Friday, February 19, 2010

Just read Episode 15

And it is AWESOME.
And I'm super excited about the guest star.

P.S. Don't spoil in the comments section.


  1. I can't wait to see it! I'm really loving S6.

  2. it's either Zack Morris, or Punky Brewster.
    Hurley go lucky is quite the change, it's awesome really, sideways hurley ftw.

  3. Great! I am so excited about the new season. You're all doing a wonderful job. And I hope the writers have a great ending for Hurley and you in store!

  4. Wow, only 4 more episodes to film! I moved to Oahu 6 months ago and my nine year old daughter and I just sent in our pictures to be extras. I am hoping we are not too late to get in. If you have any connections, I would be ever so grateful :)

    Michelle Blimes

    P.S. I am excited to see the cornrows.

  5. Is it Cher?

    If she's The Queen of The Island, that WOULD make sense...

    Meryl Streep channeling Julia Child would also be very awesome.

  6. Dude, you're killing me! You tease!

  7. I feel like you should tell us more.

  8. OOO< I really hope it's... uhhh.... you know, the one Hurley was interested in. Libby.
    Hurley really needs some love.

  9. Je suis sur que ce sera un episode terrible

    keep up the good work

  10. Aawww that's so mean :(((
    I wanna know what happens!!

  11. I'm just glad that means you're still in the show by episode 15.

    I vote Hurley as the new Island Protector!

  12. You. Are. So. Horrible!

    I already feel like I'm going to bust from week to week having to wait for a new episode and now you have to go and rub it in?!

    Nice Jorge... real nice. :-P

    *LOL* You know we love you.

  13. Awesome, can't wait! I will be in Hawaii in 3 weeks and I'm wondering if you guys will still be filming while we're there...

  14. I have no idea who it is... but I am hoping it is Cynthia Watros. So glad we found out about the numbers!

  15. Hey, I just posted something about your (lovely!) blog... and how you never let a spoiler slip here, he he. I took the liberty of recommending your blog, I just love the way you write and I am sure my friends will do to, even when they are not stricly Lost fans. Here it is:
    ¡Saludos! :)

  16. Congrats on a great run for this show. I will miss it! On the bright side - does this mean you can spend more time in Milwaukee!!!! HA HA
    You're great Jorge!

  17. Oh em gee. I don't even think I realized we get 15 episodes! So excited about that. So, is episode 15 the finale? Or do we get more after that?!

  18. I'm loving Lost this season! Heck, I love it every season. Can't wait to find out what happens.

  19. I can not wait. I am so excited about this season already and I am loving the direction Hugo is taking~~so far anyway!!

    I hope you remember who we are when you are no longer are with Lost. lol I mean that you will keep this blog. I mean that, too.

    Other than one moment that scared the crap out of me, I loved this week's episode.

    Oh, this is my other email but this is Tena Lynn and the doxie and Elmer. lol

  20. Z

    Can't wait. Guest star guess... William Shatner??

  21. Hi Jorge! cheers from mexico! i'm a huge fan of LOST and i love your character in the show xD right now i'm watchin all the episodes hahaha.. and i can't wait for the new episode of the season!! anyway.. be cool! =)

  22. How Is the guest star??? she or he?? pliss sss

  23. Wow! Just a few episodes left. It's really getting down to the wire for you guys.

    How will life go on when it's all over???

  24. Can't wait to see it! I just hope the end the show with a feeling of closure. I would hate to invest all this time and have it end horribly, I mean that would probably ruin the entire series for me. Have you seen Six Feet Under? The way the ended that show was absolutely AMAZING! You have to watch it the whole series to truly appreciate it though.

  25. The entire ride, over these past six years, has been awesome. I can only imagine that you as an actor are just excited to read the script and find out what happens, as we are to watch it on TV.

    Thank you for bringing Hugo to life.

  26. Ohhh its true then?! Vincent is gonna be back this year?! ;) hehe jk i cant wait to see what it is i think you're referring to i hope it was a lotta fun for ya.

  27. You're killing us, buddy. I'm dying.

  28. I cant wait! Imagine how hard it is counting down the days until Tuesday-waiting and thinking and waiting and waiting and rethinking and then just when you think you understand what the heck is happening, Tuesday comes and POOF, I have no idea-so I start waiting again :) I wouldnt have it any other way-6 years, wow!

  29. I'm super excited about episode 15 and I haven't even read it! *grin*

  30. I'm curious.. Are you exited because it's someone we've seen before? (I mean it could be desmond since he's not a regular anymore) or is it because of the actor itself (whether we've seen it before or not)?

  31. Charlie? Boone? Shannon? Eko? Ooooooh.....I know who! But not spoiling as instructed.

  32. I heard it took about 3 rewrites to final episode 15.

  33. There's a clue in here somewhere, let's see....

    7 Letters in "AWESOME" although two of them are "E" and an "M" is just an upside-down "W" so there's really 5 letters in it... There's 7 days in a week, but only 5 WORK days. Work spelled backwards is "Krow" which sounds like "crow". Roosters crow at dawn. If you rearrange the letters in 'dawn' you get 'wand'... wand=magic. Magic is performed by a Mage. Mage rhymes with--
    Oh, I give up, Is it Keanu Reeves? I'm just gonna guess it's Keanu.

  34. anyone tries to spoil my lost with give aways gets me.

  35. Sounds awesome! I can't believe how close to the end its getting.

  36. That's great news. =D
    Not that I don't trust Darlton, but it's good to get some confirmation that the show is gonna end with style.

  37. Is that the pen-ultimate? If you're that excited it's gotta be good.

  38. Is it Fluffy? the cat from Sayid's past? .... i'm assuming the cat's name is Fluffy.

  39. So glad the script is still exciting. This just brought home to me how close the end is though. Nothing to spoil but I'm excited as ever. Thanks for the update, Jorge.

