Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Best. Period.

Whenever I am in New York there is one place I must visit EVERY TIME.
And that one place is
2005. It was my first Upfronts.
Burky took me there to try the best burger I have ever had. Period.
And it still is.

Burky and I have gone there whenever we've found ourselves in New York together.
When we went to New York to promote the McFarlane toys in 2006, we took Greg Grunberg there and made him a believer.

I know people have their favorite burgers out there. And that's great. But if you ever want the best. Go here.

If you get the burger there, get it how they make it. Just a plain cheeseburger. Don't put ketchup on it. Just take a bite. Trust me it doesn't need anything. The burger and bun will melt in your mouth.

This last trip I introduced my buddy Rian to it.
I was so anxious I took a bite before I remembered that I had wanted to take a picture of it for the blog.
I was more patient the next time.


  1. "the next time"? or do you mean 10 minutes later when you ordered your second one?

    love you :)

  2. PJ Clark's is absolutely the best burger! And that metal cup 'o fries they give you rocks! Love your blog! It's so cool how accessible to your fans you are. Thanks.

  3. looks good. i dont think we have that place over here in NZ though :(

  4. Wow, I am swearing off vegetables right now and planning a trip there for one of those.

    p.s. In light of that freaky baby cake you last posted, you've got to check out this blog:
    There are some of the most hilarious wreck-tastic cakes I've ever seen on there.

  5. Burger me this, burger me that, how did J-Man guess my favorite place on the map?
    That place is a must. I always go there when visiting NY, and they have some burgers that you just can't ignore! for dieters and diet haters, you MUST and you SHOULD and you WILL vist this place.

  6. Oh that looks so good....I really need a burger now.

  7. omg that looks absolutely divine!!! I make some pretty wicked cheddar bacon burgers (chopped bacon, and bits of cheddar in the meat) and last time cooked perfectly. mmmm *droooool*

  8. I totally read this title as "The Best Period" & thought you were talking know, girly times. Hahaha- so glad it was about burgers. :)

  9. If you want to have a better burger and you're ever in Cincinnati - you'll have to try Terry's Turf Club. Yes. I know you will probably never be in Cincinnati.

  10. You got busted!! Beth jut busted you big time. lol

    I did see your friend Rian's movie Brick. You were right, I liked it.

  11. That's all well and good...but who the hell is Burky?

  12. Nah.. BUZZZZZZ! I am compelled to disagree. The BEST burger can be had at "Abe and Louie's" on Boylston, in Boston. They make a cheeseburger that is second to none.

    Order it with the sweet potato fries

  13. Hey Jorge! I am loving your blog. So entertaining. Found it searching for Michael Emerson and apparently you have included him in a blog or two. You are WONDERFUL on LOST! Can't wait till season 6, LIKE 8 MONTHS FROM NOW! Hope you survive it!

  14. you sound very pretentious sometimes...

  15. I really need a burger now. Thanks.

  16. Where exactly is this place in NY?

  17. I work at Rock Center -- somewhat nearby; if I ever go back to eating red meat (and In-n-Out almost tempted me...), I'll give PJ Clarke's a shot!

  18. burger made me hungry. :)

    just dropping by to say I love your banner thingy (u know the one with half ur face on top of your page lol) and I have taken a picture just like it! i'd love to send it u by mail or emai or however.

    it's from one of the 7,000 islands of the phils....


  19. Now that is an American burger!

    We don't get those in New Zealand!

  20. I love PJ Clarke's! Get the onion strings next time.

  21. Uh... It seems delicious!!! When I get to New York, maybe one day, I'll visit this place! =)

  22. That looks delicious. I hope you get the chance to visit Argentina and try our famous asado (argentine bbq). It is to die for.

  23. hey jorge.. i found this shirt at this store called WINNERS.. and i would like to email you the photo.. had a good laugh and totally thought of you.. thought you would get a kick out of it.. it's a photo of a tour bus and it says "hurleys tour". if you want you can email me at and maybe i can send it to you.

