Another find on the side of the road was these howler monkeys.
Okay. We're looking at that little black blob in the middle.

This one's hanging by his tail.

Oh well, this is what they look like up close.

How 'bout that. Even my picture of the pamphlet isn't clear.
By the way, howler monkey males? Got white nuts. Honest look it up. Keeps them cool. The nuts, not the monkey. He's wearing all black for goodness sake.
Aloha !!! Jorge!!!How are you?
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These monkey loudmouths! I've seen them on Animal Planet!!! Yes, they are very much scream! But they have very funny face!
So, do they wave their nuts in the sun then?
Oh, wow, today is so much to translate... I'll only tell you that "monkey" in catalan is "MICO".
Shhh, no one tell him about the distended clitoris of the female spider monkey.
lolol Jorge, your too funny ! I guess you would like our cat then. He's a Siamese (white with gray) and he has gray nuts on his white body. Quite funny since all you see is the white back side with the two gray nuts.
I can tell that I need my coffee. When I read about the white nuts making him cool, I was thinking, "Cool? Like Fonzie cool?" Man, it's early!
Better than blue balls I suppose...
So, I took your advice and I looked up "white howler monkey nuts".
I will never forgive you.
I'm sure Jorge has seen this already but I'll share it here for anyone else interested. I can imagine this is what howler monkeys might sound like. ;)
((((((HUGS))))))) All
Howler monkey sounds like something that would scare me. Kinda like walking fish scary.
Howler Monkey and white nuts? Sounds like jungle love all over again.
I have deleted about 8 smart ass replies about the white balled howler just to fecking tacky..
Ah, well the vervet monkey has blue balls. look it up, it's true!
Well, you learn something new everyday, I guess! White think that would result in bad sunburn....
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