Friday, March 19, 2010

When I was a kid...

I used to steal my dad's shoes so that he wouldn't be able to leave for work.

Now every morning when I go to work, I find this:


  1. Those are definitely NOT hush puppies

  2. Thats funny!

    Looks to me like you better start checking the insides of your shoes for anatomical tokens of your pup's affection.

  3. Aww! That's enough to make someone call in sick! Your shoe hiding reminds me of my husband's attempt to pack for college at the age of 4. He saw all of his older brothers and sisters going off to college so he found a suitcase, put all of his underwear and socks in it and was ready to go. My mother in law wondered where the clean clothes had gone!

  4. You must be a good daddy too. :)

  5. That's really funny. My cat sometimes tries to keep me from going to work be laying on my computer bag.

  6. What a sweet story about you when you were a kid, and a very cute video with NuNu...made me laugh.

  7. That is just to cute. I love dogs. They really know how to get their point across.

  8. My dog pulls at my pant's legs as I'm putting them on. It breaks my heart:(

  9. One of the cutest things ever!

  10. Is that your puppy dog Jorge?

  11. Awww he doesn't want you to leave. So sweet~!!!

  12. Aww he doesn't want you to go. So sweet!

  13. That is absolutely adorable. :)

  14. Do you ever go barefooted to work?

  15. Oooooh hahaha! Man, I love when you post Nunu videos, she's so funny!
    She's kind a guardian of your shoes!
    Thus is difficult to leave for work.
    Great video!
    Hugs Jorgeman!

  16. Aw...poor Nunu. What a priceless vid., thanks for sharing.

  17. Hey!!! Nunu doesn't want you to leavee! :(
    Maybe you could get her a friend :D ..maybe a big dog that takes care of her :P ijijiji
    Kisses from Spain Jorgito :3

  18. Jorge,

    That is so cute. Nunu wants his daddy to stay home. More likely he wants to bite you, ah but anything that gets Nunu on the tube.

  19. I think that is one of the cutest, sweetest things I've seen in a long time. Thank you for sharing that!

  20. Oh my goodness. How is she even strong enough to carry all those shoes. Still, that's ADORABLE! Poor NuNu, if only she understood that by dad going to work, she gets to have nice toys and soft dog beds and treats galore =] Life would be so much easier if our dogs spoke better English.

  21. wow, that's one smart dog!

  22. This is sooo sweet! You and Nunu are so lovely!

  23. That's totally cute. My house beagle is like a kid too!

  24. Nunu keeping Daddy home...cutest thing, evah!!!

  25. This video made my day. Cutest thing ever!

  26. Hummm so Nanu has a shoe fetish? But looks like only for Your shoes.

    so cute!

  27. That's SO cute! Pets are just like kids... :)

  28. Awwww.... How sweet! He doesn't want you to leave!

  29. Your dad probably always wanted you to have a child like yourself and now you do

  30. so sweet... he loves you so much!!

  31. That is so sweet - she loves you!

    And hey, you had it coming!

  32. He loves the smell of your shoes! When my dog, Rosie, was a puppy, she'd sleep with her face shoved into one of my stinky slippers!

  33. Can't you just take Nunu to work with you? Problem solved.

  34. looks like a Cerberus (of shoes) xDD

  35. Nunu loves you! It's so adorable.

  36. eighty pound lab just lays in front of the door so I can't open it. I guess Nunu had to be more creative!

  37. That is so freaking adorable! You are so loved!

  38. Awwww! She doesn't want you to leave! Or, like the rest of us, she doesn't want season six to end...

  39. Your fans are bribing Nunu to keep you from putting on your shoes. If you can't put on your shoes, you can't go to work. If you can't go to work, then Lost never has to end!

  40. You know my ex-wife's dog used to do the same thing when she would leave for work and she had a small yapper dog too. She'd come home and the dog would always chew up her left shoe. Don't know why, but it was always the left shoe.

  41. Nunu's so cute! My 14 month old is the opposite, she brings me her shoes so we can go to the park!

  42. How can you go to work after that?
    Put it in your pocket!

    Kisses from Italy :)

  43. OMG that is hilarious! Does Nunu put them there? Or is she just guarding them? Hope you shake them out before putting them on to make sure no nasty centipedes crawled in!

    One of my cats lays in front of my front door when I dress for work and turns into a limp noodle when I try to move her. She even whines when I push her out of the way!

