A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We took a day trip to Whistler, and really Whistler in the summer is pretty dead. It's a ski lodge town mostly. Though there is rafting to do there. It really wasn't something to do on a day trip; we ended up just having hot chocolate at a hotel. 

But the trip was totally worth it because on the way we discovered an awesome waterfall 
with a restaurant across the street.
It's worth it to eat there for the view alone but the food was really good. I think it was the best meal we had this trip. We were big fans of the poached pear. 
By the way this sign is no joke. 
After returning to Vancouver we learned the next morning that this happened:
We were on this road only hours before. And I thought driving in Ireland was scary.


Petra said...

Whistler is beautiful, even when it's empty! I'm not much of a skier, but swimming in the very warm outdoor pools while snow is falling, is bizarre and amazing all at once.

Did you wander around English Bay? It is near Stanley Park and a lovely area with all kinds of neat shops and restaurants.

: ) P

3goodrats said...

Did you see any bears? A friend of mine attended a conference in Whistler and the conference packet included a brochure on what to do if you encounter a bear.

Jason said...

Nice plate of food. It deserved a picture.

Anonymous said...

That's all the food??? Crazy man, my 5 year old could eat more than that! LOL

Um, I got a signed picture of you today & a note on my (and your) stationary. Thanks man!


Nikowa in GA

kfcworker said...

yah that stretch of highway is dangerous for avalanches, rock slides like that one u have up and your basic car accidents.

Please Type Legibly said...

Unbelievable pics - all of them. Think I'll stay off the PCH now...

James Hernandez said...


Yes I read about the rock slide while visiting my home in Canada. It was amazing that no one was on that stretch of highway during the rock slide.

kfcworker said...

there actually was people on that highway when it happened.. a mini bus was taking someone back to whister when the guy arrived at the airport, a few rocks hit the bus. they both were very lucky they just got the end of the avalanche.

Cheby said...

Hi Hugo, I'm a Lost big fan from Argentina. I went to Vancouver 6 years ago, it's a very very beatifull place!, you should go to the "hughe" Stanley Park! Also I recoment to visit the islands near Vancouver (located at the south west), you have the Gulf Islands and Victoria Islands. I was on Galiano Island (one of the Gulf Islands) and you have a very beautifull view and lot of green. Regards!! Seba

redelf said...

Man, you guys are sooo lucky. I am glad you guys are safe.

anonymous said...

holy crap. the photo of the road gave me the hives.

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

we have yet to try and re-create those pears.

when's dinner gonna be done? i'm starvin!

Nikki said...

Hi Jorge!

You're making me miss the Islands. My parents live in the San Juan Islands near Seattle. So pretty. You'd like those too.

While up there, my hunny & I did the Vancouver tour. Did you go to Victoria? Amazing place to stay.

We are driving back up for Christmas. We are going to take the PCH all the way up. Hopefully there wil be no US rock slides. EEP!

bertas said...

Oooooh I want that food... those strawberries look delicious... and whats that on the left side?

Jodi said...

OMG! Jorge THANK GOD you guys missed that! Phew! That is really scary.

Topanga said...

We don't have rock slides here in Nova Scotia (hint hint nudge nudge). We only have the world's highest tides. We don't have white water rafting in Nova Scotia. We only have awesome tidal bore rafting.

Loca xq sí said...

I knew it! Poached pear it was... we called here, in Argentina, "peras al borgoña". One of my favourite desserts too!

Sam G said...

I just got back from Ireland and the first couple of days driving was scary and I drive in LA. I come to love the Roundabouts.

Anonymous said...

Break out the dynamite.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

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