  24. Thanks for the recommendation! We're going to NYC for the first time in September and we'll definitely have to see if we agree with you.

  25. On last picture hamburger is very huge !In this restaurant, They are all these? Perhaps, is not hamburger, it is actor from Spange-Bob - Ms.CRABSBURGER!!!

    love you:)


  26. For anyone interested in checking it out, here are the directions posted on their website:

    PJ Clarke's
    915 3rd Ave, New York, NY, 10022

    Jump into a Taxi and say, "take me to P.J. Clarke's." If the driver asks you for directions, jump into another cab.

    Take the E, V or 6 Subways to 51st Street, cut over to Third Avenue and walk north 4 blocks.

    Take the 4, 5 or 6 Trains to 59th Street, cut over to Third and walk 4 blocks south.

    Take the 101, 102 or 103 Buses to 55th. If you're coming downtown on Lexington, cut across to Third. If you're coming up on Third, we're right across the street.

    They also have a location in the World Financial Center/Financial District, and one at Lincoln Square.

    Jorge- How do you tell them to cook it? R,MR, M or MW? I usually like mine cooked medium but it really depends on the restaurant. What would you advise? Thanks!

  27. Thank you Kathi!
    Now I only left to know what number of aircraft flying to NEw York!

  28. Que buena pinta! Pero creo que la mejor hamburguesa que he comido en mi vida, ha sido en Los Ángeles, en el McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant de 633 W. Fifth St... alucinante! En España tenemos muy buena carne, pero esa hamburguesa sabía ESPECIAL. El resto de la comida, la atención y el lugar también fueron geniales ;P

    Looks good! But the best hamburger I have ever tasted was in Los Angeles at McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant, 633 W. Fifth St... terrific! We have very good meat in Spain, but that burger tasted really SPECIAL. Their food, atention and place were also perfect ;P

  29. No fair. I'm stuck in England where they don't know how to make a decent burger (and trust me, I've tried them all) and you have to post that picture of a beautiful looking one! I'm so jealous!

  30. Hey Jorge I remember you mentioning that Battlestar Galactica wa a good show now thats its over and LOST is not coming back till next year I was wondering if you recommend getting the dvds and what should I expect from the show please let me know

  31. Seriously? NO Address to this place? What Borough MAN?? I'm going back to NY again and would LOVE some tasty cow that needs no ketchup!

  32. When you are in South Florida - you should try - it is AMAZING!

  33. check this out.

    ranked 21. maybe they need to try it again.

    i do agree with their #2, donovans, in woodside queens is awesome.

  34. That's a tasty burger. I always find it sorta interesting how they serve the burger sitting on top of a thick slice of onion. It's like an onion-coaster for your burger. But it works because the onion-coaster prevents the burger juices from making the bottom bun all soggy. Also their green salad is great. Just lettuce and a few slices of radish with great dressing.

  35. Only you can make me crave a hamburger. I eat one maybe two to three times a year. The last time was the day after the premier of Lost this year when you had that monster burger in your hand. I had to go out and get one the next day.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Thought you might like to hear about the Grilledcheeseburger (AKA the Fatty Melt).


    A burger that uses 2 grilled cheese sandwiches instead of a bun. :-O

  38. But....but....a cheeseburger without KETCHUP??!? You're asking a lot, Jorge. To me, that is like french fries without ketchup or pancakes without syrup. But okay. Next time I'm in New York, I'll give it a try. Consider this to be the culinary equivalent of a trust fall. I kid, I does sound great.

  39. Damn it Jorge! I just started on a new diet and you are making me so hungry.... ;-)
    It's a good thing I'm in London, not NYC.

  40. Jorge,

    Hmmm you made me hungry for hamburger! Pity I only have a McDonalds nearby. I guess soylent green will have to do. :-P

  41. I live just a few blocks from there but I've never gone in, having been a vegetarian for the last 20 years. Guess I could just get the fries.

