Monday, May 25, 2009


This just came up on my Google alerts.
If you click, there is video too.

Is this a real news show?
Do they really think that it's true?
Does an iPod TP holder actually exist? 

For the record I celebrated my birthday with a couple friends at Manna Korean BBQ. 
But I didn't mention it was my birthday. 
Because they douse your head with champagne there.


  1. Many birthday wishes to you, Jorge.

    Well, now they know what to get you next year, don't they?

  2. So you're saying that your Lost castmates didn't get you anything for your birthday?!? Wow...after five years, you'd think they'd at least send a card!


  3. I am always so suprised by the stuff the press makes up! What makes them think of those little details? Somewhere out there is a frustrated writer dreaming of being the next Dan Brown.

    Also, aren't all toilets hard? I know mine isn't exactly made of feathers and kitten fluff.

  4. Dude! You just totally shattered my preconception of you being one of those over the top rich and famous people-ipod toilet paper holder, gold faucets and all that...
    I feel like my whole world has been turned upside down...I'm gonna need therapy...

  5. Haha gotta love how they make these things up.

    "Seeing as we have to advertise our sponsor somehow, let's make something up where the celeb is given one of their products for their birthday."
    "But what celebrity?"
    "How about someone from Lost? That show is popular isn't it? Just pick whoever has had a birthday recently."

  6. Hi dude, 36? uhhhh don´t worry, the real race will become at 40´s hahaha

  7. Wow, that's a major TV channel in NZ. Looks like they've taken the story down now. They were probably fooled by a Twitter rumour or something, there's no such thing as real journalism any more.

    Happy birthday! I just had my birthday too.

  8. Well at least they made up something amusing.

    Happy birthday. You look about 10 years younger than your age!

  9. Happy Birthday, Jorge! Hope it was a lovely day :-)

    (P.S. I wonder why the false news story centered around "toilet humour".. maybe they googled your blog and saw posts like this:

    and this:

    ? hahaha

  10. Wow. 3 news no wonder we sometimes dont get stuff quite right over here. If the NZ media thinks they know something others dont they go wild.

  11. did you see this?

  12. As a new follower of the blog but a long time fan of Lost, Happy Birthday :)

  13. I love this story. It makes me super happy.

    And my toilet is made of feather and down. It's delightful.

  14. Happy Birthday Jorge!! Hope you did get stuff that's actually useful.

  15. Hilarious and weird. I always wonder, who makes up these things?! Happy Birthday Jorge!

  16. People only wants audience... sad but true!!

    Congratulations for your birthday!!

  17. The toilet paper coupons fiasco, a plastic bottle lodged in your toilet, and now this. I'm starting to think toilets are to you, like the numbers are to Hugo! (laughing)

    Happy Birthday, Jorge!

  18. that is so far one of the weirdest lies i've ever heard made up about you.

    how random.

  19. I'm so glad I follow this blog, just for this reason. Happy birthday to you.

  20. You have done so much in such a short time. Keep up all the good work, and many more B-Days to come. As a loyal and true fan, I look to the future and more to come from you.

  21. Happy Birthday.

    Wow, whoever wrote that has quite the imagination! Although I could totally see you getting an iPod toilet paper holder - pretty funny.

  22. Happy B-Day Jorge. Hope you had a great one!!!!

  23. MANNA = GOOOOOOOD I hit it up whenever I'm over there.

  24. <3
    H A P P Y
    ( B E L A T E D )
    B I R T H D A Y
    J O R G E !

    : ) P

  25. ha! Well I hope you enjoyed your birthday, even without the wacky gifts. ;)

  26. Happy Birthday, Jorge...gotta say though, the iPod TP least it's original. I hope you made the day a good one. Take care of you.

  27. Just goes to show you can't believe everything you read, right? Happy birthday, tho. Sounds like you had a nice time anyway.


