Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's windy here today.

So windy it blew off the top of the temple.


  1. Guess its the Smoke Monster.. Watchout.. :-D

  2. i was JUST wondering yesterday what the temple looks like in real life :D awesome! thanks for posting the pic! ;)
    greetings from hungary!

  3. Hahahahahaha...wait wait I just can't stop laughing now xD hahaha really nice one xD

  4. ops.. are you sure it was wind and not something black and... smoky ? :)

  5. Wait, you're telling me the temple isn't real!?! Next you'll be saying the Lost island doesn't exist...

  6. Jorge,

    Glad to hear that you are all safe in Hawaii. Temple? Looks like a greenhouse. Is that where you have been growing those killer tomatoes?

  7. Good to read you are safe! I hope the wind doesn't do much damage!

    Take care

  8. OMG, some work will have to be done, I guess. Whatever, GLAD to hear you and Beth and Nunu are ok.

    Been worried about you guys since I heard words like tsunami and such.

    BE SAFE, we love you.


  9. Glad you're safe and only wind blown!

    Didn't know if you'd seen this yet:

  10. looks great!
    for what are the wires?

  11. Haha! Wow. That is awesome though to see the Temple like that

  12. The top of the temple has disappointed me ¬¬
    we want more photos!
    i hope everything is OK in Hawaii!
    Lots of kisses from spain! :3

  13. It's windy too here (Strasbourg, FRANCE) more than 100Km/h

  14. oh man that's crazy.. Dude, do you think this site will be open to public to visit at some point in March? it looks amazing and i really wanna check it out..

    take care man

  15. ...anticlimactic.


  16. Oh no, not the temple! :( Glad you guys missed the Tsunami. :)

  17. wow, such a difference in the architecture there.

  18. Wow, is that the base of the temple? I didn't know that the rest was CG. Pretty neat. Speaking of CG, I do find it a little comical that anytime we see big structures on LOST (the statue, the lighthouse) the CG team likes to put in birds flying around the object.

  19. windy but not knee deep in water!

  20. Your reality is invading my fantasy! How dare you!! ;-) (Thanks for the photo.)

  21. Is that for real, or is the top of the temple just digital and I'm gullible?

  22. did the smoke monster huff and puff and blow the roof off?

  23. I love seeing behind the scenes - thanks for the literal picture!

  24. Ooooh The Temple! Sooooo nice!!! =D
    It's nice when you post pictures like these.

    Hugs Jorgeman!!!

  25. For real?! or are you just messing with us??

  26. Glad you all are okay! :)
    Keep up the great work

  27. That's one nice temple you got there Mr H!

  28. Jorge, Thanks for the picture. I'm a little worried about Hurley though. He seems to be wearing a red shirt this year!! That's not always good for characters, is it? I'll hope for the best.

  29. Aww, that's a shame. You would think the Island inhabitants of yore would put more importance on architectural integrity ;)

  30. Wow, that kind of takes some of the mystical coolness out of it ;). It looks pretty amazing on TV.

  31. Did it literally blow the whole roof off what we as viewers see as the temple?????

  32. You can't fool me! Obviously the top half went through a time-shift to a thousand years in the future when the temple is rebuilt with a new modern design and materials.

  33. OMG! That is an awesome photo!! love catching up on your blog :)

  34. I hope the kitchen is still in there !

  35. Happy to see that all of you are safe, by the way. Keep up the good work!!

  36. LOL!!!! :) That's so disillusioning ;-)

  37. Wow. XD It took me a minute to realize exactly what that was. Hahaha. Perhaps the other Others should hire a new builder...just sayin'

  38. OMG OMG OMG! Don't you dare tease us!!! C'mon. What's the secret behind the temple????

  39. Haha!! yeah,it was pretty windy here. For some reason we decided to go to the waterpark!

  40. "quick dudes, lets all go and take shelter in the bright shiney warehouse that has suddenly appeared!!!!"


  42. no need to post this. It's a general comment/question about the last episode of LOST "the Lighthouse".

    At the lighthouse when there is the scene between you and Matthew, with all the names written down on the wheel, the last name Moorhead was right above Shepard. Where did they get the names from? Do you know? Because in all seriousness, you do NOT come across Moorhead spelled like Moorhead, like, ever. In my wonderful imagination I'd like to think you had something to do with it. Was it coincidence or fate? ha ha Or perhaps you have no stinking clue as to what I'm talking about. :P - Ali

  43. Hiya Jorge--------

    So glad the big wave was a wash-out,we were worried about you Island folk back here on the mainland.

    As Hurley is deserving of some good luck after all that has happened since the numbers I am happy to see he gets some in the alternate reality (or what ever you call it) and was wondering how much more of that Hurley we may get to see.

    The top to the temple--is it made of foam and is a real set or do you green screen it?

    Love the show------Dave in Florida

  44. WOW! bwahaha! That is funny.

    Hope things are okay though. :)

  45. Wow, I hope it can be rebuild again easily. Such a cool set, by the way.


  46. Hi, Jorge. It is my first time in your blog, and I dare to write you because I love Hurley, and I think that the person behind the character is so nice and good like that. It's a privilege that you give us the chance of talking with you.

    This last week the nature has been terrific anywhere. In Europe (I write you from Barcelona, in Spain) we had one "perfect storm" this weekend, and we have a winter with too much rain. I wish the best for the people who has suffered earthquakes and big storms.

    I'm sorry about my english, I suspect that my election of words is not the correct one, even my grammar, brrrr!

    Que te vaya bonito! (the meaning would be: I wish your life pretty).

    Oh, a litte joke I made with myself: in the Babel Fish translator I write: "que te vaya bonito", and the traslation is: "that tuna goes to you", haha!

    Regards to you and everyone of this blog.

  47. Hardy har har! Sweet photo though.

  48. Woah! That's funny! Thanks for sharing!!

  49. what the temple isn't real?!?! ...haha... thats an awesome picture though. darn wind.

  50. So, let me get this straight...

    The top of the temple is now LOST?!?

  51. yikes, glad all is well. sorry if you've already answered this: will u stop blogging once you leave hawaii and lost ends?

  52. whoa! did our 'chilly' wind actually bust up the temple facade or did they remove it to prevent it from blowing off? This pic is too crazy cool/surreal!

  53. The ropes attached to the studio are for running a large silk across in case the sun shines too bright for the shot.

  54. Thanks for the answer Jorge!
    Always willing to learn from the pro´s for my own little productions : )

  55. Hihihi! Looks like Dharma station!

  56. Oh noes the temple! Now where do you hide from Smoky? Glad ya'll are okay over in Hawaii!

  57. Nice. drive by the studio few weeks ago and was wondering what it was from the outside!:)

  58. OMG, that is so funny. I did not even stop once to think about what some of the sets must look like in person before any effects are added in. I didn't think you were actually working at a real temple, but I never thought about it being partially built on a studio lot. Very cool.

  59. Jorge, Had to drop you a note to tell you that my lovely sister won the LOST collectors basket at the Le Jardin Academy auction and sent it to me as a birthday gift. Thanks to you and the cast for signing the Season 5 DVD set!
