Saturday, January 23, 2010

Look what just came up

on my Google Alerts.


Okay Louise. How's this?


  1. Jeeze Louise!

    Don't you go changin' just to please Louise. We love you just the way you are!

  2. Oh Jorge, you have a perfectly-sized mouth. You are a very good looking guy, this person obviously doesn't know a good looking guy when he sees one!

  3. haha that looks so wrong. I love playin with the stretch and morph filters on art programs.

  4. Louise has no clue what she's talking about. Obviously.

  5. Some people are so rude. And wrong.

  6. I think a little mouth would look a lot better than a big mouth like that!

  7. Nervermind her, Jorge! Your mouth has the right size! =)

  8. She's nuts, your mouth is proportional. The "new you" looks like Animal from the Muppets.

  9. Uhhhhh...okay, THAT looks out of place and freaky-deaky. Don't worry, Jorge...the vast majority of us love your mouth just the way it is!!! :-D

  10. HAHAHAHA! It's OK, some dumdums recently made fun of Michael C. Hall for wearing a knit cap on his head at the Grammys.

    People are idiots.

    Who the hell is Louise?

  11. I was going to say Fozzie Bear. Wacka Wacka.

  12. There's a Louise in every crowd - ignore her comments. Your mouth looks fine! Sheesh!

  13. Hi Jorge
    Thank you so much for the best laugh I have had this week. Your the best.


  14. You're beautiful just the way you are. But your response is great!!!!

  15. Bwahahaha. You look like Animal!

  16. does she live near me? i can go bip her..

  17. Are you going to Heidi Montag's doctor to get that prettying up? *shudder*

    Hysterical photo.

  18. Dude~~they say you should never Google yourself!! LOL!!

    And besides, WE love you just as you are.


  19. Jorge,

    I sense that you are from the deep south with that picture. I can just hear you say "Mah I done cut myself on the screen door again dadgumit"
    :P LMAO

  20. Louise doesn't know WHAT the heck she's talkin' about!! I agree with all the others!!!

    Obviously, Louise has nothing better to do with her time...

    Love your rebuttal, though!!

    You're full of wit AND imagination! Very funny, too, I might add!

    You mouth is fine... : )

  21. LMAO! I as an art fan and lover of picasso say your eyes are weird, they're on opposite sides of your face.

  22. I know you don't want to hear it, but Jorge Jolie is fine as hell. Those lips, like buttah!

  23. First time I comment! I'm glad ypu chose a pic from spain to show us you "Wonderful new mouth". Man... I've loved this blog since I first read it like 8 months ago. Have a nice time Jorge!:D

  24. That Louise knows nothing about proportions! :)

  25. I wonder what picture you would have shown us if louise had said you had a teeny tiny p... ;-)

  26. Dude! Too Funny! Jorge, you're great as is. Some people just have a distorted perception of relative sizes.

  27. Nice. I love it! (Hey, by the way I am going to be in Hawaii in March. My girlfriend and I would love to meet you for coffee. We live in Indiana (pretty far from the islands) and will be there on vacation or a week! I hope we can schedule something as we would both love to meet you!)

  28. I showed this to Michael Emerson and he thought I was doing it to look like I was in "Where the Wild Things Are"

  29. That photo makes me think of Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun video.

  30. It does make you resemble Carol quite a bit!

  31. Emerson's right. You are hilarious. And perfect.

  32. Is there a National Monitor for mouth sizing that I don't know about? unbelievable.

    anyhoo, this is totally lame, but thought it'd give you a chuckle after such a rude person...I drew it the other day.

  33. i am sorry someone said that! funny your "where the wild things are" reference to your smile...heehee.

  34. I have to agree with the other posters here who say you look fabulous the way you are! The pic with the big mouth is certainly creepy tho'. LOL

    I popped on over to see what Louise was up to and it seems the has her panties in a slight twist because of the uproar. Seems people might have sent her a message or two. Says she has 'haterz' now. LOL

    We don't HATE you Louise. We just think you can't see correctly and wish you would have your eyes checked. =)

  35. You probably aren't letting it get to you but it's still totally rude and unnecessary to say stuff like that. Some people are idiots ;)
    Having drawn you 2 times I think it looks natural just the way it is. Besides a smaller mouth is better than a big nose anyway :D

  36. The typical spanish mouth if you see Cuatro channel...


  37. Jorge I have seen the spot about the sixth season of Lost in Spanish! I love when you talk in Spanish! Apart from that, I have a very important exam of English this Thursday so give good luck!!

    Un abrazo,


  38. Jorge, that is seriously creepy.

  39. That's funny - "Where the Wild Things Are" was my first response to this as well.

  40. Holy Crap, you're getting a lot of comments now...

    Apparently, Louise forgets that celebrities are real people. And some follow twitter...ahem.

    Doubt she'd tell you this to your face - was just trying to be funny.

    For the record, she's clearly wrong. And not so funny. You are though - LOVE the morph!

  41. Jorge i sure hope i get to meet that smile at the beach premiere this weekend! :)

  42. You have the best sense of humor - that picture just cracks me up. Personally, I love you just the way you are!!

  43. I'm glad your mouth is not as big as Louise's.

  44. Interesting to read this post. Initially I thought the picture is edited but after watching it closely then only I realized it is the real image of him. Keep sharing more interesting blogs. Reckless Driving Virginia
