Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So... where do you put the candles?

If you Google the word "cake" and then click on images.
The second image you get is this:
Creepy huh?

P.S. No, I don't usually Google things like "cake." Beth sent me the link actually. I think she's Googling "candy" now.


  1. You should visit the Cakewreks blog...much hilarity will ensue.

  2. ick!

    Remember a few years ago the e-mail that went around about "marzipan babies"? Turned out those were actually sculptures & not candy.

    BUT if that's a cake - what's the occasion??? We just had an ugly baby? Congratulations on YOUR ugly baby? Hope your baby isn't ugly.........And who could bring themselves to EAT it???

  3. Imagine if the cake was Red Velvet. Gross I would not eat that cake.

  4. Ali took my suggestion. Good suggestions run in girls named Ali/Allison. :) Cakewrecks is the best site ever. Just wait until you see the pregnant lady bust cakes. Oh, yes. They exist.

  5. check out this cool candy blog

    and keep your eyes out for the Coconut M&M's

  6. Ooh. I've seen that over at Cake Wrecks. That just crosses the creepy line a bit too much for my liking. Imagine having to cut into it. *shudder*

  7. as Ali said... http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/ it will so change your view of cakes :) She featured that cake with a few other creepy baby cakes

  8. Ok, I'll chime in with another vote for the CakeWrecks blog. It is definitely my very favorite blog! (no offense to your blog. lol)

    Ali said it best - "much hilarity will ensue" after you visit CakeWrecks. :)

  9. If the baby was sleeping on it's tummy, there would be a very obvious place to put at least one candle...

  10. Jorge,
    Your blog is so entertaining. I love how down to earth you are. I'm a LOST fan too. It's fun to know a little bit about the real Jorge.

    I got here a few months ago through a link from cakewrecks.

    Thanks for letting us in on the commom-man-turned-celebrity but still is a regular joe perspective of your life!
    Lisa - a common stay at home mom of two preschoolers in Michigan

  11. That's... positively creepy :\

    At least at the bottom of the page you get a link to Super Mario cakes: http://geekcrafts.com/tag/cake/

  12. Brings a whole new meaning to the term Babycakes. Creeeeeepy.

  13. "Creepy" is a bit understated, I think.

    "OMG, I'm never looking at another cake or another baby the same way again!" is more like it.

  14. OMG....who DOES this?!? LOL Tell me no one has ever used these guys for a baby shower. Please. Lie to me if you need to. WOW. LOL

  15. Clearly the baker has no idea what he or she is doing. You put the baby on its' side and stick the candle in the baby's ear (ear candling).


    Ugly kid cakes are all the rage now, apparently.

  16. Is that a Benjamin Button cake? That is one seriously OLD looking baby face!

    I think I might have nightmares!

    : ) P

  17. I love Cake Wrecks too! It's on my RSS feed, right along with Dispatches from the Island :-)

  18. Hehehe, Beth. It is very, very creepy indeed.

  19. Wasn't that dude attached to some other dude in Total Recall?

  20. I imagine Jorge probably already knows about Cake Wrecks. That's where I learned about his blog in the first place. :) (There's a "Sunday Sweets" post about Lost's 100th episode cake.)

  21. that's so scary. and morbid when you think of cutting into it.

  22. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/photo.php?pid=3227756&id=631155464&ref=nf

    You might like this painting. Friend of mine shared it on my Facebook in case you can't see it well. It is very good, at least I think so.

    Don't know your politics but you might like it.

  23. Wait...that's a cake?!?! Sooo creepy! And who would want to EAT a baby-cake! Oh, now I have thoughts of Sweeney Todd in my head...

  24. Damn. I just spent 15 minutes looking at pictures of cakes!

  25. Not EVEN Sweeney Todd. Tres weird.

    BTW -- Loved your pic-to-pic in People. And the piece in TV Guide. At least I think those are the right references. Just got back from China and catching up on my magazines...they can run together a little bit.

    Anyway...nice to see your press.

  26. That looks more like a Benjamin Button kind of baby than a normal baby. Disturbing.

  27. Yeah, and this was the fourth Google picture under "haircut." Not helpful when I'm trying to figure out how to cut mine, but good for a laugh.


  28. Imagine cutting it - and then having to eat like the face or a foot... no thank you.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I would never eat THAT!!!!
    Btw, Matthew Fox is comming to "El hormiguero" tonight. I hope they make him a better interview that yours... that was... very embarrasing for spaniard fans of LOST... Anyway, I´ll upload it to Youtube if you´re interesting. My account there is "EzawynTLK" :)

  31. Frankly, this looks a little like that guy Chuckie. Scary.

  32. La verdad es que conocía esa tarta... que miedo daría comerse ese bebé, aunque sea de azúcar! Aunque confieso que fue la tarta que hizo que mi madre y yo nos interesáramos por la decoración de tartas. Jeje ;P

    Me encanta tu blog! No dejes de escribir ;)

  33. You put the candle in the mouth of course. In icing it should say "Smoke'em if you got'em!" It's in bad taste as it is so go all the way.

