Friday, May 9, 2008

That last post was funny

but it was also very true. 

I'd take a picture but... no I wouldn't.


  1. What drugs are you on today? LOL

    Can I have some?

  2. Dude. Just back away from it, and try not to put your face near it.. Seriously don't document this, it's not time.

  3. LMAO--you should start putting tags on your posts . . . then get a tag cloud to put in the sidebar.

    I can see it now . . . POOP in huge bolded font right in the middle!

  4. We want... No. We demand a pic about that.

    Uhmm! No I think it's better not to see some things.

    Kiss, kiss.

  5. I like gardening stories better than poop tales

  6. Yeah, I'm definitely sensing a theme here :-P

  7. Haha, you always make me chuckle. =) Hope your last day of filming went splendidly!

  8. I second honeybell!

  9. Poop pictures are the last straw!! LOL

  10. yes... it was funny. I did the all popular LOL (yes, a true laugh out loud) although it was not quite a lotflmaowpimp


  11. Yep, I definately think my co-workers think I'm nuts with all my giggling and muttering "poop" under my breath.. :)

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