  42. I don't even like beef, but I think I'd have to eat me one of those.

  43. Here it is the interview to your pal Matthew Fox in "El Hormiguero" (I´ve uploaded in High Definition) It wasn´t a good interview... But at least they didn´t ask him stupid things... Anyway, I hope you don´t consider this SPAM :)

    Greetings from Spain, we love you, Jorge!

  44. That looks sooooo delicious! Thanks for letting us know, Jorge!

  45. Because I always take pictures of my cheeseburgers. hehehe, just teasing.

  46. Love your blog so I awarded you Kreativ Blogger:

  47. It's early in the morning here in SP and now I'm thinkig about a buguer, but I've just had my breakfast! Dude, I hate you....

  48. Hey Jorge, and everyone. Please check out www.LOSTMARATHON.COM, were watching all 5 seasons of lost in a row for charity.

    Donations would be very much appreciated, thanks!!

  49. You want the next best burger? Next time you are in the area take a trip up to New Haven, CT, to Louis' Lunch (only open during the week). They grill them sideways, only cooked medium rare or well done, on white toast with onion and tomato. NO KETCHUP! And Ill be sure to check out PJ Clarks as well when Im in the city next week for a full comparison. :)

  50. That does look good. The fact that I'm ravenous right now, doesn't help me.

  51. To all the vegetarians - see what you're missing?

    There's a good reason the human mouth has canine and incisor teeth - for cheeseburgers like this one. Wow! That looks good!

  52. What about the burgers at "the counter"? You raved about on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 "Attn Hawaii: There's a New Burger in Town". Also I've lived in LA for 8 years what about In-n-Out and Fatburger. Thankfully NJ has a Fatburger. Oh, how I do miss my Double Double "Animal style". MMMmmmm!!

  53. Do you rmemebr the “Welfare Burgers” bit from Eddie Murphy that was funny!

  54. Por Dios!!!!! La hamburguesa es enoooorme!!!!

  55. Hey Jorge, if you see this I know you care. Just passing it on.

  56. Following the news and other clips I have on Facebook.

    I am afraid for them.


  57. Looks good. i'll have to find that place if I go to NYC again. Personally, I like the red robin Burgers, and the 1 pound burger from Fuddruckers. Delicious.

  58. We have a PJ Clark's here, too, and it was definitely a favorite "after work" spot. I love their huge salads...they are just a burger with extra lettuce! :)

  59. What about The Counter in Kahala?

  60. JORGE! can you blog and tell us about your experience with avocados in Hawaii? Post some picture sof them as well! I heard they are much bigger than the ones we get here in america!

  61. Looks like a contest for the best spamburger is going on here.

  62. So I went to PJ Clarkes like I promised, and those burgers were BANGIN!!! They seriously melted in my mouth!

    Even though they were fantastic, they are still number 2 to Louis' Lunch in New Haven, CT. So I think you need to make a trip out here to know for sure. :)

  63. Luckily we here in Brazil have the first P.J.Clarke's location outside the US. Gonna try the burger this weekend and see if they recreated the same taste.

  64. There's a few P.J. Clarke's. The one I know does indeed have a great burger, but it's not the one in the photo. Where's that one?

  65. OMG I would kill for a hamburger like that! Unfortunately, my blood pressure is waaaay up in the sky and I can´t have that kind of food... :( I´m so sad...

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  67. You'll probably never read this, but I finally made it to P.J.'s in NYC last week and had one of their Garcia-approved burgers.

    Gotta say, great burger, but I guess you need to have dinner at my house one of these days. P.J.'s burgers taste exactly like any burger I'd cook on my grill on any given summer day. All it takes is a grill, some good chuck, and a cheap meat grinder. Great suggestion if you find yourself there, but not leagues above homemade.

  68. Ya got me convinced. I'll be in NYC this weekend. Thanks for the dinner plans!
