Sunday, September 6, 2009

AeroGarden : First One Out

And the winner is Basil.
Go figure. Basil is the one herb I have no problem growing whatsoever. And this garden has two of them.


  1. Mmm......Love Basil on everything :) haha! I even put it in sandwiches sometimes.

  2. Basil is awesome! Not only was it my uncle's name (I know, I know), it's my favorite spice. : )

  3. JORGE! Warning!
    Zombies come back!!! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Keep on keeping us apprised of the ongoing saga of the AeroGarden. I might just buy one myself if I see your seal of approval.

  6. You have too much time on your hands....

  7. I am confused. Do you have to do anything for them to grow? Or you just pop the seed CD in and wait 3 days? Do you have to buy the CDs in order for it to work? See, I bet you do. And that's how they get you.

  8. Seriously, I don't know what this is...

  9. Jorge,

    I once knew a girl named Basil
    No wait her name was Hazel,
    With almond like eyes
    And breasts the same size,
    Her lips personified the word pout
    But she never once put out,
    Alas for Hazel I have long since moved on
    And her body has suffered the effects of one too many bonbons!


  10. Ours didn't work. The chives just stopped growing with two skinny strands, the basil didn't grow and the something turned yellow and also stopped growing. I wonder if the pods were messed up or something.
    Good luck with yours!

  11. Today something basic: garden in catalan is "JARDÍ". And it's some beautiful word, don't you think?

  12. i grow it by seed every year..along with rosemary, chives, sage, dill, pepprs, okra, squash, eggplant..and every summer the texas sun kills them..i had 3 tomato plants and they croaked ..only thing that is thriving is okra..which i use to make okra fritters..

  13. To those not understanding how it works, here's a link to Aerogarden. Scroll down the upper left hand corner menu, click on "Watch it grow."

    There's zombies on my roof, dude and my eyes are spinning from playing the slot machine mini game. Again, it's all your fault!

  14. We had one as well, and the basil was the first to sprout. It eventually grew to the point that there wasn't room left for everything else to grow--we had monster basil!

    Also, in the event that you ever decide it might be a good idea to transplant the full-grown plants into normal pots, don't--it will kill them. Trust me.

    Good luck!

  15. Every winter I think about getting one of these....i just can't bring myself to do it. i'd rather complain all winter about how I can't have good produce :(

  16. we have one of these too- watch out, the basil will take over! next time i do the herb kit i will be trimming the basil daily- FYI, the "mixed lettuce" is my favorite.

  17. HI Jorge!!! Love your blog.

    I was listening to a podcast today and they were talking about racism in Hawaii. Native Hawaiians being hostile against white people. Seems they call them haoles.

    I found this article (and a ton more):

    Anyways I found that really interesting, and I was wondering if you ever experienced or witnessed anything like that while living and working there.

    Thanks Jorge!!

  18. Regarding your slug problem - I have been watching ALOT of BBC since February (unfortunately I'm ill) and recently Gordon Ramsey fried up some snails from his own back yard. He had his kids pluck them up and helped to cook them.

    How about some snail/slug in a nice lemon basil sauce?

  19. You'll have to find a lot of things to do with basil aside from your everyday cooking because you'll get a ton. You can freeze it, dry it, make ice cream, cupcakes....the posibilities are endless.
