Monday, March 30, 2009

Reunited... and random

So last Thursday I had to work both units. After I finished my scenes downtown I drove up to police beach to start work there. 

But the good news is when I entered my trailer there it was, 
my travel pillow that I thought might be gone for good. Just in time for my trip coming up. 

I also thought you might want a clearer look at the jumpsuit.


  1. Glad you are reunited at last. I've had the same snuggle pillow forever so understood, non-replaceable! Hey, maybe you can get a Darma pillow patch for it, or something embroidered with property of JG just in case? :)

  2. My dad has a comfort towel that he keeps with him at all times...he's 62. I have my walking stick, which is like a comfort towel, except you can fend off small dogs and muggers with it!

  3. Nice jumpsuit! I didn't realize there were different symbols for each job, that's neat. Glad you found you found your pillow :) It's always fun to find something you think is gone forever.

  4. yay you got your pillow back
    the jumpsuit suits you - saw you in it last night, telling Kate about about Sawyer and Juliet lol

  5. yey! it is back! I'm s happy for you ;-)

  6. I've never ever missed an episode of Lost since the beginning, but I haven't watched last week's. I've been wondering since the week before just what your Dharma job was. Cool.

  7. So glad you found your pillow. I have the same one but darker blue. Sleep with it every night.

  8. Hurray! I'm glad the pillow found it's way back to you.

  9. Maybe your pillow was lost in time .... glad you have it back.

  10. Awesome! But, did you leave the cheese & avocado for it's owner?

  11. Cool! Thanks for the picture of the jumpsuit. Glad you found your long-lost pillow. I have a Tempurpedic one that I smushes down into a little bag that fits inside my carry-on. :)

  12. :o) Awwww....glad to hear it about your pillow.

  13. Hey !! Congrats on finding your pillow. BTW... I like the jump suit. Escpecially cool that you have your own Dharma symbol !!

  14. Yay! Those pillows are the best!

  15. It's as if someone was reading your mind....congrats on the re-connection!

  16. Glad to hear you got your pillow back. Training a new pillow can be difficult work, never mind the bond one shares with it.

    BTW, is it just me or is the DHARMA Initiative sort of like the IKEA of research institutions?

    If Hurley stars cooking up meatballs in lingonberry sauce, I would not be surprised.

  17. Oooo that is like that fish that they found a missing wedding ring in. It shows up years later!

    Yeah that jump suit is pretty sexy.

  18. she has to come back!!!!!!!!!!

    que suerte!!!:D

  19. Score...much better find than the molding food!

    Yeah, those jumpsuits are SO not attractive. Willing to bet they will be a hit this year for Halloween though!

  20. Is that pillow made of real Smurf hide?

  21. Okay, the jumpsuits totally crack me up. hehe.

    Glad you were reunited with your travel buddy! ;)

  22. Is it true Ben Linus gots a security blanket?

  23. Yay for perfect timing pillow reuniting!
    And you probably already know that the blogosphere loves Hurley's chef logo, and your lines as chef. Fun stuff.

  24. Will you get to keep the jumpsuit?

    It think it'd make a perfect burger grilling outfit. All you need is a hair net and huge spatula to complete the ensemble. Seriously, consider it.

  25. Surely, you got to keep th Mr Clucks hairnet, no?

  26. Asked and answered... "Hurley Chef." Congrats.

  27. See....that saying is true...if you love something, set it free, if it comes back to you, yadda yadda yadda...right?!

  28. YAAAAYYY!!!!

    Reunited and it feels so good....

  29. Dude, your Dharma Karma brought back the missing pillow. Nice!

  30. Do you have any idea where I could find a 5xl jumpsuit for this summer?,lol ; ) , Hope all is well, I'm glad you found your pillow and thank you for the shout-out in the ODI interview

  31. You have Good Karma - it found its way back to you!

  32. I like that it says Hurley on the jumpsuit and not Hugo. Hurley is much more you!

    PS: Great news about the pillow!

  33. I'm glad you found it!! Maybe if you write other things you've lost in your blog they will show up again!

  34. Ugh - I dont know how you stand being dirty on that show all the time and wearing "dirty" clothes! I'd just want to shower all the time.

    Love the show!

  35. P.S. you might want to wash that pillow before using it again! You dont know where it's been or who used it! Yuck...

  36. I wonder who invented the travel pillow? Its just so perfect! :)

  37. Obviously whoever stole your travel pillow reads your blog.

  38. What a relief to find your pillow. It's hard to replace stuff like that once you get used to it. And that jumpsuit! It must be crazy to be surrounded by Dharma paraphernalia. Other-worldly, no pun intended.

  39. ♫ Reunited and it feels so good...♫
    I see someone else already thought of this I added little music notes to make it original.....:)

  40. Glad you found your pillow Jorge. Sweet...dreams lol


  41. We knwo the Island can heal things, and looks like it returns lost items, too.

  42. Wow, the timing of that was amazing. Congrats on being reunited. :)

  43. I once had the same duvet for like 20 years and it was pretty sacred to me - noone got to touch it and I was really missing it when I eventually had to buy a new one, because the old one literally fell apart, LOL... So I totally understand how you feel about your pillow.

  44. Wow. I got that same pillow a few years ago. I lost it. Man, Imiss that pillow.

  45. I actually yelled "YAY!!!" out loud when I saw the picture was of your rediscovered travel pillow.

  46. Yay! Congrats on finding your travel pillow! :)

  47. An Other left your pillow- but did they then collect the forgotten snack? So basically you now have to sanitize the pillow and sanitize the fridge. Glad you got the pillow back (i myself have 2 Buckys) but you're the one who has double the work. I feel for you man.

  48. I can now sleep better knowing you have your travel pillow!!

  49. Aww, I bet your pillow was glad to see you as much as you were glad to see it!
    And nice pic of your jumpsuit! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  50. So it says 'Hurley' instead of 'Hugo'? I've been wondering about that.

  51. Man, talk about "Ask and ye shall receive!"

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