Sunday, July 19, 2009

This Summer's Greatest Toy Surprise

is this guy.
A Zing "Hot Wingz" Glider
It's just a little foam plane with a rubber band hooked under it.
Doesn't look like much but this thing can flies fast and far.
You shoot it just like you were flinging a rubber band at someone.
Beth's already had to climb on the roof twice to get it for me.


  1. Oh, man, I used to have one of these when I was a kid and I got hours of entertainment out of it. You have inspired me to hit the toystore.

  2. Dude, you don't make your girlfriend go up on the roof... :^)

  3. You are a lucky man if she'll retrieve it for you. She's a definite keeper! (Cool plane -- my son would love it; you always have such fun toys.)

  4. Jorge,

    I hope you don't have a two story house!

  5. Man, it must be fun around your place, with all the toys and roof climbing going on :)

  6. for some reason that toy plane made me think of something funny....wonder what the viewers chances of seeing Tattoo pointing at the sky yelling, "the plane, the plane, boss."...just a thought..

  7. The simplest things can bring the greatest pleasure.

  8. I think Beth deserves some special attention!! Cool toy~~~

  9. Jorge, show us a video of it flying. Even better, show us a video of it flying, and then show Beth climbing onto the roof to retrieve it!

  10. Oooh cool plane!
    Jorgeman: the pilot!
    Bethy: the climber!
    Nunu: the spectator!
    Hahaha... awesome!

  11. As a child I liked to build houses with books, and then pulling planes, bigger, and destroy buildings with dolls inside

    Is what makes the boredom hehehe

    Aweson plane...

  12. The real story is that she climbs the roof. My wife would not. My daughter would, but then I would no longer have a wife or a roof to worry about. As my wife would throw me out for letting a four year old on the roof.

  13. Those gliders are cool. You can get them at WalMart here. I've never tried, but hubby tries every summer! They work well for being so cheap.

  14. She had to climb the roof???lolololo LMAO

  15. What a simply ingenious little toy! I'll be looking for one around here. My kids would love this! How cool! Thanks, Jorge. You remind this family that it's not always the big, flashy, techno, new toys that are the most fun. :o)

  16. It's always the simplest toys that bring the must amount of fun! But maybe you should stay out of range of the roof...

  17. Too funny that Beth is the one that has to climb up on the roof.

  18. You can tell it's reeeally fast because it has flames on it.

  19. ** warmislandsun **

    Nunu can do it too. LOL

  20. So it is YOU! Do you have an Oceanic one?

  21. If you ever find yourself in Seattle, Archie McPhee is the coolest toy store I've ever been in. They also have a pretty big internet presence:

    I think you'll like. And maybe I'll see you at Comic-con.
