Sunday, November 16, 2008

And golf...

We played golf. 
Now playing golf is not something that I do. 
We played "best ball" which meant each member of a team took a swing. 
And the ball that landed the closest to the hole was the next point to hit from. 
We lost. 
My greatest contribution was one crucial putt. So contrary to LOST, golf is not my game. 


  1. Man, scenery is awesome! Would have loved to been there, whether I was losing or not :)

  2. The only golf I can play is minitiare golf. Other than that, golf is not my game either. I'd rather just drive the cart. LOL

  3. Ah..was that the Pali golfcourse? Beautiful area if it was.

  4. I'm not a golfer either, though in that scenery I could be persuaded.

  5. I think I almost got hit by a golf cart once.

  6. I lost my virginity ON and TO a golf course.

  7. Well, you certainly look like you know what you're doing! LOL

    The scenery alone is worth it! But you're used to great scenery being in Hawaii!

  8. Come to a tawdry British seaside resort and play Crazy Golf instead - I'm sure you're tired of all that exotic gorgeousness

  9. OOOo I would love to go golfing!!

    But as stated in my comment about boys would start betting against one another and it would turn into a wrestling match and I would be forced to beat them with golf clubs.

  10. I agree with you Jorge,Lost seems to be your game :) take care!

  11. Pali or Luana Hills? Sometimes it rains so hard on the Pali course that you can kick up a rooster tail with your swing (if you're as bad as I am)

  12. Jorge,

    In my best Scottish accent (which sounds like William Shatner rapping) "Ach you sassenach a dinna kin whaur you be knocking the bonny game."

  13. Hurley would be so disappointed in you. You know, if he existed.

  14. Hi Jorge. First time poster. Love the blog, and I check it a lot. The pics are awesome. Thanks for doing all you do as an art, and for being so good to the fans.

    Speaking of fan interaction, someone pointed me toward a Facebook page that they say belongs to you... Is this you or is someone using your name?

    Just looks a little weird, since it says you're friends with like "Richard Alpert" and "Daniel Faraday" rather than the actual actors. :)

    Anyway...seriously, thanks for doing stuff like this blog, and the Facebook page (if it's real). Always cool to see someone be nice to his fans. Please know that we DON'T take it for granted.

  15. Hey man,

    just droppin a line and saying great work on the show (no homo).

    What are your plans for after lost?

    Do you answer peoples specific questions here? Not looking for answers about the show really.

    -Thomas. NYC

  16. Hey Jorge, you look great with golf! =)

    I love golf. These golf places are real beauty according to the fields and tries around. When I become much much older, I will play golf more seriously ;)

  17. Mi estimado Jorge: Te escribo en español porque imagino que hablas el idioma, tanto por tu Padre como por tu esposa. Soy Federico Coniglione de Argentina. Es un placer escribirte. Te cuento que te admiro como actor, y que amo mucho LOST. Tengo un programa de radio en FM Rock And Pop 104.5 y mi sueño es poder hacerte una entrevista. El tiempo de duracion de la nota lo decides vos. Realmente me llena de orgullo escribirte. Te dejo mi correo electronico y Espero recibir una respuesta tuya. Te dejo un gran abrazo. Que estes muy bien y gracias por hacerme pasar tan bellos momentos cada vez que te veo en television. Federico.

  18. Derek-you're right-that facebook profile does seem just a bit odd. He's also friends with Matthew Fox who's friends with Ian Somerhalder, who's friends with Josh Holloway whos' friends with Jet Li (?) which is all possible, I s'pose, but why would they all be list and friends on there, but never comment on anything on here. Don't know. He added me anyway, whoever it actually is...
