Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Rat Incident. Part 4


  1. When you finally catch the rat, you should staple it to the wall to show the other rats that you mean business. They wont come back. LOL

  2. omg these are the best videos my fiance and i have ever seen. so hilarious!

  3. I love how you have fun with it all -and not just the rat. Poor Beth- has she ever been to NYC?

  4. This is truly entertaining.
    As a fellow rodent-phobe, I totally know what the gal's going through. Try putting little bowls of peppermint oil on those ledges near the screens. The fumes are too strong for their little red eyes, so it keeps them away. I've done it in this creepy dark cabinet that leads to my basement... they found their way up a few years ago. EEEEEEKKKKK!

  5. I still want to know if she slept in the house again till you caught mickey mouse...ha..bless her heart.

  6. Jorge,

    If they ever discover spiders as big as rats that will be the beginning of Armageddon. I only hate spiders more than rats.

  7. Between these videos and the Nunu advent calendar, this has become my favorite blog of late.

  8. Rat or no rat; girlfriend deserves an EGOT for this.

  9. I like Beth's panick! but where is Mr.Rat???

  10. I've been out of town on business but I've been checking my google reader first thing when I get back to the hotel just to keep up with "The Rat Incident". Although, I did wake up in the middle of the night thinking there was a mouse in my hotel room.

  11. I love poor Beth's twitching! LOL

  12. Not to mock poor Beth, but sir, her incoherent ramblings while you were outside made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. I suggest watching it again, closing your eyes and just listening to her. Beautiful and insane. Thank you, again. My hat remains off.

  13. I love how you're stringing us along and making us waaaaaaait to see how everything turns out. Kinda like waiting until FEBRUARY for LOST!!!! (Just in case you couldn't read my sarcasm, I DON'T love it! What happened with the rat???)

  14. I feel like you should play the LOST sound at the end of each ep. for the cliffhanger!

    I'm invested in this incident as much as I am the show! haha.

  15. Best.Miniseries.Ever. Emmy winning ;)

  16. Some of the best blog videos EVER!

  17. I realize this would end your relationship with Beth rather quickly (to say the least)but how tempting it would be to do a Godfather on her by leaving a fake stuffed rat in bed when she is asleep.

  18. Aw poor Beth, I feel for her. You should have heard me scream and carry on when my cat brought me a mouse as a gift and left it under my bed. It wasn't that big and it was, ick, dead but I screamed and carried on like it was a six foot rat with saber teeth. My cat was SO offended. OK so now I have to go back and check out Parts I-III

  19. Man, I feel for Beth! I once trapped a tiny little mouse in my empty kitchen trashcan. The trashcan was too tall for him to jump/run out of, but I still couldn't go near it. In tears, I called my mother to drive 30 minutes to come and get it out of my house.

    That being said, these videos are hilarious! As disgusting as it was, I'm glad there was some comedy in it. :o)

  20. Rubber rat on a string.....I'm just sayin' it'd be funny.

  21. wow, she really knows how to freak out.

  22. Poor Beth!!

    Rats don't bother me.. it's the squirrel that got into my stove duct for the fan. Eek.

  23. This could be the sequel to "Paranormal Activity"

  24. this is pricelessly funny.
    Time to get a cat, man.

  25. "The tail's still in"

    Gosh, I love Beth!
