Monday, November 10, 2008

My weekend of gambling

I had a few buddies come out for a long weekend. We gambled the entire four days. 
We constructed a "bank" out of a box that we sealed so cash could only go in. 
And we all bought in for chips which we used as our gambling currency. 
And we bet on everything. 
And every bet was $5.
$5 Yahtzee.
$5 Pirate's Dice.
$5 Horse Shoes
$5 Boci Ball 
Even $5 Burnout Crash Party.
And we also played credit card roulette when we went out to eat. 
This is where I made up my gambling losses. 


  1. What, no Texas Hold'em??? Sounds like a fun weekend! I wish I had been there, I love games and gambling!

  2. looks like you had alot of fun ! I wish I could do something like that but I'm sure all the girls would get board of it fast. Girls are such wimps when they try and do things like that.

  3. Hhmmmm...Or does THIS shed some light on the mysterious blog of Saturday night. Have a few beverages, did you?

  4. Okay, now I want to know what credit card roulette is. XD

  5. Jorge, have you ever heard of Wizard? Is a card game you play with a special deck card that includes four Wizard cards which are an automatic trump and four Jester cards which are basically throw away cards for when you don't want to win a trick. It's a cross between Bridge and Hearts. It's tons of fun and incredibly addictive. I think it's Canadian so it may not be available down there in the US.

    Another great party/betting game is washer toss. Like Horseshoes.

  6. Nothing better than an evening with friends over and lots of gaming!! Beats family meetings and watching movies. Haven’t played strip monopoly and other fun card games such as "lunch money" "Chez Geek" etc. for a long time I miss that badly since all my friends are back home oversees while I am here in a freaking conservative corner of the US. Unfortunately no weirdoes around that have the same (bad) taste like me when it comes to games (or movies) ... And yes I would like to know too what credit card roulette it: toss your credit cards in a bucket, order something and then draw a credit card to pay for it???

  7. Jorge,

    My mother used to tell me that the "love of money is the root of all evil." No sin in throwing it away! More power to you!

  8. You seem like a very competitive gamer...especially the look on your face throwing the horseshoe! LOL

  9. You look a little nervous in the second pic. Losing big? :P

  10. looks like you had a lot of fun jorge.. are you on facebook? I have rebecca mader on my friend list.. I'm guessing you know she got mugged last night, anyways let her know i send my best wishes

  11. Que legal seu fim de semana! Eu também adoro jogar com amigos... É bom para passar o tempo, boas horas de diversão! Mil Beijossssssssssssssss =)

  12. Mi estimado Jorge: Te escribo en español porque imagino que hablas el idioma, tanto por tu Padre como por tu esposa. Soy Federico Coniglione de Argentina. Es un placer escribirte. Te cuento que te admiro como actor, y que amo mucho LOST. Tengo un programa de radio en FM Rock And Pop 104.5 y mi sueño es poder hacerte una entrevista. El tiempo de duracion de la nota lo decides vos. Realmente me llena de orgullo escribirte. Te dejo mi correo electronico y Espero recibir una respuesta tuya. Te dejo un gran abrazo. Que estes muy bien y gracias por hacerme pasar tan bellos momentos cada vez que te veo en television. Federico.

  13. I love bocci ball! Must be the Italian in me.

  14. You should have had $5 ping-pong. You would have kicked ass!

    The only thing I could win at is $5 darts.

  15. Gambling must be a male addiction. My sons are always betting against one another course neither of them have any money so its usually chores. It usually ends with a wrestling match and me getting after them and I win all bets!

  16. Hey jorge,whats up. big fan of yours and lost and first time post. are ya into ad+d or d+d? it has been a long time since i have played it. but i'm a big pc and console gamer(psp) lol. i have been battleing cancer now since 2001 and it just came back,so i get alot's of time on the pc. man it looks like you guys had a blast,wish i was there. :) hope all is well and keep on gaming(good for the brain);) peace man,Nomad.

  17. I love you even more now. (I know this is an old blog, I'm going back through to read them all.) I've never heard anyone else ever even TALK about Pirate's Dice outside of the movie before! It's one of my favorite games to force my friends to play with me.
