Friday, April 23, 2010

Shh. Don't Tell Nunu.


  1. Oh, Jorge. :-) You don't need a puppy to be adorable. :D

  2. (whispering...) Is that a new puppy?!

  3. I am SO telling Nunu you cheated on her.

  4. Doesn't Nunu read your blog? Everyone else does...

  5. We used to have 21 chihuahuas! They are wonderful - now we only have three females. One long hair, one rough coat, and one tiny little girl who has very little hair at all. Love them dearly. NuNu is precious. So is this little one.

  6. In my experience, your dog will always smell the other dog...

  7. *gasp* Dog cheater!

    (It's cool. I'm a frequent cat cheater.)

  8. Are you cheating on Nunu??? :-O


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. That puppy looks naked, but very cute. I won't tell Nunu.

  11. But...if Nunu himself will enter in your blog and will see it?

  12. awwwww we have been considering getting another Chi here as well. My sons is a long haired black and white. we shall see... Very cute but we won't tell Nunu

  13. A new baby in the family? Or just cheatin'? ;-)

  14. Speaking of Nunu, this post of your totally reminded me...

    When my fiance and I were watching the "Everybody Loves Hugo" episode, I was so excited to see the Hugo slide show included a picture of you/Hugo holding Nunu! I confess, I was so excited I made him hit pause on TiVo and proceeded to tell him that was *your* actual cutie dog who likes to chew on things and isn't she cute?! Needless to say, he just looked at me kinda funny and said "Awesome, can I push play now?"

    Just wanted to share!

  15. Didn't know you were expecting. So cute!

  16. ohh n... is adorable!!! so sweet! :)precioso!
    and you´re a great actor!
    congratulations from Galicia (Spain)today is San Jorge´s day!!! :D

  17. Is this your new dog:o? It will be nice, nunu will get a friend.

  18. happy San Jorge´s Day from Spain!!!

    ohhh your puppy is "precioso" :D

  19. My wife and I have 3 chijuajua's too!

  20. Feliz San Jorge! Feliç día de Sant Jordi! Just wishing you a happy Name Day, Jorge! Nunu's cuter...

  21. Weak... from... the cuteness! :D

  22. in typical LOST fashion we will tell Nunu when we need her to leave you, and go to the hatch to push the button.

  23. Hey Jorge, would you be interested in asking the cast if they'd like to write a paragraph or 2 to all us crazy fans that you could post on your blog? One thing I love about your blog and the GJB blog is the sense of reality we get in the lives of the people that work on this show, and I often wonder "What would Naveen or Emilie's blog be like?" So I dunno, if they wanted to each do like one short post, just to say hey, that would be awesome. You guys are the best ensemble on TV and some parting words from the group I think would mean a lot to us. If not, no biggie! LOST aside, your blog is awesome, and entertaining as hell. Thanks for everything! -Eli

  24. Oh my god jorge. I just discovered your blog last week, after 6 long years of being a big Hugo fan! I gotta say, you are funnier here than you are on Lost. Good Job dude. I wish ya all the best after lost.

  25. Nunu already knows. She left a little token of her disapproval in your sandals.

  26. Dude. We are so sad. Tried to get tickets to the LOST LIVE event at UCLA and they sold old too quickly. You'll have to blog about it and let us know how it was. Sounds like a cool event!

  27. nunu will kick it's little hairless ass.

  28. Jorge...nice pic dude!!
    Your character "Hugo" is whom i relate to most. =)
    I have a hunch as to how LOST is probably gonna end.I think it will be a happy ending with all the cast meeting in the new timeline and rediscovering their "other lives" on the island...while Jack would probably succeed Jacob and stay back on the island...
    Can't wait till the finale to find out.Lets see if i am right..*fingers crossed*..:D

  29. Oh my goodness! That is one cute puppy! I've always liked Chihuahuas, even though I'm generally not a small dog person. They're smart! Have you seen Ramsey and Pablo? They are a Chihuahua & Doberman duo who have more personality than most humans do.

  30. Good christ, my guinea pigs are bigger than your Nunu!

  31. Aw, Man...wait'll the tabloids get hold of this one. We'll be hearing about you checking yourself into therapy for some treatment. I can see the headline now: "Jorge Garcia CAUGHT! Nunu Garcia contemplating separation! Will take ALL chew toys and kibble to live with Michael Emerson."

    Maybe I'll feature that on my blog.