  34. Is that the cake Michael Jackson has on his birthday?


  35. I saw that previously on the much loved Cakewrecks blog.

    Here's a video of the cake actually being assembled. Creepy!


  36. Hi Jorge, Lost is an excellent show it is the only show I have watched from the start and have not missed an epiosde. That cake is weird umm maybe you can put a candle in it's mouth lol. That's a good question though.At first I thought that baby cake was one of those dolls that is surpose to look like a real baby. Though that cake baby's face also looks like yoda from star wars. My husband and I am coming to Oahu on the 2nd of july for our honeymoon, we can't wait; any advice or tips?

  37. I visited the blog Cakewreks, and omg I have lost my desire for cake, thanks to you and your babycakes and other left to the imagination cakes. I am now moving on to candy. I should be thin by the end of summer. with this new diet aid.

  38. should eating a faux baby be the proper way to celebrate a birth?? i assume this cake is for baby showers...maybe it's for baby-eaters?

  39. Talking about Cakewreks, that is where I actually found out about your blog... http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2009/02/ace-of-cakes-gets-lost.html

  40. erm... that's really creepy! Who would eat that?? Here's a baby cake! Yum!

  41. What is wrong with these people? Since when is it ok to eat a baby? DUH! I agree with the first person...you should check out http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com, they constantly have funny things on there like this one! :)

  42. Amen to all the other Cakewrecks suggestions... You'll find many more cakes like that!

  43. Wow, check out bread. it's possibly worse! (pic 3 on google)


  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I agree with the Total Recall assessment; 'Quaid, turn on the machine'.

  46. OMG. Burn it! Burn it with fire!!!

  47. I...I have so many conflicting thoughts right now. This is by far the weirdest thing I've seen today. That's saying a lot considering I live in Toronto.

  48. I second the cakewreks blog. I laugh out loud every time I read it!!!!

  49. Jajajaja, la verdad que da un poco de miedo.

    A propósito, el Hormiguero de Matthew Fox ha sido genial, ha alucinado en colores, jajajaja, tienes que verlo mañana por youtube!!

  50. Not from Spain, when u write cake u only can see cakes lol
    I saw u when u were in Spain, "El Hormiguero" used to be funnier, sorry. see u soon, bye

  51. I give yet, another cheer for CakeWrecks. The site is an awesome celebration of all sorts of wrecks, and is where I first found the link to this blog. (Which was just re-twitted by Jen, btb ;-)

    As for the cake, I already know it's going to give me nightmares tonight. And I like babies. Just not this one.

  52. A CAKE? That cake is really a lie! PORTAL REFERENCE ENDS HERE.

  53. "So...where do you put the candles?"

    In the vigil. This infant doesn't have long for this life.

  54. You must go to the cake wrecks blog!

  55. Well, the blogging world has come full circle. I found your blog through a Lost cake on Cakewrecks and now you are blogging about a cake I saw on Cakewrecks. My life is complete.

  56. I must repeat the Cakewrecks love.

  57. Yikes! I don't think I could bring myself to cut it...imagine serving your gramma a piece of baby face!!

  58. Yikes! I don't think I could bring myself to cut it...imagine serving your gramma a piece of baby face!!

  59. It's creepy now but if you leave that cake sitting on a kitchen counter for forty years or so it'll end up bearing a remarking resemblance to Brad Pitt...or so I've heard.

  60. Jorge,

    I say it looks like an old/young Benjamin Button!

  61. EWWWW!!!! That is nasty and that baby looks like one of those monster babies that eats you!!!!

  62. wow... looks i'm not the only Jorge and cakewrecks fan! :)

  63. There's a You Tube video of how to make that baby cake. And you should check out Cakewrecks.

  64. It could work as a halloween-type cake... and then you put the candle right *through* the forehead.

    Bon appetit!

  65. Okay, just had to share, but the other night I was searching for "ugly cakes", (no real reason actually!) and this same picture came up and I was going to post it on my blog!! Coincidence.
    Anyway, that is one of the most frightening things I can imagine trying to eat. I think Adrew Zimmern should be served this cake on Bizarre Foods, even he could not stomach it, I bet.

  66. Just so you guys know - this cake originally was made to look like a stillborn baby for the mother that lost it. It's creepy, though. I don't know why anyone would want to do that.

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