Saturday, January 2, 2010

In the Snow

My first snow-based activity this Christmas was scraping the windows of the car.
Most of it was really just sweeping off the powder snow from the glass. There wasn't much ice build up.
I had to do it a lot.
It got old pretty fast.


  1. Cleaning off snow does get old fast... the reason why this New Yorker now lives in the Arizona desert :)

  2. Heh... Now you know what we go through in winter, Jorge. I'm a Chicagoan, and it's much the same. Don't even get me starting on shoveling the drive ways! Argh...

    Happy New Years, btw!

  3. Good activity, doesn't it?

    I wish you a very, very happy New Year and I hope you stop being lost. This is the Year of Lost. Luck

  4. My wife and I just moved to a place without a garage, and having to chip away at ice is no fun, especially with some of the weird, icy weather we've had in WI this year. I am definitely going to invest in something like this:

  5. It was 60 in West, Texas....'just saying. You'll have to come for Westfest on Labor Day you a skunk egg, kolache and a dublin dr pepper.

  6. When I lived in Kansas City, MO, we'd get 1/2 inch or more of ICE on the windows. I'd just start the car, and go inside for a while -- then come out and slide the big sheets of ice off the windows and watch them smash like glass on the driveway! :)

    (I'm in Greenville, SC now. If we get any ice at all the whole town shuts down and I don't have to go anywhere.)

  7. Ohh I hate it when my car is full of snow.
    Next time I'll call ya for doing this with me together, ok?
    But then you have to fly to Germany!

  8. Jorge,it could be worse;You could be back in the 70's on Dharma Island,shoveling PBP.

  9. I don't mind, we've had so little snow these last few years (we're in NJ). be honest, I'm not the one that has to clean the snow off the car either!

  10. hehe... funny stuff. it is lovely to visit snow every once and a while but imagine doing that year after year. i feel yah!

  11. I feel yr pain, this CA native in Boston has loads 'o fun scraping windshields (they have a spray can of stuff that helps too) and shoveling walk ways? I look like a duck w/a wood paddle up it's butt walking to the car trying not to fall on the ice! LOL, have fun, dude...

  12. Well, look at the bright side: you had SNOW to clean off your car. I have never seen snow (I'm from the Canary Islands) Here, we have rather warm Xmas, sniff sniff.

  13. Snow is just too wrong. I don;t get it, it's fun for the first month, then it's goer. Too much white Christmas glory.

  14. I don't get it... won't the snow just come off on its own once you start driving? Is there a purpose behind brushing it off ahead of time?

  15. I used to live in the interior of British Columbia and I grew up with cold and snow but now I live on the balmy coast.
    The rookie mistake that most people unfamiliar with snow do is to not clean off the roof or hood of the car. Oh yes, they do the front and back windows, but when you get going, all the snow from the hood flies up onto the windshield and all the snow from the roof flows down onto the back window.
    So there you go....advice from a former snow bunny.
    Oh yes, and another tip is to always ALWAYS shovel your driveway way wider than you need because you'll find after multiple snowfalls the space just keeps magically getting smaller and smaller. So start big.
    Ok..done now.

  16. i think i'm the only person who's grateful for piles of snow on my car. if it weren't for me having to scrape, i would never start my car early and i would end up just getting in it and going. which is really bad for it in cold weather. i need the snow for discipline purposes!

    [/end of too much information about my car]

  17. I am so glad ours is all gone. It should be coming back any day now though...

  18. So, Jorge, will you continue to do this blog after LOST ends? I hope so!!

  19. Gustavo, I would gladly trade places with you. I am only afraid that after a week in the great white north you would want to trade back.

  20. Warmislandsun, I'd love to have a white Xmas at least once in my life. Thanks for your offer, I will think about it, haha.

    Happy New Year to everybody, btw!


    Maybe your bear could do with a few lights?

  22. I was wishing for a snowless Winter, but I have NOT gotten my wish! Snow removal gets old REALLY fast, especially when it's heavy and wet. I'd like to join Erin and move to Arizona!

  23. Jorge,

    Trust me you get the hang of it real quick. For kicks take a bucket full of hot water and dump it on your neighbors windshield. Fun!! :-) Hee Hee

  24. DUDE! Lookin' skinny there! Cheers!

  25. Dude that's my neighborhood and I know that sled hill HOLY SMOKES, come back! Milwaukee misses you, why can't I ever run into someone famous? Thank you for making the last 6 years of TV enjoyable.

