Friday, March 5, 2010

These are the three things I can't seem to delete from my computer's desktop.


  1. They is looks so amazing and sweety! I like it! Jorge, can you put big size for picture with little panda??? =) Please...

  2. That first pic of the baby panda is too adorable! Can't blame you there.

  3. that first picture is amazing!!

  4. Babeeee pandaaaaaa

    One of my greatest disappointments about the last season of Lost: You're leaving HawaiiI'll never get to meet you. Of all the losties, you're the one I'd most like to meet.

    Hope you keep the blog going long after...I enjoy your outlook on things.

  5. I understand why you can't get rid of them :3
    Try to write "poring" in google...isn't it the most ":3" thing in the world????? *_*
    Kisses for Beth,spoiled-Nunu and u!!!!!


  6. There are some pretty funny old ads out there. Some of these are really sexist.

  7. Aw the baby panda is so cute!

    On another note... have you seen Sophie's video on Party in the USA? - haha, just kidding, I know you have :)

    I was wondering if you might help me promote something 'LOST'related though? I'm doing my dissertation on 'LOST' you see and the fan culture.

    This is my blog on it:

    and I could really do with fan supporters answering the sixteen simple questions that I need for my research!

    Thanks in advance, and might I add you are pretty awesome - hehe not sucking up at all there!

    Much love, and looking forward to the next episode of Lost!


  8. I think you should replace them with some creepy pictures from this site:

    The lard thing is pretty funny. My wife just bought some the other day to make bread with, of all things. She got an Amish pastry cookbook for her birthday and apparently a lot of the bread recipes call for lard. I'm interested to see what the end result is - my guess is the bread definitely will not suck.

  9. HAHA! I love that lard picture. I've used that for a couple years on a weight log of mine.

    Of course, the panda...SQUEEEEE!

  10. "They're happy because they eat lard." Oh, how I love this! It reminds me of a line in Last Holiday. Gerard Depardieu tells Queen Latifah that the key to life is butter. I couldn't agree more, and it sounds so sweet with a French accent.

  11. LMAO! Of course not! Why would the creepy things be able to be deleted? I'd keep them for the days you need a laugh because they're SO "huh???" that you can't help but laugh!

  12. soo cute!! well not the last one :P

  13. I could leave the first two, but I'd definitely keep the last one.

  14. whose is the picture of the monkey?I love it! It´s so cute!

  15. I like the first one and the third one, but that monkey, well, it's just creepy.

  16. One of these things is not like the other...

  17. With good reason. That last pic needs to be converted to a refrigerator magnet, if it hasn't been done already.

  18. OMG It's SO TRUE....that cosmic connection between LARD and Happiness!

  19. The first one has got to be the cutest creature ever! And the last one is just hilarious!

  20. Oh my gosh, I have that first picture of the baby panda! My soon-to-be-boyfriend (now my husband) emailed it to me and it's part of what made me fall for him. Well, the panda and all the LOLcatz. :-) Don't delete them, sir. God might kill a kitten.

  21. Not a fan of the melodramatic chimp (it's too melodramatic!) but the other two are epic in their own way. ;-}

  22. I'm from Brazil and your fan. Congratulations for your work!

  23. That baby panda pic makes me want to kill myself, it's so cute.

  24. this must mean something.... I don't know what but definitely something.

  25. I know Lard has made some significant improvements in my

  26. Okay the 1950s lard image is a solid WIN. I am saving that for use later.

    -Q (

  27. hola hola hola muy bueno tu blog...
    pero ¡cooperaste con chile ¡¡
    es ahora que los necesitamos A todos los residentes chilenos en el extranjero (se que no naciste en chile pero corre sangre chilena por tus venas) y aun mas que tu padre nacio en concepcion que fue la ciudad mas debastada por el terremoto

  28. OMG! First two, SO CUTE! Last one, so funny! :) I can totally understand keeping those around for some smiles.

  29. Awww, the first one was my desktop for the longest time.

    Btw, think you might like this blog - - it's a dude who has never seen lost before (duh) and is trying to watch Season 6 and pick up on what is going on.

    Pretty hilarious, but some of his comments can be quite snarky.

  30. That last one reminds me of the stuff they have hanging in the restrooms at Buca di Beppo in Honolulu. In the women's room there is a sign that has one woman serving another woman a slice of cake and she's saying "None of that caca for me, thanks."...

    Too funny.

  31. the little monkey is so sweet!!! ♥♥

    a big hug from italy ^_^

  32. AWE the panda is adorable!

    mmm, lard HA!

  33. AWE the panda is adorable!

    mmm, lard HA!

  34. I posted in my blog about getting an autograph request back from you in the mail. Thought you might want to check it out.

  35. I. love. that. PANDA! How adorable is that? I have this lovely little gem from Natalie Dee on mine:

  36. Lol! Now are you showing us your softer side Jorge?

  37. I've never been as deliriously joyful in my life as when I have eaten a soup ladle full of lard...and then listened to a CD from the band Lard...

  38. The first one won't stop waving at me. I can't stop staring at it! *goes insane* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

    ... i want to touch its paw. it looks so warm and soft.

  39. #1 Awwwwwwwwwwwe
    #2 Awwwwwwwwwwwe
    #3 LOL

  40. lol, well I really like the 1st two and wouldn't delete them either, the 3rd I'm not so sure about...

  41. Oh my gosh! These are so cute!! Thanks for making my day :)

  42. I saved these pictures for me! Cute ;)

  43. That last post should have said Chimp not chip. I blame my cat for trying to bite off one of my fingers.

  44. I love the Lard ad so much, I wrote a whole blog post about lard. Credited you for the find :) You're a foodie/cook after my heart- keep rockin' all the different breads!

  45. I have never seen that lard picture before today, and within an hour of seeing it here I saw it on another page that I got to from a completely unrelated search. Weird!
