A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Friday, August 21, 2009

All I'm Going To Say Is This:

I read "LA X."
And it's pretty freaking exciting.


JJ said...

la equis?

sowhatfo said...

Can't wait! Except, I kind of can, knowing it's coming to an end.

Nigu said...

Can't wait... I'm sure this season is gonna be awesome!!

Matt said...

I remember Damon said that by the season premiere, people would finally be able to theorize and guess at the end game and secrets of Lost.

Can't wait.

FETTS said...

Wow so the title is officially "LA X"?!

Eugen Caitaz said...

Now, I read "One floor America". It is very interesting!!!

Erfa said...

Interesting, so now that title is really confirmed. LA X is probably the most exciting title they've ever had... can't wait for 2010!

Roxanna said...

Jorge! Is the title official? :D

Galkafisher said...

can't wait!!!!

Joan Crawford said...

Ahhh! I can't wait! Seriously, people's brains are melting attempting to figure out what is going to happen in LA SPACE X.

Beena said...

My Wednesday nights just haven't been the same without LOST. I am just SO ready for LOST to come back and put that bright spot back in my week!

Shannon said...

YAY! I am so excited.

Erin {pughs' news} said...

I know you've been enjoying your time off, Jorge, but I can't wait for you to get back to work on Lost!!!

Erin said...

And I'm pretty excited! May the next five months fly by...

katie! (: said...


im so excited.

Gillian Whitfield said...

Cool! Can't wait to see it!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Go Hurley go.

Unknown said...

AHH is it more torturous for us not to know or more torturous for you to know and not be able to tell...?!

Lynn Faruque said...

I just can not wait!!

James Hernandez said...


If it was really exciting it would be called "LA XXX." :P

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm sorry, but I just don't want this show to end...at all..I have loved every fecking minute of it and tv watching will never be the same...you should be very proud of the work you have done on the show..your an icon sugar..

Ashley C. said...

I'm so excited!!!

Hoku said...

So sad the end is near, yet excited the new season is going to start filming again!

There won't be a more anticipated show for decades I bet...

JJ Sobey said...

You sir, are a tease.... :)

Matt said...

LA X was revealed a couple weeks back on damoncarltonandapolarbear.com, kinda of a nice interesting little underground fan art project they have going as the sort of "ARG" of the offseason.. the first print they're selling is actually of Jorge. They're doing different prints by famous artists I guess.. although to be honest the likeness really isn't there with Hurley.

Anonymous said...

Wow, can't wait for the final season, but I'll be so sad when it's over.

MissBeaHaven said...

I was there the first night Lost was on air and I will be there when the last credits rolls. I know that you are going to play a big BIG roll this season. I will be there in your next project too. And by the way can you give me a hint what your on next. Lacie

Unknown said...

Hi Jorge,
I am a big fan of your from Tokyo Japan. I am watching LOST every day on DVD and learning English. I hope I could improve like Jin. I cannot wait Season 6!
I am enjoying your blog posts everyday. Cheers!

RobPerrin said...

I can only imagine your feelings as you flipped open the first page of the script. Must have been glorious.

Fingers crossed that the entire crew are at the top of their game for season 6. I'm sure they will be.

MonkeyFace said...

so exciting, yet bittersweet!

Colby said...

I think I'm going to pee my pants I'm so excited!!! No lie! I am such a huge fan, Jorge, I have a Dharma swan station sticker on the back of my minivan (3 kids), about 5 varieties of Lost t-shirts, and check your blog as well as Dark UFO and The Fuselage every single day. My husband, kids, and friends know me as the biggest Lost fan around, and I'm very proud of it........can't wait!!!!! It would be my dream to meet and talk to you and some other cast members, BTW!

Unknown said...

I can confirm for those of you wondering that the title is indeed official. It has been confirmed by multiple sources.

Christina Bauer said...

OMG!!!!! So exciting!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tease ;)

(Am re-watching Season 2 "?" right now. You were amazing in the ep, Jorge. Really, really fine job.

Lissa101 said...

I am pretty freaking excited just reading this!

Unknown said...

I'm pretty freakin' excited, too, and I haven't even read it.

I am a little sad to think that it will come to an end so soon... but I'd probably feel like I was getting strung along again if I didn't know it was working toward a real ending.

Can't wait to see it.

Lost Dbutz said...

Well, I know you don't want them to reset this whole thing on us Jorge, so if you're excited and not distraught about this one, it gives me hope. I also like the space between LA and X...

lost-815 said...

Hi, Hurley :-)
I have a theory about the title of the first episode of season 6.
"LA X", i think it is in spanish and the meaning is: "the variable".
I think it refear to what Daniel Faraday said in the episode 5x15,
"the variable of the equation are we, that have freewill, if we made detonate a hidrogen bomb we can change everything append from that accident".
So i think that numbers of the Valenzetti equation has changed and thinking to flight Ajira 316, we have now: 3 8 15 16 23 42.
But maybe it simple refear to Los Angeles Airport LAX and the flight Ajira 316, particulary to John Locke.

Lost Mesa said...

Cool! Thanks for the update Jorge!

Mavi said...

I love Lost. Can't wait to see how it ends!!

I've been re-watching the full show since the very begining and I still can't figure out where it's going to lead us, but I'm pretty sure I will love it.