Sunday, July 26, 2009

Press Day at the Con

It looks like this photographer caught me going to my happy place.


  1. I take it that Comic-Con is NOT your happy place?

  2. You are cute :) i like this picture :$

  3. Great shot.

    BTW, this is awesome:

  4. I loved the part where you and Michael Emerson bicker hahaha

  5. you look serene .. it's a beautiful photo :)

  6. awesome

    and the Mr. Cluck's commercial great

  7. It's all about the happy place!

  8. That's a great picture! We should all be so lucky to be captured on film in our happy place.

  9. Clearly the producers of Comic Con needed to give the LOST panel a LOT more time! I saw video of the panel and no one got to ask the actors any questions! Nestor Carbonell didn't say anything (after his pre-taped dressing room bit)! Still, I am sure it was an amazing experience for fans, even if it was too short.

    Thanks for the updates, Jorge. It is almost as good as being there!

    : ) P

  10. Long time lurker finally signing up because I just had to leave a comment.

    Happy place, indeed! You look dreamy and any place but there. (I am sure the fans really appreciated you being there, though.)

    Do you ever tire of being "on" so often?

  11. You must have been thinking about Beth :)

  12. it takes less muscles to smile than to frown.

  13. Just thought I would share this with you...

  14. looks like your surrounded by boobs...thus explaining the sweet grin on your face

  15. "That band from TV", what do you play, when are doing it again and where please let us know so that we might go. How many comic cons have you done?

  16. No doubt you were thinking about your USB crunching doggie.

  17. You did a GREAT job at Con's Lost panel.. It seemed like total improv, you're such a natural. It's bittersweet knowing this is your last year as Hurley, but I know you'll take us on a heck of a ride.

  18. You're adorable. You and my oldest son look a lot a like.

  19. You look somewhere between blissed out and "...if one more guy in a Rorschach mask asks me if season 6 is a re-boot..."


  20. haha. I wish I could go to ComicCon but alas, I live on the East Coast.

  21. You and Michael were awesome. Thanks for being so gracious to the fans!

  22. This is why we are hooked on your blog. You send us to our happy place as well:)

  23. that is a good pic.
    beth is lucky!

  24. A face of a happy man! Deservedly happy. =)

    Sucess Jorgeman!!

  25. Jorge - I was the goofball who waved at you while you were having dinner at Croce's during Con. I really wanted to say hi to you, but i didn't want to be rude and disturb your dinner. This being said, when you waved back, that was the highlight of Con for me this year!!!!!!

  26. So cute, you are! What a great shot, Jorge. Hope you're having a good time at the Con!

  27. I just watched the con stuff on YouTube so funny! hahaha

  28. Saw you on G4's Comic-Con coverage...Looked like a lot of fun, kind of crazy and really crowded. It's good that you were able to find your happy place, it's probably a necessity in situations like Comic-Con...:)

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  31. Hey Jorge,
    Got to see your Comic Con stuff via Youtube! Now I am really sorry we didn't get to be there! Oh well, just dropping in to say you rock!

  32. I'm guessing that happy place includes Nunu, Bethany, Bump & Chuck Bumper Cars, pumpkins and a large screen t.v that works....oh and a nice, juicy cheeseburger from P.J. Clarke's. Am I right?

  33. What a great picture! You look like a little kid-except for the facial hair, of course. Not many three year olds have that going on.

  34. Saw your questions at Comic Con & love it! LOL

  35. it was so bizarre getting to be at comic-con, knowing I was in the same room with you..and never once getting to say howdy- but by the looks of it, my guess, you're not that excited by the arse view, either! (try it from a wheelchair, which was my week!)

  36. the panel went by so fast and i was loving every minute of it! the final season will be very bittersweet. what the heck am i gonna do on wednesday nights?? guess i'll have to take up a new hobby...

    p.s.-you guys were great :) hope to see you at next year's con!

  37. We got to be in the total Lost geek happy place all was awesome. Thanks for the fabulous panel, what a treat. We hoped to meet you at the Jay & Jack Lost Podcast but alas it was not to be. No worries. We got to hang out with some Hurley impersonators...and that was a hoot.
    XO Lea and Michele
    (Dharma "girls" at CC)
