Thursday, September 17, 2009

To Clean the Palate

After my last post.
Here's the baby.


  1. You're right! This image does clear the palate! What a cutie!

  2. I shudder to think what's next. The roof gecko's.

  3. Jorge ... cute puppy!! Must have been missing you when you went out to the "Others" camp today. Sorry if we invaded your personal space while hovering outside the car. :( Hoping to see you around the island again. Cheers ... Lita and Reuben!!

  4. Excellent, this means a second course of gross is coming!

  5. Nunu bore this baby????
    I thought that Nunu is boy... :)

  6. Nunu's looking older but extremely well cared for. Sweet baby.

  7. ohh, what a beautiful dog :-)
    it is yours, Hugo?

    How is proceeding with Lost?

  8. forgive me... is that baby crowning? I heart you, seriously, but I have been laughing for a minute at this adorable dog's expense. It's the pink blanket.

  9. *long sigh of relief*

    I feel like I can breathe now after the squished geckos. Thank you!

    My cat is prone to catching lizards in the house, eating everything but the head, and then leaving these gory treats in special places for me. I'm gonna start surfing the internet for cute Nunu pictures aftr these incidents....

  10. :D Awwwwwwwwwe precious Nunu!


  11. Thanks! This is a much better picture to look at.

    We had the problem with tree frogs that hung out under the door. Now we are back to lizards.

    Thankfully none of them ever get stuck but they run into the house.

    Cats love chasing them. I don't!

  12. What can I say to that pic?


    THOSE EARS, the better to hear you with my dear. hehe


  13. What a cutie, but you know what?

  14. I was expecting a post about sorbet....

  15. Quitter: That link is hilarious!

    And, Jorge: I liked the gecko post. Laughed out loud when you said you threw it on the roof.

  16. She's such a cutie. Does she ever play with the geckos? We lost one of our dogs awhile ago to severe epilepsy (he was only almost 3 years old).

  17. Jorge!!me encanta tu perrito. yo tengo dos york-shire.
    un beso enorme desde España.

  18. Jorge!! me encanta tu perrito! yo tengo dos york-shire.
    espero con ganas la última temporada de Lost!!
    un beso grande desde España

  19. Seriously, what's wrong with your cat dude?

  20. Actually Bugs from what I've heard, Jorge has been spending more time shooting at Honolulu Airport than filming island related scenes. Heard Kate was on the run from the Marshall or something and bumped into your character at the airport.

  21. Güeno! Sorry I haven't been around theese days, Jorge. Soon I will return with my translations. Today there is not very much to translate, so no homework!

  22. Awwwww...

    But, what? Nothing about Talk Like a Pirate Day today?

  23. Nunu is just absolutely way too cute anytime, much less in her cuddley, fuzzy, powder pink doggie bed! Thanks for all your great blogs and photos, Jorge!

  24. They say a man grows to look like his dog....but your cute already!

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