Friday, December 4, 2009

The Rat Incident. Part 3


  1. Whoever commented that this is exactly like Paranormal Activity hit the nail on the head. I love these little videos. It's absolutely hilarious. xo

  2. Do what the lady says!

    Steel wool is good for plugging holes.

    I had a rat in the kitchen once - in the cupboard under the sink. I heard scratching, and opened the cupboard door. There was a big roll of paper towels in there. On one side I could see a nose and whiskers, on the other the biggest, fattest, longest tail ever. I'm so glad I couldn't see its body. I slammed the door and when my parents got home it was gone. They tried to tell me it was a mouse.

  3. oh man..that's just too funny...but i feel so bad for her..she's so scared..kill the fecking rat sweety..

  4. "The light is flickering!"

    "It's a flourescent light."

    ... These videos are so fantastic. I am laughing so hard. I don't want them to stop!

  5. Beth is the cutest thing ever. Even in terror she is absolutely adorable. Up on the ottoman, oh it's a classic pose, I'd join her for sure!

    There's nothing grosser than vermin in the house, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.

    Tell Beth it seems to be part of life on the island, it's a beautiful home, and of course you're not slobs! (My husband grew up on Oahu, and he feels your pain.)

    I anxiously await the next episode.

  6. God, you guys are SO funny. Congrats dude, your girlfriend is beautiful.

  7. Can't wait to see what happened. One person suggested a cat, but terriers are excellent ratters it is what they were bred for I think.
    I once had a field mouse in the house which I caught and when I carried it outside my two cats just looked up it as if to say "Gee what's that"? then went back to sleep.

  8. OMG - this is hilarious! Every time I want to laugh at Beth, I feel bad because I SO would be freaking if there was a rat in my house. A little harmless mouse, maybe not, but a rat?! [shudder]

    Can't wait to see Part 4.

  9. I'm with you, man: why would you want to plug up the hole and _trap_ him in your house? The poor girl just seems out of her head with fear, though. There's no being rational with that. Your patience is to be admired. Good luck with all of that.

  10. How about calling the rat Samuel?
    Would be the perfect joke for all Lost fans ;)

    Anyway great vids

  11. Dude, you need to rent the movie Mousehunt! Hahahaha! And then get Christopher Walken to come out there and take care of your little problem! (wink)

    My Father once had a skunk trapped under his shop...and had a real time of it trying to get rid of him.

  12. Oh. My. Goodness. Just how many more episodes of this delightfulness do we have to look forward to? Tell Beth that I would be screaming and jumping on stuff, too. I made my 9 yr old son kill a spider because it freaked me out to get too close to it.

  13. This is without a doubt the most entertaining thing I have seen all year, with the exception of LOST, 24, and maybe District 9. Dude, you need to combine all this together and submit it for an academy award, best short film. And Beth should get nominated for best actress.

  14. She kills me! Love it! and what a cliff hanger!

  15. I've seen and read the outcome on Beth's blog. You should put a spoiler warning as there is a link from yours to hers. You should know many of your LOST fans get upset when there is no spoiler warnings! Me-I don't care. I sit here (in California) and read live chat feeds of people watching on the East Coast. I'm more of a 'gotta know' guy.

  16. Beth & Jorge = 0, Rat = 3

    I hope you even the score! :D

  17. this "incident" has me laughing so much! i'm sorry, i'd probably act the same way, but it's so hilarious to watch. can't wait for more!
    (your blog is simply one of my favorites!)

  18. Seriously, sir, this is the finest entertainment I've had in a very long while. My hat is off to you!

  19. wow. i had a flashback when Beth asked you to trap it with a pot! Actually, the whole thing is very flashback-y. I cam home from a concert a couple years ago to find my fiancee standing on the coffee table, terrified of a new rodent visitor that she saw and demanded that I catch it before she came down. She wanted me to chase it with a pot too!

  20. The videos are great! Can't wait for the next episode.

    I had a similar thing happen to me except it involved a rat and my my car. I parked my car in my garage and accidently left the driver's side window open. A rat got into my car and chewed up my seat and driver's side car mat. It freaked me out and I was afraid to drive the car for a long time afterwards.

  21. I have been totally cracking up watching these! I do feel bad for her up on the table, but it's still funny.

  22. This is hilarious - I have cracked up watching the videos. Poor Beth!!! I saw a mouse once in my parents' house and was up on the coffee table as well. :) Funny how scared we can be of teeny tiny little things. They are probably scared to death of us too - huge, screaming monsters wanting to trap them! lol.

  23. Super funny! Sorry for Beth, but still pretty funny! I am pretty sure the same thing would be happening in my house too, so tell her not to feel bad!!! Get 'em Jorge!