  28. Happy Birthday, Jorge from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

  29. Happy Birthday, Jorge!
    I hope your day was great.

    It's crazy how people will do just about anything for a quick buck. $.
    At least it gave us something to laugh about.

  30. Wow. Such detail in something so false. I like how one of your blog followers commented about its falsehood and linked this post! Now maybe the news channel can get some REAL information.

  31. Happy Birthday Jorge! Bulgogi (or however its spelt) is an excelent bday dinner, kimchi, especially cucumber kimchi, rocks! With Japanese plum wine a glass or two. Oh who uses normal toilet paper anymore? Moist flushable Wipies are def the way to go! Laters!

  32. The media frequently make stuff up on slow news days. They're in the business of getting and keeping more viewers/readers, but unfortunately they have the ethics of a crack dealer. This is a good example of "Don't believe it just because you read it on the 'net".

    Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday Jorge! At 36 you're just hitting your stride.

  33. Happy Day of Birth.

    And I am sorry to everyone that toliet paper holders for your ipod actually exist.

  34. Happy birthday and my best wishes to you Hugo! You are working on the best show ever, do you know it? I want to send you this:

    Its from a section of a main newspapper here in Spain.
    It shows what a great fan feels about Lost(in spanish).
    Please, give my regards to Damon & Carlton and, specially to Josh :)

  35. Well uhh, happy birthday anyway right!

  36. Happy Birthday!!

    That's hilarious hehe

  37. ah man, thats what I bought you....

  38. happy birthday :)
    the best of everything, always.
    many happt returns of the day.

  39. Happy birthday my man! Say hi to Vincent for me!

    too cool!

  41. i'm sorry, but what the hell is a "plus sized toilet seat cover"?!?! aren't most toilet seat's roughly the same size? good lord, the stuff those tabloids will pull out of thin air!


    Hurley being simpsonized! pretty cool!

  43. hey happy birthday dude, its nice to know that you have a blog, i will be reading you from now on

  44. Just how long does someone have to spend in the bathroom to need a dock and speakers for their iPod on the toilet paper holder?

    Seems like a good indications of some kind of serious digestive track problem to me.

  45. Nice I thought I was the only person to set Google Alerts to my own name.
    Granted no one cares what I do.

  46. Buon Compleanno :)

    hope you had a great day Jorge!

  47. Happy Birthday, osito precioso!

    Me hace gracia que te googlees a ti mismo, jajaja...



  48. hahaha. real news would have been the champagne bday splash. manna is festive, but you need to go down the street to Tahoe Galbi. Much cleaner without questionable puddles on the floor. hope you had a good one, jorge!

  49. Feliz cumpleano, Jorge.
    Te deseo lo mejor.


  50. Jorge, you're on Sunrise again today:

  51. Did you see this?

  52. Geez, what a bunch of frickin' losers who obviously never heard of, um, FACT CHECKING!!!

    Oh well, at least they didn't invent something really scandalous, like Nunu having an affair with Tinkerbell (Paris Hilton's dog) or something.

    Anyway, Happy Birthday to You! And Feliz Compleanos, too. If I were there, I'd pour champagne on your head! (Is there such a thing as Dharma Champagne?)

  53. Happy birthday, Jorge!!

    You're 36? I thought you were turning 33 or so. (I'm 32, and figured you to be about the same.)

  54. Hey Jorge! Hope you had a great birthday!

    Just came across this website called "Springfield Punx" and I guess they make Simpsons characters out of his favorite actors or characters. He's started to do Lost and on his first day he did two of you!

  55. Happy Birthday Jorge! 36?! You are looking good!

  56. Happy belated birthday, Jorge!

    And re: the post:

    Those iPod dock people really missed the boat. They totally should have named their product the iPoo. I'm just sayin'.

  57. And here I thought an iPod toilet paper holder would only be available to the rich and famous. Come to find out I could have one for $59.99, on sale now for $29.99. I'm going to have to really consider this one...

    Happy belated birthday, Jorge.

