Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What you DIDN'T see at the Emmys

My red carpet soft shoe routine.


  1. No need for watermark removal this time, nice ;)

    Cha cha!

  2. You are trying to repeat the Moonwalk???

  3. Jorge and Bethy, Bethy and Jorge!
    Very elegant!
    But... where's Nunu? =P


  4. Would it kill you to take the dog with you, Mr. Garcia?

  5. I see they caught you at your best :)

  6. You both look great. She is adorable BTW!

  7. you look very pleased with your well you should be.

  8. Maybe there could be a special song and dance episode of LOST. We already know you can sing!

  9. Cute, how about a video? Did you see the video of you and Michael E. on the red carpet?

    I love you two together.

    By the way I read your girlfriend's blog. Tell her she looked great at the Emmy's! Really great!

  10. Hola Jorge, me preguntaba si tienes twitter. Un saludo desde españa. x cierto genial tu acento cubano jeje.


  11. How lucky are you?
    Your girl is beautiful and it is all

  12. Doing the quickstep there, eh Jorge?

  13. lol, a friend of mine did that in his prom pic from high school, we made fun of him for ages.

    you both look great. I love her dress, can you mention who its by?

  14. nice pose :D

    Saludos desde Argentina!

  15. HuRLeY is KiNG!! You have a FoXY LaDY on your arm there, MaN!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. You look handsome and beth is lovely. As for the parsley, who needs it anyway? I never see it do anything but garnish other things really. Not a lot of flavor there so I could let it go.

    You should ask around the set and see who Jed's fave character is. Show off your picture and see who else got one.

  18. Totally off topic and not related to this post...but I name dropped your blog at a book signing for Cake Wrecks last night...your's and Bethany's. I think you can expect at least 2 new readers!

  19. By the way, Jorge - You're a pumpkin now (ran across this when perusing the daily blogroll)!

  20. Aww...aren't you two adorable? I love Beth's dress, very classy.
    Thanks for the giggle, too!

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  23. :D I love Beths dress too!! Mostly of course because I love Blue. hee hee.

    You two look fabulous together!


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