  44. I used to make my dog sit and when I told him I had to go to work he'd look away from me in disgust. That was cute, but this is way cuter.

  45. Like my Mom always tells me (now that I have a child of my own) Pay Backs are Hell. :o)

  46. How does that NOT break your heart?

  47. Hahaha that's funny. We used to find all our shoes missing regularly. We soon figured out to look for them down at the creek where our dog would make a pile of them.

  48. Awwww! That is seriously one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I love how huge her ears are too.

  49. That's so cute!! How much guilt do you feel every morning now??

  50. How cute is she?? OMG!! Those ears! Nunu is awesome!

  51. OMG that is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

    I used to do the same thing with my dad's shoes, but NuuNuu's attempt would definitely stop even the most hard hearted guy in his tracks. SO ADORABLE!

  52. aw, what a sweet baby! doesn't want daddy to go to work! ;)

  53. 3Nunu is adorable!
    Poor little to fear that Floke catch you and you do not come back jaja
    I hope you understand my message. I speak Spanish and I use the google translator to write
    Kiss Jorge!

  54. Oh my god, I would never leave the house!

  55. How cute is that :o) And I have to say, that I LOVE the final season - it will be missed A LOT !! Greetings from Denmark.

  56. That is some crazy emotional blackmail

  57. Incredibly cute :). Like father, like daughter, eh? hahah

  58. OMG!!! It's so cute!! Looks like a little mouse :)

  59. You can imagine what the sons of your dog will do in the future... Hide the leash so their father can't go out!

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. that is soooo cute!.When I was hearing your last podcast my dogs were sleeping and they heard Nunu bark and they jumped and ran to the door very confused. After, they kept listening with attention and they got to hear the bark at the end again and got exhited again.

  62. That is so precious. Real Love mixed with devotion and separation anxiety.

  63. AWE!!! That's cute.. I assume the shoes are already piled there as opposed to he dragged them under the desk (him being a wee lil doggie and all)


    Hmmm... I seem to be having techincal commenting difficulties.. it claims I haven't entered my open id... sorry if there are like 10 comments

  64. Awwww. That is so cute, yet sad. I'd go barefoot.

  65. Cute. Nothing more to say.
    Have a good day!

  66. Well, at least that is not Beth!!

  67. That is adorable, but poor nunu :)

  68. My dog enjoyed this video very much.

  69. jajaja...quĂ© gracioso! doesn´t he want you to go to work? or does he think shoes are his? my treasuuuure :)
    Sorry for my English.I´m from Spain. It´s funny your blog!

  70. That's too cute! My cat will sit by the front door, hoping if he's in the way, I won't open it & leave. I guess it's nice to know our pets love us & miss us when we're gone.

  71. this is priceless....little Nunu wants you to stay home toooooo!

  72. this is so cute! my dog barked the first time he heard it :D

  73. Gosh, she's so tiny the shoes are actually bigger than her!

  74. Absolutely love the fact that she adds crying for the more dramatic effect!

    "Pleeeaassseeee stay home!"

  76. While watching the NuNu video my dog, Mama Cass (she's a Golden Retriever), started barking & looking around for the dog making the mystery noises! Should NuNu ever find herself in NC, Mama Cass would welcome her. (And so would I.)

  77. Cute video of NuNu. Was that her in the picture with you on tonight's Lost episode?

  78. Love NuNu. So good to see her on Lost this week as well.

  79. Dear sweet Nunu, Rest in Peace. I am so so so very sorry for your loss. I will pray for your comfort through such a horrible tragedy. Nunu was truly an amazing little creature

  80. I am so so so sorry about Nunu. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and the thoughts of my chihuahuas. Nunu was loved far and wide in this world and we are all grieving with you.

  81. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that, in time, your memories of Nunu will be a comfort to you. Until then, maybe it will help to know that your sweet companion understood that you loved her, and I know she loved you back, in that pure way that only animals can. And she had a happy life with you--full of love and joy and wonder and affection. That's more than a lot of people ever get. How fortunate you are to have been able to share with her and to give that great life to her!

    I'm an animal lover, too (four cats and a dog), and I feel a deep connection to each of them. Because of that, I feel a connection to you now, in your sorrow. I will give my critters an extra nuzzle in memory of your Nunu, and I hope that someday, you'll be ready to share your life with another sweet creature.