    This is my first post, but I am thoroughly enjoying your "any-guy" tirades. ...okay, an any-guy who travels to Munich and Madrid first class.

  58. Happy birthday, Dude, from Brazil!

    did you see this?

  59. *********************************

    Happy Birthday Jorgeman!
    FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO! (as we say in Brazil).


  60. Happy Birthday! :) Glad you didn't get doused with champagne...why waste it when you could drink it? ;)

  61. I gotta say, I've read your blog for over a year now, and I've never heard you complain about the "rock hard loos" on the set. I guess you don't share everything with us.

    This is pretty funny. Glad you had a good night out with your friends.

  62. Way to blog it right! HB, dude.

  63. Hey Jorge, just found your blog via the Sun Post News; remember that fish wrapper? Really enjoy reading your posts, by the way my husband's name is really "Hugo" pronounced "oooooogo!" Anyway, happy belated b-day. Korean BBQ is my fav. Have you ever been to Italy? I'll be there end of June; Venice, Florence and Rome. WOOHOOO!!! So excited...I will let you know the best things to eat there, o.k.? (unless you've been already:)

  64. Happy Birthday, Jorge! What a random thing to make up as a birthday gift, though. So weird!

  65. I apologise on behalf of my country's news media.

    Happy Birthday!

  66. I am cracking up at your journal. I think I've found my new favorite way to kill time. :)
    Congrats to you on all your success and happy birthday.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Belated tanjoubi omedetou!! :D

  69. Happy Belated Birthday, Jorge!
    And I thought I saw crazy stuff on Wikipedia...

  70. _ _ _ _ _
    / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
    ( h | a | p | p | y )
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
    ( b | i | r | t | h | d | a | y )
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
    _ _ _ _ _ _
    / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
    ( j | o | r | g | e | ! )
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

  71. Great blog Jorge ;) It is really nice to read news form you.

    Best regards from POLAND :)

  72. See, stuff like this just pisses me off. Excuse my French.

    And some folks actually believe it, just like some with less than the greatest intellect believe everything they read on the internet as gospel.

    So happy birthday!! Does this mean that you are a Gemini like me? Mine is a couple of weeks away but that would be cool.

    Besos to you guys~~

  73. The National Enquirer is running that story in this week's issue! On a different page, there's also a picture of you wearing Samurai look just like Belushi!

    Happy Birthday, Jorge!

  74. Wouldn't it be nice if the press didn't have to make up news? I went to that site and it looks like they make up most, if not all their stories. I wonder if they get sued much? LOL!
    May your birthday have been a wonderful one, Jorge! Since you spent it with friends, I'd say it was great!
    Thanks for your great blog!

  75. No, Sarah, the story is still up. It is the center paragraph in the article..... "Showbiz News: Celebs at the World's Most Expensive Hotel"

    Blogger Sarah said...

    Wow, that's a major TV channel in NZ. Looks like they've taken the story down now. They were probably fooled by a Twitter rumour or something, there's no such thing as real journalism any more.

    Happy birthday! I just had my birthday too.

    May 25, 2009 10:59 PM

  76. Aww!! Happy Birthday Jorge!!! Mine is in May too. Us May babies keep it young! You look great!

  77. OHMAN! i love korean food. bul go gie bie bim bop. yum. i hope i spelt it right.

  78. Jorge,

    mmmmmmmmmmm Korean BBQ. You just can't beat it! By the way Happy Belated Birthday!

  79. Happy Birthday, Jorge!

    It's a shame you didn't actually an ipod dock "with bath tissue holder", as it looks... really practical. :)

    Hope you had a great day.

  80. OMG! Manna is the BEST place for birthdays!! I've had two of my own and a third for a girlfriend there... (the crazy korean birthday song that they blast while bringing out the champagne is the best part, methinks...)

    now I'm craving korean bbq...

  81. Man, I love Manna!! They give you a platter of meat bigger than your head!

    Hope your birthday was AWESOME!

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