Monday, March 1, 2010

Man. When are my NPR podcasts going to get a new sponsor?

It's hard to hear "Siemens" over and over again.


  1. At least you've heard of us ...

  2. I was just thinking that when I was listening to the hourly update this morning. Kinda cringeworthy when you're trying to eat your breakfast yogurt.

  3. Jorge,

    Siemens? Hee Hee. I had an accounting professor who had a last name of Seaman (pronounce semen). I giggled all year! I'm now waiting for a Professor Fart!

  4. dude - i'm going to submit this to the "white whine" blog

  5. It's true. My fav. podcasts seem to all be sponsored by MathWorks or Siemens. I'm ready for a new sponsor too...

  6. Try working for them, brother. Telling your Grandma you work for Siemens. NOT COOL!

    Great blog, btw. Thanks! Oh and Lost is awesome too.

  7. friends and I write a blog at and we want to write an article called, "Why Jorge Garcia Should Be My Best Friend" that okay? Do you approve? Thanks,
    Rachel Eastin

  8. I know what you mean. I love NPR podcasts--I listen to about 15 of them regularly, but you're right it's always the same sponsor. You'd think someone else would pitch in. Maybe I should be glad that someone sponsors them, eh?

  9. I worked at Siemens for 7 years, and it took me 2 months before I could say where I worked with a straight face.

  10. LOL! Well, good thing that they are generally worth it. It would be nice to hear "sponsored by the Dharma Initiative" though. :)

  11. Jorge, the Obi Wan and Samurai lines were delivered so dead pan. Good work. You crack me up.

    Season 6 is awesome and frustrating. Worth the wait...but how the hell are you wrapping all this up?

  12. Jorge, You've probably seen this Simpson-esque version of the Lost cast. Very cool!

  13. Oh god. They got you too? They have commercials here and I can't help but laugh like an 8 year old every time.

  14. Jorge,

    Just got an autographed picture from you in the mail and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to do that. Great picture and the blue ink really made it look great. Good luck with the final season of Lost and beyond.

  15. Would you rather have them be sponsored by "Kum & Go" gas stations?

    (I know you're from So Cal so have probably seen a few Kum & Gos before)

    Sorry. I'm in a puerile mood.

  16. I feel for you. I have to hear "Siemens" for a living. :/

  17. ok, I'm going to sound stupid here but - whats a NPR podcast?

    Jayne in the UK

  18. better than 'go compare, go compare' (sorry, UK in-joke!) :)
    love your blog by the way, always cheers me up, and man, do i need it today!

  19. is good?

  20. Hi man! I like your podcast, please don't change -Seamens!!!!

  21. Jorge, like another commenter I just got the pic you sent--thanks! I'll post a pic of the LOST shadow boxes when I'm done--as long as they don't look like cheesy 3rd-grade dioramas!:0

    Siemens always cracks me up--had friends who worked there & no one could say it with a straight face.

  22. Last time we were in the market for cordless phone were were looking at a nice set made by Siemens. In the end my husband said (jokingly) that he couldn't pick up a phone that has Seimen on it.

  23. HAH!
    I work in an IVF clinic and i hear the word 80 bazillion times a day - and i still giggle in my head. :)

  24. It is pronounced Zimans in Germany.

  25. Hi Jorge--I also just got the pic you sent--thanks! :) I'll post shadow box pics if they don't end up looking like 3rd grade dioramas :\

  26. Hey dude,

    Gave you and Beth's 3 sites a big shout-out as my Weekly Website this week:

    Also going to advertise the podcast in my weekly round-up!

    Keep up the blogging and the 'casting - I love it all, and you two are so cool and friendly :) thanks for all the responses over the years - although they are understandably brief, it means a lot to me to know you are actually reading our responses and feedback and actually care about your fans.

    Wishing you all the best!

    - Chris

  27. Who woulda thunk the temple didn't have a top?

    O! Off the subject... thank you sooo much for the picture. A 2 week turn-around is unbelievable! My friends are jealous! Yeah me! HA HA. You're awesome!!


  29. Jorge,

    Check out this funny vid featuring Hugo!!

  30. i don't know how much of this you might already know...
    traditionally in electric engineering, resistance of something is measured in ohms. the symbol for that is omega (Ω).
    there is something called conductance, which is just the reciprocal of resistance (G=1/R).
    this was originally measured in mhos, and the symbol was an upside down omega (℧).

    it looks like someone though "mhos" was too silly and decided to start measuring conductance in "Siemens", named after Ernst Werner von Siemens.

    yeah, that sure helped.

  31. I always got the ones that were sponsored by Grey Goose! I don't even drink... Vodka!
