Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Munich's Main Event

So then there was the season premiere event in Munich. There were a lot of fans. I signed some t-shirts. I signed some painters coveralls/Dharma jumpsuits. (Well one actually.)It was a lot of fun. The fan stuff is always the best part of these trips. 


  1. Only one Dharma suit? Kind of surprised to hear that. Looks like they were glad to see you!!

  2. It's awesome that you take the time to sign stuff. Kudos to you, good sir.

  3. Its nice to know you still take time for the little people.

  4. That's cool. I would think the fans part would be annoying. (So if you come to Wisconsin, let me know. I believe I know a few fans that would appreciate seeing you.) Thanks for writing cool blogs--I enjoy them.

  5. Maybe when you've finished (gasp) filming LOST (horrors!) and have loads of free time, but while LOST is still airing and before the series finale (ack!), you could do a cross country meet and greet! Plan a trip across the continent and do some kind of event at each stop. Maybe you could make it a fundraiser for a cause you support. You could give yours fans a chance to say hello and raise money at the same time.

    If you start planning now, you might even be able to coordinate with your castmates to do the same. You could all meet together in one spot for a finale party on the last night (the day we dedicated fans will start mourning! LOL).

    : ) P

  6. I need to get a Dharma jumpsuit! How cool would I look in that? Er, maybe like a bit of a Lost geek but Im fine with that! I love seeing how creative fans of the lost show can be, i've never seen a tv series that creates this much hype, debate and fascination.

  7. Great photos- You look fantastic!

  8. Hey Jorge,
    I am so happy to hear you, Linda and Jeff had some time to catch up. That's awesome.

    Are you planning a Disney World trip at any point?

  9. Very nice, you seem to be a cool star to your fans!

  10. You are too awesome for words. I'm proud to be a Jorge fan!

  11. I do really like the fact that you like the Fan stuff. Too many of the celebs I have run into just don't.

    Keep up the fabulous work!

  12. It's great when you can have some fun too! I bet your fans are happy to meet you! It's so good to know that you make time for everyone - even the jumpsuit! Maybe he'll never wash it!

  13. I will second 'Movie Star Wife,' you should definitly come to Wisconsin! I'll show you around if you want!

  14. I commend you on taking time out and being so gracious with the fans. It truly says a lot about your character--and by character, I don't mean the show!

  15. It's so awesome that you stop to sign stuff. Also, I'm glad you seem to be enjoying Munich. Next to LA, it's my favorite city in the world.

  16. You are wonderful to your fans! Hey, come to NJ, it's not just exits off the turnpike! There's a lot of beautiful places to visit here, too!

  17. That's awesome. I love how you take care of your fans.

    Reading your blog almost makes me feel as though we're pen pals. :-)

  18. When was the season premier over there? Much later than in the US? Oh, you're such a nice guy...good to your fans! We love you Jorge!

  19. I would be there if I could. [2]

  20. Looks like fun! I like the t-shirt with the numbers on it. :)

  21. aw when are you coming to nz??? i hate missing out on this type of stuff!!!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. You put a signature on living people.
    What are your feelings?

  24. I love that last picture of you. You are radiant in it. :)

  25. Hold it there, Mr Garcia... you are losing weight. It's evident in your face.
    Don't do it man... Please.

    I was there TOOO
    xD i take a photo woth you THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE Photo watch my profil and you will see it xD
    THanks again

  27. tomorrow the finale... :(
    we´ll do an special session in Barcelona, Spain

  28. Thank you for taking the time to connect with your fans the way you do, Jorge. It is very much appreciated!

  29. You life looks kinda dull, what do you do to pass the time?

  30. Thanks for these pics. Find your camera cord?
    Am looking forward to LOST season finale tonight, but dreading the 9 months or so till the FINAL SEASON of LOST!!!!! ARGH!
    You are great to your fans, Jorge!

  31. good job on the view today, you looked very comfortable!

  32. Great pics of ur trip Jorge! The last pic of the set is the best. It looks great and everyone is so happy to see you! I guess im lucky to live on the same island as you!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. "The fan stuff is always the best part of these trips."

    You're such a sweetheart.

  35. You should come hang out with me in Brooklyn :-) It's way better than being on the View.

  36. You are just the sweetest thing ever.

    It's awesome how sincere you are.

    I definitely hope that when lost is over :(
    You find tons and tons of sucess in other endeavors

  37. Jorge,

    Did you see Ben Linus in Germany? Oh I meant Ben Liesfeld.

  38. Yay! That's so fun! I'm glad you had a good time.

  39. And look how handsome you are! The finale last night was so fabulous, I don't know how I'll wait for next season. -e

  40. Congratulations on the Lost finale! It was a mind-blower! Excellent work, Jorge! Or should I say, "Dude!"

  41. :D I love the last picture. Very cool.

  42. Oooooo I like what Petra said about doing a cross country tour of sorts.
