Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oh Cha Cha You Have to Try Harder

Uh... No I wasn't in Armageddon. And there is no character called Hurley in that movie either.


  1. lol well now Jorge, now you can add another movie under your belt. Now who do you see about getting paid ? Maybe Cha Cha can tell you ! lol

  2. Add it to your IMDB profile....you can say you were on the role of Bruce Willis!

  3. Perhaps you were in Armageddon in your parallel life unbeknownst to you!

  4. Hello from Spain Jorge!
    We love you here, and I was very glad to hear you talking in spanish in the last episode.
    You're great dude!

  5. You'd think that the stay-at-home workers who staff ChaCha would bother to get that right, but for ten cents it's probably quicker just to spit any old answer out.

  6. Maybe they're just a big 'Lost' fan and they mentally place Hurley in everything they watch. I'm sure there's a place for Hurley in 'Citizen Kane' or 'Eyes Wide Shut.'

  7. But I could easily imagine you in that movie, Jorge!

  8. I'm so glad I found you! lol. Not sure why! I mean your on LOST that's one reason, but.....
    A girl on Facebook has a pic of you as her profile pic. It's a candid shot so I thought you knew her - Catherine Collins. I found her while looking for someone else. Where are you filming these days? Wanna have dinner with us at MARS 2112 in NYC...it's my son's 11th birthday and he LOVES you! In bro kinda way! lol


  9. Ha! I'm a guide for ChaCha, and seems to me the slacker was the one who answered that question!

  10. Is there, at the very least, an affable slacker in that movie?

    Or an Affleckable slacker?

    *tumbleweed rolls by*

    Yeah, sorry for that...

  11. Ha! That's awesome. But wouldn't LOST be even more interesting if you played a character by the same name in a movie about the end of the world?

  12. It's on the internet, so it mujst be true!

    You wouldn't have wanted to have been in that movie anyways, cause you can't itch your nose in a space suit. It would drive you nutty.

  13. How awesome would it have been to have Hurley walking around in "Armageddon", though?

  14. Oh man, I like this film! maybe, they thought, that in the Bruce Willis role was you???

  15. Well, it does say "unreality" under that laughable answer... Maybe they're inventing a whole alternate reality in which you (or at least your Lost character) appears all over history & pops up in random movies.

  16. I don't know, in addition to expanding your already impressive resume, I think this could end up becoming a great wacky internet meme, like True Chuck Norris Facts. I've even worked up some prototypes for your approval:

    "Q: Is Jorge Garcia in the movie Big Top Pee-wee?"

    "A: Indeed he is. Jorge Garcia plays affable slacker Hurley in the movie Big Top Pee-wee. Need anything else? Just ask ChaCha."


    "Q: Is Jorge Garcia in the science fiction novel Mona Lisa Overdrive?"

    "A: Indeed he is. Jorge Garcia plays affable slacker Hurley in the science fiction novel Mona Lisa Overdrive. Need anything else? Just ask ChaCha."


    "Q: Is Jorge Garcia in the video game Halo?"

    "A: Indeed he is. Jorge Garcia plays affable slacker Hurley in the video game Halo. Need anything else? Just ask ChaCha."

  17. What do they do, just make stuff up? Geez.

  18. How do you get confused about that? I mean, what movie did he watch?

  19. Hmm, there was a character named Lt. Halsey in Armageddon...Just change the "a" to a "u", the "l" to an "r", and move the "l" to the right of the "r" and there you have it. (although it still doesn't come even close to your name!)
    Note to self: Do not use Cha Cha when looking for answers to entertainment questions.

  20. Cha Cha is stupid with 50% of the answers just random stuff the "guides" make up

    They get paid per answer so they just go through like 10 a minute lol

  21. Maybe Cha-Cha thinks Flocke getting off the Island would CAUSE an Armageddon, so they got confused. /long shot

  22. maybe you were in it in the sideways flashback/forward timeline :)

  23. Oh man, that's embarrassing on ChaCha. *blush* I worked as a ChaCha guide for about a year, and would never have let that one slip past...

  24. Darn, well don't have to watch Armageddon now, is there any other movies that you are 'not' in? Like maybe you were in Star Wars?

  25. But we don't want it to end. I still remember the day in August 2004?? when our family took a trip to Manoa to visit my husbands mama-san, while driving around we stumbled across a crashed plane from an airline named Oceanic. Well we knew it had to be from an awesome new movie or tv series. Had no idea it would be as great as "LOST". To see the last episode will be sad indeed. Thanks for everything!!!!

  26. As a ChaCha guide, this is highly disappointing. Sorry. :(

  27. Well that's weird! Where do these people get their info, Mars? Or maybe it was on the asteroid that was plummeting to the earth! Hello!

  28. hahahahahahahaha Oh, the pains of being famous! ;) I agree with Lisa, demand your royalties! ;)

  29. I say go with it and maybe make some royalties? ;)

  30. I like the word affable.

    Other than that...

  31. Sure he was- right next to Emo Phillips and Lola Falana- in the big dance scene with the monkeys and the linguini? Come on..you remember... Armageddon-by Trey Parker and Matt Stone? oh wait... no I'm completely wrong. Guess I'm not Chacha.

  32. Cha Cha's been slacking. I once got an answer that had nothing at all do to with the question I asked.

  33. what can you expect from someone named chacha?

  34. oh yeah that's right you were in Deep Impact as Hugo

  35. Haha. At least they called you affable. You might not be in Armageddon, but affable you are!

  36. Jorge,

    I get that a lot. People thinking I was in the Ten Commandments, and then they realize it was Charlton Heston. :P

  37. I wonder if I was in Armageddon.

  38. What's a 'cha cha'?

  39. I HAVE seen you on late night Becker reruns though!!!!! :)

  40. How could you possibly NOT remember being in a movie?! Seriously if it is on the interwebs it is true!
    Now If you will excuse me I have to help out some DR. in Nigeria get some money out of some account.


  41. cha cha also said you were dating someone other than Beth since 2004

  42. Hmmm. I thought that was Independence Day. Wasn't Hurley the one who finished off the mothership alongside Jeff Goldblum?

    I joke. But ya know, that would have been kinda cool, come to think of it....

  43. Ouch. I worked or Cha Cha when it first came out we were good people. But it soon because people robot answers and people answering with BS just to get a few cents.

    I answered more Penis questions.. I had one bookmark for the man with the longest penis and one for the largest animal penis (Sperm whale, go figure.)

  44. Armageddon, Lost? What's the difference? Your character is affable though. At least they got thar right.

  45. I hate to see your schedule wide open...:( What on earth am I gonna be obsessed with now!!

  46. I would guess they were thinking of Ken Hudson Campbell, who plays "Max" in the movie...

  47. ROFL.

    I often come to this blog when I need cheering up because Jorge you just make me happy. And today I really needed it.

    And I got it. I actually laughed out loud for a few minutes reading the ChaCha response & your own response.

    Ahh, thank you!

    You're amazing :)

  48. You know, if you squint really hard, Jorge might slightly resemble Ken Hudson Campbell who actually was in Armageddon.

  49. hey jorge,

    i am such a fan of yours! can't wait until tonight's episode, lost is on fire!
    just wanted to say hi and that i think you'd be great
    on The Office too!:)

    and very importantly, you're the first person besides myself i've seen wearing vibram five fingers! (in surfin' goat pics) ---i havent stopped wearing mine since last august when i got a couple of pairs...

    yrs, Matthew Sweet (singer)

  50. Haha. You should definately just go along with it and take the credit for it.

  51. i love cha cha though
