Sunday, January 27, 2008

My time at the Apple Holler

So this is what it feels like to be an apple.

Hi-5 Granny Smith.

They got all kinds of animals.

This llama tried to kiss me on the mouth. (Either that or he wanted to spit in it)

And you can warm yourself up inside with a nice hot cup of apple cider.


  1. I didn't realise apples lead such full and interesting lives.

  2. The apples in the top picture are still smiling, innocently unaware of the process required to make that nice hot cup of apple cider. :-)

  3. Why is llama spelled with two "l"s.
    That's llame.

  4. hey Jorge, you still in Wisconsin? I just stumbled on your blog yesterday and found it funny that you're posting places that are maybe 5 minutes away.

  5. Llamas and apples and cider...oh my! (Sorry; it was the best I had). LOL

  6. hiii
    i love your pics
    its great read everything write

    couse i love lost, so for me is really amazing read something write for u!!

    im from chile

    i hope u dont matter if i post u

    nice to meet u

    viva CHILE! =)


  7. Saludos de Argentin!! Excelente tu personaje en Lost!! Los mejores deseos para vos...

  8. Did they have pumpkin donuts too? I love pumpkin donuts. I haven't had one since we lived in Traverse city, Michigan about 25 years ago!

  9. When we lived on the cherry farm, we made apple cider in a washing machine (well, my husband and his friends did -I wasn't there) and maple syrup in the sap shanty. lol

  10. Are you still in Milwaukee? Did you get in on any of the 'Bronze the Fonz' stuff that went on yesterday? Seriously, Henry Winkler was in town for a fund raiser down by riverwalk. Next year they will be bronzing the fonz. :)

    Is there any chance you will still be around for the premiere? I would love a chance to watch it with you if there is a party or anything. I know you don't know me from adam, but I promise, I'm harmless. Seriously, I would even pay big bucks to a charity for the chance to sit and watch and laugh and cry and say "oh no!" with you. Keep it in mind. It would be a huge highlight for me, and I would even bake you cookies if you want. :) you can reach me on my blog if it's possible.

    *fingers crossed for this once in a lifetime chance*

  11. Apple Farms = Good Times

    Mulled Apple Cider I love (even if the little one insists on calling it "Mold Juice")

    I'm so entertained by your blog!!! Thanks!!!

  12. I love your pictures!!! Beware of goats though...they are evil.

    OoOo Apple Cider...good stuff.

  13. Hi Jorge,
    i'm Massimo from Rome (Italy). I saw your blog today for the first time and it is fantastic, very very fun. A big hug and good luck for this new season of Lost...

  14. You are the cutest little apple I've ever seen!

  15. i always knew justin was trying to steal you away from me! this "prom" looking picture of you two just proves it!

    i can see the attraction though. we do look A LOT alike.

  16. What is it about you and llamas? Everytime I was near a llama it tried to hack a loogie at me.

  17. Those must be the apples spared from dying for the cider. They must have been pardoned ;-)

  18. You look like you're having a good time!

  19. It's so strange to see you
    with the snow! :)
    A kiss from Italy!

  20. you seem like you're a fun person to hang with. next time you're in the midwest look us up in NW Indiana! We have apples and goats too!! hehe

  21. Hey Jorge!

    Is it just me or does the guy in the apple picture with you look a little like Dave? ;-)
