Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bath Time!

Just like in the olden days I take a bath about once a month.
(Unlike the olden days I take a shower pretty much daily.)

And now that we have water pressure again I can finally use the tub 
and test out my Milk and Cookeez cupcake. 

It's a two parter. The bottom or "cake" is like a huge alka seltzer tab of good smellin' bath stuff.
And the top or "frosting" is soap. It's fun and smells awesome. The soap even kinda tastes sweet. BUT DON'T TASTE IT. It takes a turn after the initial lick. 

This is definitely soap.


  1. lol, don't soak too long, you'll come out looking like a prune

  2. you're too cute :) (and so is that bathtime delicacy!)

  3. Cool! I make my own soap and bath fizzies. I literally just found a recipe for this "cupcake" yesterday and was wondering how folks would like it:)

  4. You actually tasted it ?? LOL.... when I was a kid I always had bubbles in my bath and I pretended that it was ice cream and Ive eaten my fair share of foam, but I would never feel the need to taste any soap ! Good thing you only licked it and didnt take a bite....

  5. This reminds me of when I was kid. My two sisters would always buy the best smelling lip balm. I could not resist taking a big ole bite. Some of them didn't tastes all that bad.

    I just started reading your blog yesterday.You've got a great sense of humor and your talent definitely goes way beyond the screen.

  6. I would have totally tasted it. Thanks for the heads up. ;)

  7. Oh man I need one of those. I have a hell of a time getting my youngest son Harri in the bath..he is 13yrs old and it is still a struggle that usually ends up with my briding him. BUT he might actually get in there willingly for something so cool.

  8. like you so much! I even translate the summary of your role in lost into Chinese, on my blog!

    bless you!

  9. That's so cute, and it looks yummy! I hate it when non-food things look tasty though, it's such a tease.

  10. Your posts always make my day! Thank you! Great picture!! :)

  11. Hahahhah I tried one of thsoe before its fun!

  12. I may have to buy some of these for my 4 year old daughter. She loves the bath bombs from Lush, she'd probably squee herself to death over one shaped like a cupcake.

  13. hahahahahahahahah!! Thanks for the taste warning!

  14. Yum! I bet you come out smelling really good! But don't stay in long enough to become a prune!

  15. Oh my goodness - bath soap that smells (and tastes) like milk and cookies?! What's next, Mr. Clean-flavored toaster strudel?

  16. I LOVE the pic, you guys are the greatest! Thanks so much, enjoy the other goodies :)

  17. They REALLY look like you could eat them - I'd be in the tub, then I'd get hungry. Let us know what it looks like after a few baths. Does the frosting wear down? Thanks for the link too!

  18. Wow ~ Where in the world do you find those? I want some!!!

  19. Are you suggesting caution based on personal experience?
    You totally tasted it didn't you!!

  20. Do they make Oreo soap? I'd so buy it.

  21. That reminds me of the time my mom bought me some "Mint Sugar". While it was in a plain solo cup with a lid, mom forgot to tell me that it was a body scrub. I couldn't get rid of the taste of glycerin for about an hour.

  22. ah the dangers of handmade soaps, they look good enough to eat. you think that looks good...check out THIS soap:

    yeah, i could take a spoon to that!

  23. Jus so ya know ...

    Theres a soapless way to make bubbles in th baff.

    I aint magick, but there is a trick to it.

  24. I just LOVE your blog!!! You seem like such a sweetheart!

  25. Soap should not look that delicious! Just looking at the picture I thought you were gonna blog about eating a cupcake in the bath, then I thought what a genious idea! Then you told me it was soap! Thanks, now I've got a mean hankering for a soap free cupcake =)

  26. dude, pleeeease listen to me for a minute. My husband and I are fans of the it, love Hurley. But...he has a hard time with some of the really far out medical terms used in the script. It was especially apparent in this last episode with all the medical treatment of little Ben. We live on Kauai and he is a doctor and Medical Director of two hospitals here (he's the one who talked to you in Colenti's when you were here) and wants to know if the show needs a medical doctor consultant to help the script be more medically correct. Maybe you could put us into contact with the right person?

  27. Tammy,

    What a riot! I am a big LOST fan! Too cool!

  28. I think it's hilarious that you actually tasted it! But I admit it does look tempting!

  29. I "think" the label said nonedible-you rebel :)
    the Big question-how did you feel, after the bath???

  30. Thanks for the chuckle. Those types of things of are popular here too although I've never seen them shaped like food.

  31. Cool blog, Jorge!
    Hope you enjoyed your cupcake.

  32. As a daily reader of your blog for over a year now, I've come to the conclusion that you are most likely getting paid by someone for your product reviews. Seems like you are always mentioning something and giving it a passive review...hmm

    Still like yah' though.

  33. I can't remember the last time I took a bath. I think I'm just always in a hurry when it's "cleaning time." I'm the queen of the 4 minute shower.
    Also, I think if you are going to take a bath it should be in a crazy awesome clawfooter, certainly not my teensy tub.

  34. this blog is so awesomely, wonderfully random and hilarious. please please keep it up.

  35. "Oblivion165 said...
    As a daily reader of your blog for over a year now, I've come to the conclusion that you are most likely getting paid by someone for your product reviews. Seems like you are always mentioning something and giving it a passive review...hmm

    Still like yah' though."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! no, not the case.

  36. When I saw the pic, I must admit "soap" did not come to mind. Looked to me like it was snacktime!

  37. Jorge, I was. Just wondering if there was a chance that you could identofy the brand name of the coveralls used as the DHARMA Jumpsuits. A friend wants to be a dharma worker for halloween this year and can't find a jumpsuit that matches what you guys wear... Any help would be awesome.... Thanx dedjezter

  38. My mom used to wash my mouth out with soap, but it didn't look like a cupcake- more like a white Suzy-Q.

  39. dude if you ever make it back over to England be sure to find the nearest 'Lush' shop, it's packed full of nice soaps all made with natural stuff. you'll love it if you're into your bath smelling like honey/pancakes/popcorn.

  40. Can't believe you tasted it, but thanks for the warning. lol

  41. Enjoy! Those are always fun. My kids would definitely taste them...kinda like sugar scrub. "Can I eat that, Mommy?"

  42. my son says you're the best character on lost. but he's a little disappointed that they have bubble baths on the island. ha!

  43. this is a great picture....adn those soaps are pretty much awesome

  44. Natalie son says you're the best character on lost.

    I agree with that. The Hurley character comes across as so much more real than the others do. And he has never been irritating like a few of the other characters can be.

  45. I tasted my oatmeal soap once. It literally tasted like vomit. Now my husband won't let me live it down. At least now I can say I'm not the only one who tasted their soap!

  46. Have you heard of Lush? It's handmade goodness straight outta Canada. They have "bath bombs" that are pretty magical with fun floating stuff. I like the chocolate Santa one
    I admit to tasting some soap from Lush that has pieces of fruit and nuts in it.
    I need to try one of those cupcake things now. I'm obsessed with bath products.

  47. I'm really surprised that your cute doggy, Nunu, didn't grab that & RUN! I know my dog would have!

  48. please, by all means, keep on making me laugh. thank you!!

    you're awesome funny!

    I've done that taste the soap thing. That is not pleasant.

  49. K, so I saw these at my store here in Chicago and picked up one. They taste pretty good actually, but they sure don't cook just like regular pancakes! Tend to be a little bit doughy too. I enjoyed making some swirly ones. Those were the best! Are you sure you are not missing a brother somewhere?

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