO delicious all by myself.

  7. Here is some REALLY SCARY bread:

    At least you're not making this kind of bread.

  8. Thank you so much for last night Jorge :) thanks for answering my question! I'm sure the speed of them were bewildering :O

  9. jaja poor Beth!
    uffff sorry but the last pic of a loaf looks carcinogen!! :( ajajaj
    but i think the others looks great!! agrrrrr (drool)
    What did Nunu say about your creations? did you give her any piece of bread? *_*
    When i buy bread,i use to eat a bit of it before arriving home..jojo i can't wait!
    Kisses from spain!

    Pd: i wish you put some photos of you with the other losties!!!!! *_* (if they don't mind) it would be great!!! :D

  10. Beth likes the bread that's bad for ye, LOL

  11. just wanted to say that your a impressive actor who plays a consequential character on lost and has perfect comic calibration and keeps me infused in the program.

    i figured you get these all the time so i would use the help of my handy dandy thesaurus to keep it original.

  12. She should try Irish brown soda bread sometime. My Irish sister-in-laws (all 6 of them) call it making a brown cake. It is dense with a soft crumb and incredible tasting. Of course, it tastes best in Ireland. Must be the freshness and low protein content of the flour. Real Irish soda bread contains only four ingredients: flour, salt, soured milk and soda. It takes minutes to mix. Even Beth could make it.

  13. I have to laugh you saying quote from Beth gave me pause. Cause well thats my name too. LOL.

    Anyway wheat bread is an acquired taste. Plus if you are using the wrong kind of wheat in the bread it might not turn out well.

    I like those pictures of bread though they are delicious looking.

  14. I never could bake bread, you are doing a great job! Looks good! I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan of yours! My mom found your blog and sent me a link! I was thrilled! Now I get to stalk ya..(LOL j/k). I would love to get an autograph from you!!! Your awesome! Thanks for being you!

  15. I saw "Jim Lahey" and immediately thought of Trailer Park Boys!

  16. I'll eat the bread! Haha, I'm sure she knows what she is talking about.

  17. I have never wanted to indulge in a loaf as much as I did reading the blogs tonight.
    Huuuunnngggrrreeeeyyyy now. Off to oatmeal.

  18. I love randomly immortalizing words...:)

  19. Your bread looks great!
    I´m living in bread-land Germany, but for me the best bread is the simplest. The Baguette! I could eat it all day long.

  20. Um, I'd listen to her. You kinda owe her after the whole rat ordeal.

  21. I read that as the 'Fahey' bread... OMG... I'm such a LOST geek.

  22. Is it really that bad? or is she just a white bread girl? Many of us live vicariously through you in the kitchen. Inquiring minds want to know.

  23. Perhaps this is a metaphoric freudism of sorts, and her subconscious has slipped, thus producing this unfounded tension with your wheat bread.

    I'll tell you what Ive learned about womens, Jorge. They are known for and boast about their abilities to communicate, yet, at times, by and by, I think we menfolk commmunicate way more effectively.

    Either this, or Beth is right, and your wheat bread just plain sucks...

  24. Oh please. The wheat flour I'm using is fantastic. The bread is delicious. Beth is just being a baby.

    And I DID make Irish Brown Soda Bread last St. Pat's. It was kinda like making a giant biscuit or scone.

  25. Jorge,

    Do you take orders for your bread??? It certainly looks delicious, and I'd definitely be willing to be your tester! =)

  26. are you a loyal Borders customer? or do buy elsewhere? just wondering from a former co-worker and very loyal fan!

  27. How about a L O S T bakery book?
    One to get you going B&W cookies

  28. Have you ever made beer bread?? The type of beer you use makes a difference to the taste. I like mine with mexican beer...yum!

  29. Thanks for answering my question! I am sure the speed of them were be respectability.