  40. Jorge,

    Are you still around for episode 15? Tsk Tsk :P

  41. I'll be the first to say it. It's nunu?

  42. ooh also, can you at least tell us if a bunch of mysteries have been solved by that episode? cuz if they haven't, i can't imagine they will be with 3 left... and that scares me.

  43. Let me tell you this,i´ve been following Lost since ep.1 and for me,it´s the best show ever.I´ll miss the show,the characters,the actors,the story and i believe you when you say ep.15 is awesome.But i have a question for you and i would like you to answer it.-Do you think Lost should have 1 or perhaps 2 more seasons before the end?Btw great job on your character especially this season.

  44. And now we're all dying of curiosity.

    By the way, I really like the podcast.

    Check out my lost reaction vlog

  45. Is it Dawn Wells? I bet it's Dawn Wells.

    Just kidding. :P Can't wait to see it!

  46. REO Speedwagon.. oh wait, you said NOT to spoil it.

  47. ooooooo a part of me can't wait. the other part is sad as it will be sooooo close to the end...

    still- SO exciting! :)

  48. It's Jack Glatfelter as a log carrying guy - I knew it!

  49. I just hope it's not Anna Lucia, Nikki, or Paulo.

  50. Jorge,

    I was so excited to come across your blog, for the very first time, a few days ago. I am officially hooked! You bring a smile to my face everytime I watch Lost, and now everytime I come here to read. I am so excited to see how the rest of the final season unfolds, although, I will also be incredibly sad to see it end. Congratulations to you on such an excellent performance week after week, and my best to both you and the cast and crew of Lost. You're the best, dude! =)

  51. I'd say his first name is Mario. Unless it's President Obama since he's from Hawaii. :D

  52. It's George Lucas - he read your script and liked it. ;)

  53. Jorge, I got really sick this year and had never seen LOST; my pal lent me seasons 1-5. Since I was stuck at home for a long while, I sat down to watch them...and blew threw all of them in a couple of months. I love the show. I now know what all the hubbub is about! It makes having been sick this year worth it - seriously (or, at least it didn't suck quite as much, lol).

    I just want to say, that like everyone else here, I'm sure: I love your character and what you do with it. I'm so happy to see folks in the industry who are so talented and enjoy their work, creating a wonderful world to share with us. Thanks for all of it.

    Oh, and yeah - it's definitely Will Shatner on board, dude. ;-)

  54. how did you get zsazsa gabor? Really? wow! (okay, so I'm not bothering to guess. The writers are not disappointing at all this season- and I just love that Hugo is the leader of the pack now.

  55. You are such a tease! Whoever it is, I know it is going to be awesome :D

    I am going to be sad to see the show end but I'm excited to hopefully see the "big" picture

  56. Great guesses guys!! My favorites are William Shatner and Amelia Earhart.

  57. I'm enjoying this season very much, but it's so sad to know every chapter is one less to the end.

    Estas haciendo un trabajo genial en la serie, congrats!

  58. Hey Jorge, i know u cant tell any spoilers, and i dont wanna know them of course, but, could u tell me anything about Vincent, i mean, is ok? they always forget about him and is not fair, i'd really apreciate if u could tell me something, in private if u want, muchas gracias y buen trabajo en la serie!.

  59. I'm beyond stoked, and I love how your blog makes me feel connected to the show, somehow. :-) I love reading all your posts, not just the LOST-related ones, FWIW.

  60. Dude!! You just killed me!! Seriously!!

  61. Oh i don't want it to be even close to Ep 15 - that's way too close to the end already.

  62. LL Cool J - 'splains the cornrows ;)

  63. I know who it is...

    It makes perfect sense that in the sideways "what if" world, Elvis would be in the building! Er...I mean hatch...

    Which, of course, leads to WWHD? (as in, "What would Hurley do?")

  64. Well, it can only be THE DUDE from The Big Lebowski. Obvious, innit?

  65. ah so close to the finale.. my guess for the final scene btw, everyone's sitting at a round table and asks jacob all the important questions via hurley. then they have chicken wings. also dogen is going to become the zen master.

  66. what about a spanish blog? should work. I'm from chile, i know u know here.

    Saludos desde Chile Charlie

  67. Libby?
    Harrison Ford?
    Michael Jackson? (He's actually been alive this whole sad time and the tragic death thing was staged just so he could be a surprise guest on the last season of LOST???)

  68. Thank God, you are screening these messages now, Jorge. BTW, I thought you were the best part in The Lighthouse. The way you pwned Dogen and made him go to the courtyard.....priceless!

  69. Loved your line in this weeks episode about OB1, cracked me up.
    Also think that the line you said to Jack in the cave may play a bigger role in the ANSWERS we all seek.
    "Dude, that could be us?"
    Dont think its you two, but your close!

  70. I know who it is....
    Its NuNu....right?

    Oooops...was that a spoiler?

  71. What???!

    I assumed everything was done, filmed and wrapped by now.

    Things are still developing??

    I love me some LOST.
    What will we do without all of you?
    (btw: rhyme=unintentional, but you're welcome)

  72. I've just read on Damon's Twitter where he made a comment about Rainn Wilson...he would fit in.

  73. First off, I think that Chunky_Lover68 has a couple of GREAT guesses and I LOVE -Eli-'s guess! I think I just fell a little in love with -Eli- because of that answer....

    My guess is Dumbledore Kalrizian. The island is actually Mordor and he has to throw the ring in the hole of the hatch to stop Khan!

    (Yes, i did steal that from another popular show and modified it a little.)

  74. I just watched it and the first thing thought I had was to come back to this post and comment. But I'm speechless. All I can say is... You were right.
