Monday, December 7, 2009

The Rat Incident. Part 6

For extended coverage of The Rat Incident visit Beth's "From Hal" blog (click here).


  1. That is funny! Poor little mouse: P

  2. I sure hope that's the only one, ewwwww! I'm with Beth, I think there's more than one. :P

  3. (from reading Beth's blog)

    There were NINE?! OMG. I would have had to flee to a hotel while I called in the professional rat hitmen.

    And then I would have stayed up all night in the hotel, listening for sounds. O.O

  4. This HAS GOT to be the funniest series of blog posts I have ever seen. Thanks for that, Jorge!

  5. lol. "He's out there!" ... you should add some dramatic music to this and make it a short horror film.

  6. OMG, I feel so sorry for Beth!
    Part 6 was crazy! PLEASE get all of those Rats for her...I would be FREAKING out! Good Luck!

  7. OMG! 9!?!? Poor Beth! There is NO WAY on God's green Earth I would have been staying in that house until an exterminator came and took care of every single filthy little beast!

  8. I think you might just have the makings of the next Blair Witch - or maybe I should say the next Paranormal Activity since it is supposedly the new Blair Witch. Just get Michael G to score some scary music and you've got yourselves a top ten indie movie!

    Beth, you are adorable. I would have reacted the same way - though I suspect with not quite such polite language!

    Jorge, your calm through it all was oddly hilarious.

    Thanks, once again, for the giggles. I am glad your rat problem is over, though like with LOST, I'm sorry there will be no "season" (part) seven!

    : ) P

  9. Thought you might like this. It's called teamwork.

  10. Beth, you're a brave woman to stay. I would've hauled ass right on out of there.

    Jorge, it is not nice to laugh at your sweetheart. Tsk.

    Dear Mr. Rat: For shame, man! Party elsewhere.

  11. If you put a brown lunch bag on its side and put the rat trap in it... it makes for easy clean up - that way you only have to pick up the bag and toss it in the trash ;-)

  12. Seriously, this has been EPIC! And hilarious.

    I live alone and have had to deal with large insects and such, and once a dead mouse outside (delightful!), but nothing like this. A while back I was at Golden Gate Park with a friend when a gopher poked its head out of the ground and I jumped about 10 feet into the air. So if something like this happened in my house, I'd probably freak the F out, too.

  13. You may laugh, but consider this: How many lives were lost to plagues because of these fuzzy little disease carrying fellows?

    You may want to call an exterminator....

  14. Leave all mouse alone! They're living beings! Dont harm them.

    Feed them and love them. :D
    They just need a warm hug from Beth. ;)

  15. This is the funniest I ever seen. I can understand how Beth's feeling! She's so sweet! Hope seeing little bit more of the story! Hope it's ending well, for all of you. And the bloody rat. ;)
    /Martina, Sweden.

  16. There was an radio show in the late 1940's and early 1950's called Escape and one of the episodes was a classic. Three Skeleton Key where some lighthouse keepers were trapped in the lighthouse by thousands of black ship rats. Grear show, you should check it out Jorge.

  17. You are right about- HAhahaha!!!
    I called it: "The Beth Incident"! :)

  18. Congrats on getting the rat, Jorge! The trap got the bugger and hopefully you'll get the hole patched in the screen and not have anymore creepy little visitors!

  19. Poor Beth!!

    9 rats??????? omg I would be freaking out too that is an infestation!

  20. I just want to hug Beth and tell her it is ok! I hope she is sleeping at night, poor thing!

  21. I would just die. I'd move out immediately, seriously. NINE????

  22. A couple of years ago, I was away at a conference for work and got an e-mail from my husband that just said: "Mouse in Toaster. Send Help." Come to find out, he had walked into our kitchen that morning just in time to see a MOUSE pop out of our TOASTER and run away.

    Needless to say, the toaster was in the dumpster when I got home. :) We fought those little buggers for months. In that same apartment, we caught a live squirrel, a bat and a raccoon. I feel your pain.

  23. OMG!!
    Beth...I totally feel ya!!!
    Actually Beth is braver than me. I would have packed up and moved out until I got an "all clear" from the damn Rat Patrol!

  24. you need to take her away for a week and let someone come and fumigate the place for vermin...they are nasty little creatures..and beth is hysterical.

  25. You two are too funny. I love how Beth is so clearly freaking out big time and you are just calmly filming the whole thing.

    We once had a possum in our apartment in Boston, MA and when we called a company to come and deal with it, it turned out to be a 70 year old grandma who brought her 4 year old grandson with her and proceeded to trap it in a cage using Vienna cocktail wieners.

  26. "Did you get it on video?"

    Says it all really, it's disgusting but we love to watch it.

    Thanks man

    ...j (",)

  27. Beth is really adorable. She's in terror and you film it :shaking head: you guys crack me up.

  28. hi Jorge
    Beth that is for sure a MOUSE in the video clips. Not fun I know but better than rats.

    What does your cat do all day? Cut back on her/his vittles and those mice will be gone real fast.

    Love your blog, not one post is ever boring, thanks for the fun
    and giggles you provide. Sorry some are at Beth's suffering. lol


  29. Wow... I can't believe you guys hate a cute furry creature for trying to survive...dont just kill them, they don't understand the concept of property

  30. OMG is she the cutest girlfriend or what? That's the funniest video I've seen in a long time.

  31. that's hilarious. Seriously, she is too cute for words!!! Any other chick would be yelling at you to turn the stupid camera off. Too adorable, I tell you. Too. stinkin'. adorable.

  32. I really felt badly for Beth. Bless her heart - She was in high panic mode.

    For all that, she sure was brave to stay in that house. I too (as someone said) would have hauled ass out of that house and not returned before the exterminators went through it from top to bottom.


  33. Do they have an Oscar category for best dramatic comedic short-form documentary? If so, you NEED to submit this.

  34. I react exactly the same when it comes to spiders! so i totally get it... rats arent that bad though...but then again, i have never had any

  35. Awesome! It is really very funny. I loved it. Beth is such a darling. Now I am adding your blog in my favorites.
    Pest Control Services NJ

  36. You guys would totally hate our house..or beth would! We have rats that we train for TV and movies.. and there are over 3 dozen.. CUTE black eyes. long scaly tails... Fuzzy little bellies. Love em!
