Friday, January 29, 2010

Sometimes Owning Nunu...

is a lot like owning a monkey.


  1. Are you on the set of Lost in the second picture? I think Nunu would scare the crap out of my lab puppy. He thinks he owns the place.

  2. He's as cute as a dog can be! AND he works as a monkey too :)

  3. Too cute! Oh, and Nunu is adorable as well. *g*

    Thanks for all the fun stuff you share with us, Jorge. You WILL keep the blog going even after the unmentionable happens, right?

    : ) P

  4. don't you mean being owned by Nunu?

  5. yeah, what's up with those little dogs wanting to be right next to you? LOL....they love to snuggle all the time. mine will drape himself around my neck. loves to put his head under my chin. small but very protective and will fight anything to protect me no matter how much bigger it is than him. maybe thay's why I cook him breakfast? LOL :D

  6. Rename her Chim Chim. Then teach her to do tricks and perform for guests.

  7. My 35 pound pooch would so do that if I let her. She used to curl up between my lap and the car door when she was a pup!

  8. I think that qualifies as her owning you, Bro. ;)

  9. She is just the cutest little dog...

  10. absolutely adorable! I love my cat Cobra but I want a little puppy so badly!

  11. Haha, that is so cute! My dog tries to do that, but he's a fat little terrier who just ends up rolling off :')

    He tried sit on my Grandma's shoulder the day before she was going on holiday to Mexico and as he fell, he clawed her in the eye and she has a massive black eye for weeks!

  12. You should get that growth on your neck checked out.

  13. It's obvious Nunu loves her daddy!

  14. i think my cat dexter would eat nunu..but you both seem pretty happy with the arrangement.

  15. Yes! Please keep the blog going....That dog is so cute. I wonder what her thoughts are when she's on her perch.

  16. Awwww. Too cute! My cat Peaches likes to perch on my shoulder too. I tend to think of her more as a parrot, but monkey seems to fit Nunu quite well!

  17. Jorge,

    Nunu is so cute. To bad lost already has a patron saint dog (Vincent).

  18. She DOES like perching on your shoulder, but that makes me think of a pirate's parrot, too, not just of a monkey! Nunu's adorable, Jorge! Thanks for the great pics of her!

  19. My Chinchilla does that too. Gotta love it!

  20. surely by now you should realize that nunu owns you, not the other way around.

  21. I'm glad to see that my pup is not the only one who believes she belongs on my shoulder.

  22. I think your popularity is taking a back seat to Nunu...;o)

  23. For the record: She is MUCH cuter than a monkey.

    Any chance she's 1/2 cat though?

  24. One of my cats does that. Not much fun having a 14-pound long-haired cat wrapped around your neck in 90-degree weather!

  25. hehehe so pup does the same thing to me!

  26. Awesome all your pictures with Nunu! =D
    She's a dog "or a parrot?" (2)
    Hugs Jorgeman!!!

  27. How adorable! And quite agile. ;)

  28. Jorge, I am so sorry to hear about Nunu. I've gotten such happiness out of your posts about her, and seeing how much she brightened your life and Beth's. What a wonderful dog. Don't know what to say, just know I'm sending you guys big bear hugs from PA.
