Monday, December 7, 2009

My Own Advent Just Got Good

Okay so the reason I started the Nunu Advent Calendar of Stuff She Likes to Chew because I was inspired by the advent calendar that we got as a gift.
And when we started opening flaps things were kind of ho-hum boring.

Like a present.

A teddy bear.

Or a bird not unlike the bird just above on the outside of the calendar.
(They're not even trying!)

But today things got interesting when we opened this:

It's a cat with no legs that gets around with the aid of skateboard wheels that have been attached to it's body.

I can't wait till tomorrow.


  1. Tomorrow...a chihuahua chewing on a parrot!

  2. I thought the whole point of advent calendars was to get the waxy, mostly corn syrup, chocolates. You know, you make it 3 days of opening them on the appropriate day and then you break down and snap them all open to get that flavorless holiday goodness.

    It is really what the birth of Jesus is all about.

  3. LMAO! Oh the poor cat! Perhaps they're saying that all animals should be represented equally regardless of missing limbs?

  4. I wondered about the cat with the wheels when the kids opened ours too. How Christmasy is that?

  5. Nothing says Christmas like a wheeled cat...

  6. Hahahaha. And I love the expression on the cat's face...

  7. i definately like your idea with the advent calendar and Nunu..the one you have now is so cheesy! heeheee...

    a cat on wheeels???

    happy holidays!

  8. I got a Lego Advent Calendar for my kids, and it was the best fight over the toys we have ever had at this house. I picked it up for 25 dollars and I really should have gotten more. No one has them now (the stores) and they sell for a pretty price on ebay.

    Lego changes their calendars every year, so be sure to get some for all the people you know who would enjoy them, next fall.

    I know I sound like a lego ad, I have no affiliation to the company in any way.

  9. You really got yourself an interesting calendar there ;)
