Friday, March 26, 2010

Hey. The Black Pearl's in Town

I got a good look at it at work the other day.


  1. Hey, I just saw this week's episode of "Lost"--we were out of town--was Hurley lying to Richard when he told him that his wife said "one more thing"???

  2. don't you mean the black rock?

  3. Haha! It was not suposed to be in the island?

  4. wow, what a sight amigo!! we're so freaked out with the last episode...the black pearl is almost a leyend, I guess hehe.
    BTW, your blog is awsome dude!!
    saludos desde el país vasco, al norte de españa! ;)

  5. have you seen Jack Sparrow too? ;)

  6. I saw the Black Pearl when I was in Ensenada about 2-3 years ago. Last year it wasn't there and someone said when it's gone is when they will start filming.

  7. OMG - it's ALL the ships. Jorge, you have a kick ass job sometimes!

  8. that's cool! they're not making another pirates movie are they?

  9. Very cool, but if you look closely, it also appears that the SS Minnow has found it's way off Gilligan's Island...with a new shade of blue... :)

  10. That's AWESOME! I can't wait for the fourth movie!

  11. That's so cool! We had the chance to linger over the Flying Dutchman up close when it was parked at Castaway Cay.

    Whoa, wait - are they filming the next movie already? Maybe they could give you a cameo as a pirate. :D

  12. Any relation to the black rock? :-P

  13. Wow, I didnt know production on the next Pirates movie already started. Thats so cool!

  14. Hey, I don't see there, - Jack Sparow! :) What???? Pirates of caribian sea 4 is filming in Hawai????!

    P.S. Jorge! if you want you can found yourself in my last post! :)

  15. I am sorry for having to be a dork, BUT, I love your character & you do an awesome job! I've been "lurking" but never comment. After this past weeks ep. 'Ab Aeterno' I had to! That was the best ep. so far. Shirtless 'Sawyer' & girly man'Jack' dont even turn my head anymore! You Rock, from the biggest LOST fan in Ohio~R~
    *cool Black Pearl, btw*

  16. sweet! is johnny depp in town also or is it just the ship so far? also, do celebrities ever get excited about meeting other celebrities? just curious...

  17. Pearls... Rocks... Hawaii gets 'em all. (Wonder if there are any sticks of dynamite in the Pearl)

    Also... not too many people could say they saw it "at work" as casually as you. :D

  18. Y'all are so LOST-focused you aren't paying attention! Black Pearl = ship from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Silly people. That's not the Black Rock. :)

  19. I think you would be an awesome pirate

  20. One of the coolest things about Google Earth is you can look up sunken ships and sunken subs- it's amazing how much history lives a few feet under water- and just beautiful to see the fun of tall ships in movies, too. (Okay, so it wasn't all fun for people on those things, but our school trips to the mayflower every year rocked.)

  21. My car is also called The Black Pearl what do you call yours?

  22. Jorge,

    Avast there, did ye dance the hempen jig or go aboard to walk the plank? Aaaargh (darn I had a parrot on my shoulder and it flew away and left a zip code :P)

  23. Is it still at barbers point? were you guys filming on the west side??

  24. I don't think they are filming it now. Johnny Depp is in France (I think) filming a movie with Angelina Jolie. Loved the show this week (as always) Jorge. I am getting really nervous for all my fovorite people on the show. Which is pretty much the whole cast. Thanks for all you do for the fans Jorge.

  25. Jorge,

    Ace of cakes is wanting you to come and do their 100th episode! Check out Mary Alice's blog:

  26. Wow me ha encantado el capitulo sobre ricardo.Porfin un capitulo en Españo!! haber cuando vuelves al hormiguero!!

    Saludos desde España

  27. coll pic due, more informations about it? ;)

  28. This is hysterical because when watching the latest epi I kept calling the ship in the jungle The Black Pearl...and everyone I was watching the show with kept correcting me. So see, even tho it wasn't featured in your show, it WAS there. So I was sorta correct after all.

  29. you won an award over at my blog..check it out so you can pass it along

  30. Looks like the S.S. Minnow in front of it. You know, the Gilligan's Island ship.

  31. That is so cool! I love Pirates of the Carribean! You are so lucky!!! (No pun intended!)

  32. Ugh, so jealous! I considered creating a makeshift Pirate outfit and sporadically running onto their set to try to get into the move.

    But..considering that didn't work out so well when they filmed Predator here and I was running through the forest with various kitchen utensils strapped to my person, probably not.

  33. You have some of the funniest readers! LOL @ Fletch. I'm sad they are making another PoC movie. I thought three was good enough!

  34. Oooh! And you can see the Smoke Monster to the right, presumably working on his blocking (since he has no lines to speak of) before going to make-up to be made black. Sweet!

  35. Is it a dumb question to ask why there is no mast?

  36. We just got back from a week in Ko'Olina, and I have some GREAT pics of the Black Pearl! Yes, it's still at Barbers Point Harbor. The security guard wouldn't let me past the fence, but he did let me stand right up against it and take lots of pictures.

    By the way, Jorge, I love your blog! Been following it for months.

  37. how can i been losing this blog!?!?
    yay! i'll be back for sure!
