Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wow Again

Dedication or too much time on their hands.


  1. Answers has now replaced Balls Deep in my head. I am so glad there are OTHERs who are waiting for the ANSWERS.

    Do you have lots of wet work this season. I enjoyed at the start of last season how you old us about the use of underwear and gettiing wet at work. Lacie

  2. i'd say definately too much time!!

  3. everyone is addicted
    to LOST Jorge=( Can anyone blame them? i'm one of them too

  4. I need answers, Jorge. If it means making a suggestible song, I'll do it...

  5. I pasted it into Wordle to make a tag cloud:

  6. Anyone counted the "dude"'s yet? lol

  7. Whoops. I think I commented on the LOST answers video here. Sorry.

  8. Um yeah. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time haha.

    (((((HUGS))))) for you and Beth.
    And what do you think of the Dharma bears the DBI sent you?

  9. Jorge,

    I'm clearing my voice to sing! I've got too much time on my hands......

  10. “Look, dude, there are men with tranquilizer guns hunting me down like an animal. They wanna bring me somewhere against my will.”

    When Hurley said that, I LOVED the look on your face after the jail guy ignored him.

  11. the family video was funny, this is weird

  12. The really long monologue in episode 2 is awesome. It totally sums up the entire series in a nice and tidy package. They should play it before the season premier so that all the newbies can get caught up.

  13. Hi J

    My all time favorite Hurley line:

    “You know maybe if you ate more comfort food, you wouldn’t have to go around shooting people.”


  14. YOU ROCK HURLEY - my bet is that you will be the BEST character of the series - can't wait for the 'Everyone Loves Hurley' episode. I should be getting your action figure in the mail soon :D
    Yep for those that don't love LOST you are missing out - too bad!
    If you haven't read Vozzek's book you should borrow it from Desmond - supposedly he has read it :)

  15. dude, Rhett and Link are absolutely awesome in their LOLarity and their apparently obsessive dedication to Lost. Their other videos are equally hillarious:

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