A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Atlantis: Extra pictures

These are my last pictures of Atlantis.
The Throne.
This is the water slide that goes through the shark tank.
Our inner tube got stuck here.


Dr Mum said...

back to the real world soon then?

Marquiwis said...

Buenísimas fotos, en especial la del trono!

Saludos Jorge!

Sydney said...

looks beauuutiful. I don't think I could do the slide though. Between the claustrophobia and fear of jaws.... noo thank you! Your pics make me eager for my own tropical vacation to Hawaii in October. :-) Aloha!


ChiTown Girl said...

That throne becomes you!

OurWanderingAdventures said...

YIKKKKESSS!!! I would be terrified to get stuck there! hahaha!

Joan Crawford said...

Imagine how frustrated that shark is. It is like having hamburgers fly by your face all day, only they are protected by an invisible force-field.

Woodeene said...

It might have been sort of cool to be able to watch the sharks watching you watching them.

happywaffle said...

Did you see about the shark that actually got INTO that slide? http://www.tmz.com/2008/12/18/shark-commits-suicide-on-waterslide/

pimpinkicks said...

Wow! Thank you! I always wanted to write in my site something like that. Can I take part of your post to my blog? Please come visit my site Indiana when you got time.

pimpinkicks said...

I usually don’t leave comments!!! Trust me! But I liked your blog…especially this post! Would you mind terribly if I put up a backlink from my site to your site? Please come visit my site search engine when you got time.

Sue Wacvet said...

That throne looks very uncomfortable.

Lady Hermione said...

you look quite handsome in the frist pic...

Rachel said...

wow i've alays dreamed of having a side like that in my room.( seriously... when i was a kid, even before i knew they actually existed)

Rachel said...


Jonatán Rueda said...

Jajaja.. qué buena foto la del trono! Me encantaría ir a Atlantis Hotel, ¿tenías Suite?

Natalie said...

That pic of you on the throne is PIMP!

Eugen Caitaz said...

Cool! And who of you is stuck!?

Julie said...

I wanted to go on that water slide last time we were there but it was closed! :(

Miztification said...

Lol I love all the pics, but for some reason I'm really digging the throne one too. :D

Topanga said...

"Big guy sitting in a chair" - Herb Tarlek (WKRP)

Tales of Whimsy said...

Love the throne pic!

Unknown said...

Inner tube getting stuck right by the shark...did it feel very "Jurassic Park"?

Lynn Faruque said...

I think I am in love with this place!!

Unknown said...

So Jorge...this has nothing to do with your vacation, but I wanted to ask you a question. My fiancee and I LOVE LOST and we think you are super awesome. When we first got engaged, I honestly can't remember how, but we were kidding around and I was like how amazing would it be if Jorge Garcia married us. I'm sure that even once LOST is over that you'll be super busy (we're not getting married until 2011), but as a surprise for my fiancee would you want to come and be in the ceremony or even just come as a guest...my fiancee and I would be SOOO happy to have you there. I understand if you can't, but I figured...what the heck...never hurts to ask. Anyways, have fun at Atlantis and send love to the entire cast of LOST when you go back to HAWAII.


p.s.- If you wanted to come to the wedding with a bunch of other cast members...that'd be ok too :)

Mommycosm said...

LOVE the one of the throne - classic.

Johnny said...

Hey Jorge,

My wife and I sat next to you at Atlantis for some killer sushi. Thanks for being so cool about meeting us! No pics from the restaurant? We mailed a letter for an autograph since we didn't want to bother you guys for a photo during dinner and look forward to hearing from you. Great job at the concert!

Michelle said...


Jorge.. I have finally figured out what the show is about.... nice one, looks like everyone on the plane opted out with Google :) Enjoy!

Paul Spooner said...

Jorge, can you come and paint my kitchen wall...

yellowdoggranny said...

i think you had a good time...

wharfrat said...

We are eagerly awaiting your return to LOST island...

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful there!

Goof said...

I absolutely LOVE the first two pics!!! Actually ALL are great!


Crushproof said...

I LOVED our trip to the Bahamas as well, Atlantis is amazing! Thanks as always for sharing your pics! Have you seen the art poster of Hurley & the Numbers at Damoncarltonandapolarbear.com? Hate to say it but it doesn't do you justice!!!

redelf said...

I need that throne!!!!! NEEEEDDD it!!!

Erin said...

Whoa! I don't know how I'd feel about being stuck with a shark... Did it have a Dharma emblem branded onto its fin?

Great pics as always! Looks like it was an awesome vacation! :D

Kristen said...

I so want a throne like that. :)

MBoushell said...

My family and I saw you there. My younger brother talked to you about the tube slide.

2Losties said...

Your posts never cease to make me smile. Thank you for always brightening my day-

Dave Sylvester said...

"These are my last pictures of Atlantis."
Haw. I get it. :)

Christina Bauer said...

What a huge throne that is! The slide looks like it would be pretty neat, but I think I'd freak out if I got stuck there!

James Hernandez said...


Judging from the second picture you’re the King!

ReNaTo UêGa said...

Oh nice pictures, you in a throne!
The king Jorgeman!! =)

michelleopal said...

Thanks for sharing all your photos. It's almost like being on vacation with you. (Uhm, okay, maybe not even close.)

The top photo in this blog.. looks like a J.C. Penney's pose. Ha!

Safe Journies!