  32. Hey, Jorge...the tabloids are already afoot. I'd post a pic here if I could, but check it out:



  33. Nice....
    Hey Jorge, you may get a laugh out of this, 'Lost: The Saturday Morning Cartoon cartoons'....

  34. OMG I just looked up Nunu on Urban Dictionary.
    Naming number 2 pooch will be even trickier!

  35. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwb

  36. Hola Jorge,
    Hoy han emitido aqui en España el capitulo "todos quieren a Hugo" de la serie LOST. Estas realmente fantastico, eres el protagonista de este capitulo y me has encantado. Bueno, en todos los capitulos has estado realmente bien pero este lo has bordado.
    Un saludo, no dejes de ser como eres.

  37. Awwww! what a cutie pie - & a sweet puppy too :)

  38. We used to have 21 chihuahuas!

    This is a very curious thing you have said. Did you lose a bet? Did you have a chihuahua infestation? Did you have a rat infestation and then get 21 chihuahuas to kill them? How does one go from 21 chihuahuas to only three?

  39. Adorable! Nunu needs a brother or sister! By the way, I was so excited by Nunu's Lost premiere! I screamed when I saw her!

  40. Hola Jorge
    Funny! muy lindo su chihuahua!
    Yo tengo un perro que tien 13 años y 10 gatitos!
    Estoy triste porque la serie llega a su fin:( Una pregunta: Cómo puedo comprar el oso blanco de peluche de la iniactiva Dharma?
    Yo vivo en Sao paulo, Brasil. ¿Existe un sitio web que vende estos productos?


  41. You know you are gonna be soooo busted. :-)

  42. Hi, Jorge! I did a (terrible) Hurley draw but I would apreciatte have a commentary of yours there!

    Thanks and sorry my terrible english...

  43. Hi from Brazil, Jorge!! So, I just got this email from my friend saying "what can be better than a new way to eat cupcakes?" and inside "Jorge Garcia teaching you how"!!! I know this is very stupid and you probably don't care of what I'm gonna tell you, but: man, you made my day!! Honestly! Reading your blog was so much fun that I can't even explain! Stuff you wrote about your dog, about food, about random things just made me smile... And you have no idea how much I needed that!! Well, my 6-year-relationship is now over so, I've been crying my eyes out for the past days... And reading your blog just made me forget about it!!! So THANK YOU!!! I trully admire you as actor and now I admire you as a person, 'cause it takes lots of talent to appreciate the "small" things in life as you do (ok, I know that don't even know you, but this is what I got from reading many of your posts!). Bottom line: thanks for your writing! I know is nothing to you, but it did touched me! Love, Giovanna

  44. you're my favourite lost character man(along with daniel and desmond) gonna miss the show this week!


  45. Just thought I'd send you this link....a spoof, homage, tribute and and slightly obsessive piece of fan fiction.

    Thanks for your amazing contribution to the amazing masterpiece that is LOST.

  46. Hi Jorge . I'm Mohammad . I Love Your Play . My Pseudonym In Forum Is Hug Reyes .I Love You Man(I Not Gay :D)
    Your Picture Is My Avatar In Forum . Is Lost Persian Domicile .

  47. Happy birthday! Hope its full of awesome sauce and sunbeams!

  48. Hey, Jorge! Happy Birthday from Brazil!

  49. Hey Jorge, happy birthday buddy.

  50. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day! :)

  51. Feliz cumple!
    Me muero de ansiedad por ver el final!

  52. Jorge,

    Is that the 'white smoke monster' of Nunu?

  53. So cute! I'm thinkin' you're going to need to get rid of the shirt and give your hands an expert washing for Nunu not to know that you've been holding another dog. Oh, and the shorts are probably going to have to go too...

  54. I believe Jorge's birthday is today... (according to Dlisted!). So... happy birthday and I hope you guys are doing something fun to celebrate!

    - e

  55. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (April 28th). the Internet informed me of this. Please, eat a cupcake sandwhich and have a Dharma beer in honour of this wonderful day.

  56. Hey jorge,
    i am from India and am a huge fan of LOST..
    Happy birthday!! I think Garcia probably means that you are originally spanish ...soo
    i should rather say,"Sapo verde".. :)

  57. Uh-Oh...Nunu is going to be jealous. Is that a new puppy or are you holding a friend's puppy.

    Nunu is so going to kick your butt. Remember what she did to your shoe? LOL
