Friday, July 3, 2009

The also rans II: Puppy Mills

Don't worry folks I have no intention of buying a dog from a pet shop.
(Of course I had no intention when I bought Nunu either.)

But, truth be told I wasn't really at risk of buying these other dogs when I saw them.
For one thing I have a dog. I don't need another.

Also these dogs were boys.
And I can't scratch a boy dog's belly.

Because of the "lipstick."


  1. You could breed an army of tiny dogs!

  2. Hahahahaha! The exact reason we've only ever had girl dogs.

  3. Don't get a dog from a puppy mill thats horrible.

    adopt a dog from my mom at

    they don't all get lipstick.

    plus my boyfriend looks like you people always call him hurley. AND you are in my top five stars i would be stranded on a desert island with on Facebook

  4. That's comedy gold, right there.

  5. Duude, cracked a laugh here, 4:42AM. Hey Jorge, hugs from Brazil :D

  6. Or as I call it..... the pink crayon. Rescue dogs are the best!

  7. That is precisely the reason all three of my dogs are girls!

  8. And all three of my dogs are rescue dogs too, and two of them are just random mixed up mutts. They make the best dogs.

  9. I literally laughed out loud. Thanks!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hey! You did read our comments!
    I did wish you'd include more pics of Nunu...
    Lipstick, that is wack!
    It would be nice fro Nunu to have a little MACHO MAN in the house, so they could give you some Nunu babies!
    Imagine a house full of Nunus!
    How cute!

  12. Both of my boys are rescue dogs. In fact, all of my dogs save one were rescues.

    'Lipstick' is an issue with only one of them. This mental picture is the main reason I just can't use the stuff and never wear lipstick.

  13. Snork!! Best description of "the reason" I ever heard!

  14. And that is EXACTLY why all of my pets are girls. Thank you.

  15. oh my..thought me and my kids were the only ones that refered to 'dog peni' as lipsticks...hmm, your not one of my kids are you?

  16. Our dog's lipstick doesn't ever come out. I think he was neutered too early.

  17. Haha, lipstick. That's gold. Gold. I'm gonna call it that from now on :P Thank you for making my day

  18. OMGosh Hilarious. Mwahahah!

  19. Could not agree more about the belly petting thing . . . t'is the main reason we got a girl Yorkie. :) You always make me smile!

  20. You sure do have a way with words, Jorge! You create hilarious images in our minds that will remain forever. You really should write a book one day.


  21. I have two male rescue dogs, and once they've been neutered for a while, the "lipstick" is rarely seen. And never when I'm scratching their bellies!

    Thanks for responding to our concerns. You rock.

  22. wow jorge. looks like there is a lot of anti puppy mill wackos on here.

  23. I took a while to understand what "lipstick" means, now think I know what it is. Hahahaha!
    So hilarious!
    Hugs Jorgeman!!!

  24. Jorge, you're an awesome human. You could have been offended, gotten defensive, or ignored all the puppy mill comments. Instead you acknowledged the concerns, moved on, and were even funny without mocking anyone. I love your blog not only because it is interesting, but also because your sweet (and creative, and funny, and thoughtful...)personality shines through in every post. The world needs more people like you. Thanks.

  25. Jorge,

    As Ned Flanders might say "Indeedly doodley!"

  26. lipstick, I love it! my kids call it "the pink"...but I think it's gonna be lipstick for now on! Too funny.

    I have a random husband got in a car accident last saturday. We are both HUGE fans...if it's not too much trouble, would you leave him a comment on our family blog? If you're too busy, that's cool.

  27. LMAO! We've always called it "the lipstick." When I was a kid, I'd ne like, "Maaaa! The dog's lipstick is out!"

  28. You always always need another dog. My dog has a dog who also has a dog who then has a cat and the cats just have each other. It's a vicious cycle!

  29. Such a cute puppy!!! I really don't like pet stores myself and I always want to rescue all of them and take them home. I can't at all so I avoid them as much as possible but I do like to look and hope that one doesn't see me and think that I'm the human that will take them home and take care of them. But really she is adorable and looking forward to seeing more pics in the future!! Side note...Is there any filming ever on Maui?? I am hoping that me and my family will be making it out this next May. I love Oahu dearly but I have never been on the smaller islands. I have been on the Big Island once but that is the extent. Hope all is well and I am a huge Lost fan as is my mom. Nothing interrupts our Lost

  30. My friend calls those the "Red Hots"

  31. Ok, so Scout has a lipstick.

    He's still my baby, been my companion through lots of thick and thin.

    However, lipstick would be appropriate cause it's not much bigger.

    Maybe that's why his bark is so big~~~compensating!! lol

    And ditto to Shannon.

  32. hey. I'm polish, so i can speak and write in english good, so im sory. I cant belive it you will read this. I dont know it it yours really blog, I listen about this web by popcorner - polish website with gossip and films.
    So I wont to tell yoou Lost is my favorite serial < 3 I love It and You. I really worry abaut it I cant meet you.

    Kasia from Stalowa Wola from Poland

  33. haha! lots of good reasons :D

  34. I feel the same way about the "lipstick"!! I love kissing Rosie's belly (my dog, not the comic.)

  35. LOL
    That's what my husband calls it too. But for some reason we have two boy dogs.

  36. Hehe...the lipstick.

    Pound puppies are the way to go.

  37. lipstick? I can imagine what it's about... That's why I prefer being a female, everything is "hiden" everytime...

  38. Lipstick is bad... lip gloss is worse! LOL

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