Wednesday, April 8, 2009

OMG: WAL*MART just sent me TAMPONS!!!

Alright, who told?


  1. i noticed your address wasn't blacked out on your mail. not sure if you have stalkers, but there are some crazy people out there. maybe not as crazy as walmart sending you tampons though. that is pretty funny!

  2. when i was 16 i got a men's schick razor in the mail with an attached "Happy birthday!" letter, from the schick company!! it was strange

  3. well that's odd... one time i got the movie "what about bob" mailed to me in a mysterious, blank, padded envelope... don't know why, but it was a good movie!

  4. My brother is a cop, a few years ago he was at the shooting range and realized that he had forgotten his ear plugs. He looked through the car and found his wife's tampons in the glove box. It turns out that they make great ear plugs!

  5. Oh man, I love free stuff in the mail!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. LMAO! walmart FTW... only not. >.>

  8. Maybe they think you need to get in touch with your feminine side?

  9. Nice! Maybe the same people as the TP coupons?

    And to others above me: it's his Grass Skirt Productions addy.

  10. aah please black your address out!!

    it's totally readable please be careful, i'm panicking on your behalf over here.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hey Jorge,
    This is Alissa and I just got your "gift" today. Thank you sooo much! I love it! It really means a lot. Also I made my very first blog about you today. (I just made a blog.) Thanks for being such a great guy. Its nice to know that your not stuffy or mean or anything. Thanks again!

  13. DUDE! You should have given it to "Current Resident." =D

  14. LOL. Relax guys its the same address as the one on the front page of the blog not his home address. =D

  15. Maybe they are looking for a celebrity endorsement...could be a nice little earner

  16. Jorge! I got mine too. Mine were Kotex Heavy for those rainy days it told me. Idk why!

  17. Walmart tampons go great with lima beans.

  18. Hah my husband gets those sent to him too! Quite amusing! I've been thinking about writing you a letter! I think I will soon!


  19. Tampons, but no Midol? Freaking Wal-Mart.

  20. There are 101 things you can do with tampons... my favorite: take one and pull it apart a bit so it resembles a white fluffy mouse, make sure the tail is extended, draw 2 little eyes on it, and leave it for your unsuspecting partner to find.... I recommend putting it in the bed so when they pull back the covers - u get a right good laugh!

  21. I have horses and believe it or not we use kotex as bandages and tampons as ear plugs for them. They are awesome!

  22. That's hilarious! I haven't gotten tampons in the mail in awhile, but at least I have somewhere to put them when I do! ;)

  23. Aloha Jorge,
    take it as a nice act!
    They obviously sent you a first aid kit for potential nose-bleeding!

    Happy Easter!

  24. I was going to say they are great for nosebleeds, but it looks like sawyer840 beat me to it!

    Too funny!

    By the way, this is the first time I'm posting on your blog, and I have to say I really enjoy it! And your show, too, of course!

  25. Sigh, WalMart never sends me anything nice.

  26. Good luck with your new adventure! LOL

  27. hahahahahaha

    Sounds like you were framed.

  28. I got some formula in the mail this week and I'm infertile! Thanks a lot, Similac! Way to rub it in.

    I hope WalMart doesn't make you feel bad about yourself because you don't menstruate.

    These companies just have no shame!


  29. Lucky! Wal-Mart never sends me anything :(

  30. HA HA HA HA HA...that's great!

  31. Wow, Those darned mailing lists can never get it right LOL

  32. yea, you might want to blur out your address dude.
    That's hilarious though!!

  33. Hilarious! (send em' my way, eh?)

  34. At least they were name brand...not DHARMA ones!!

  35. I really need to quit reading this blog while drinking coffee in the morning. Every time I think it's safe, you get me again. I'm gonna go clean up now.... ;o)

  36. That is funny =D
    I love reading your blog.

    I use to get men's razors and shampoo to help my hair grow back from balding.

  37. LOL!

    OK, are you on a wrong marketing list or is someone trying to tell you that you've been PMSing lately?!

    [I've literally handed my husband a tampon before when he was grouchy for no reason.]

  38. I agree with Natalie.

    Dude, blur out your address. Otherwise you might get some whack job showing up at your front door at 3am ....WEARING a bunch of tampons! Remember Rebecca Schaeffer.

  39. The address is to Grass Skirts Productions. It's not to Jorge's house.

  40. did you get my mail by mistake?


    i got those too and don't know how or why.

  41. "Fit to be Tried"

    I am both tickled and disturbed by that.

  42. Did the have the Dharma brand on them?

  43. bwahaha! Your title in my blogroll made me LOL even before I visited your blog. TOO funny! :)

  44. Mailing lists, curious things.
    I've a friend who moved into house some time ago, he occasionaly gets promotional mail and catalogs for the owners preceded the perious owners, who moved in 1957.

    I wonder how many people who have passed are still on mailing lists?

  45. You can include them on your onset first aid kit, they make excellent blockers for nose bleeds.

  46. Why do i never get anything useful from walmart?

  47. OMG, that's hilarious!!! I sure hope you don't have a crazy stalker on your hands!

  48. Wonder if one of your LOST castmates has a sense of humor? It does arbitrarily happen though. My mother got condoms from Walmart once, which is really interesting since she's been a widow for 7 years!

  49. Funny!! I wonder who actually has the time to request Walmart samples for you?

    Have a great weekend!! :)

  50. May you have a happy period. :)

  51. Maybe you should do return to sender and circle your first name and write -- that you are not anatomically correct for them. LOL!

    Either that or keep them & bring them to work & let them use it for the nosebleeds that all the time travel causes.

  52. What a waste of money and space in a landfill, tampons. You should totally be using a Diva Cup instead.

  53. I hear they work really well when plugging up a hole in a rowboat. At least that's what the commercial told me.

  54. Maybe its a "pregnant" girl "Hurley"
    who need no more her tampons.She is sensitive man!dont hurt her feelings sigh her a postcard.

  55. ha! love it. and i love your blog as i've been reading along and posting for the first time. and another and i heard you on autism speaks and was so happy you participated in it! you rock!

  56. LMAO!

    Hey it's better then getting a random text message from some stranger letting me know that they have 8-Ball's (the drug; yeah I probably should have contacted the authorities)

  57. I actually received a boys pull up today from Wal-mart. I am wondering what I should do with it?

  58. I surprised that you haven't deleted several of the above with are not only self serving sales promotion, but also also few cause my virus scan to prompt warnings
