A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Madrid: Two Requirements

This trip to Madrid I had only two things I DEFINITELY HAD TO SEE:

Picasso's Guernica

Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son 
(which I tried to carve into a pumpkin last Halloween).
Both are in Madrid. Both are important pieces that I've come to admire in photographs. 
So it was great to get to see them in person.


AML said...

You have excellent taste in art--those pieces are at the top of my must-see list as well, and have inspired many of my artist friends. I'm glad you got to see them!

Paul Spooner said...

I like it...

Guernica is iconic...what other art work has a building constructed to acomodate it!

The punmkin is less awsome, but 8/10 for effort....

One other thing: it is the UK finale of Lost tonight and it better be good!

Lulu LaBonne said...

Did you laser cut that pumpkin? even if you did - jolly impressive

mimiau said...

Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son is my favorite picture since I was 10 years old!! :) Some day I will see it in person.

Congratulations for the pumpkin! you had to spend a lot of time making it. ^^


*~Dani~* said...

That pumpkin carving is pretty damn good!

Nancy said...

Personally, when I visited the Prado, I was really amazed by the 3rd of May. I'd seen pictures of it before, of course, but I never realized how big it was and there was no warning that it was nearby... so I just rounded the corner and, wow, the 3rd of May.

Goya is amazing.

Bonni said...

These are at El Prado, yes? I visited in 2001 and remember the Goya section of the museum full well. Nearly threw up, while at the same time realizing I was looking at masterpieces. :-P

Keep enjoying your travels, sir!

Chica Vudú said...


The last time I was in the Prado's Museum I spent about 20 minutes only to admire Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son, this is one of my favorites.

You have very good taste in art! Only need to gaze at the Starry Night by Van Gogh to you like the same artists as I am!

Kisses from Spain. See you!

Voodoo Girl

redelf said...

Isn't weird when you finally see something in person that you have been seeing in books and such for such a long time?

Marga* said...

Good taste!

kaci said...

I am glad I am not alone in my love for Saturn Devouring His Son. It has been ten years since I visited the Prado, but I remember standing in front of that painting for a long while. It is definitely one of my favorites.

billybobtexas said...

Wow that is trully awesome.. Im a huge fan of both artist, I had a simular experiance when I saw Picasso's Old Man Playing a guitar in Chicago's jawdropping Chicago Art Institute once, a blue era piece, and learned about its secrets. I was in awe, no doubt.

I asked one of the curators on had, Is this REAL, is this the actual one?? she was an older lady in her 70's, she gave me badass dirty look I will never forget.

Eunice said...

Picasso and Goya, great choices of art! I personally love Guernica and other works of Goya (his etchings, Third of May, and his potrait of Carlos IV's family), not particularly Saturn Devouring His Son. Goya's paintings/etchings are very compelling despite of graphic themes in his later work. Also, I don't know if you're going to Barcelona, but Gaudi's architecture is worth seeing too.

Good job on your carving, that's pretty impressive. Have fun in Museo Del Prado!

Kristin said...

sweet pumpkin!

Freak said...

I cannot agree more with you. I love Picasso and I love Goya, both spanish painters. Great choice!

Freak said...

Ah! And for your punmpckin... it's awesome! I'd never thought of you doing something like that. Chapeau!

Freak said...

Bonni: Goya's is in el prado but El Guernica is in Museo Reina Sofía.

[*Sanwaxa*] said...


Nice job with that pumpkin!!

Paul Spooner said...

Ok, so I have just finished watching the finale, and it was pretty damn good...one thing...how did the dog go back in time!

Olivia said...

I was just in Madrid last week and saw Saturn Devouring His Son, right after I got pick-pocketed on the metro...
Awesome pumpkin!

Tv Addict said...

Good job with the pumpkin, that is impressive!!! Also just wanted to say I finally got to watch the Ace of Cakes Lost episode and it was awesome!! The question is..how did it taste?

Alexandria said...

Wow, you're an amazing pumpkin carver.

James Hernandez said...


That Saturn pumpkin deserves an Emmy, it's an amazing attempt. By the way are those domestic pumpkins or did you have to fly them in from the mainland.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Glad you had a good time in Madrid, Jorge. El Prado and Reina Sofía are great museums, I never get tired of visiting them.

You have to tell Josh and Terry to come over Spain too anytime soon. We are waiting for them. :)

Wednes said...

Whoa, all this time I thought the Guernica painting was at the Louvre. That's so cool that you got to see it in person.

Free History said...

I was directed to your blog from a friend and I must say that I am highly amused. Your pumpkin is indeed awesome. I attempted a Dali "Swans Reflecting Elephants" one a few years ago. Unfortunately, all I ended up with a was a "Blobs reflecting Elephant-shaped Blobs" one. Bummer. *pouts*

Christina Bauer said...

It's so cool that you got to see them! And that pumpkin looks pretty awesome, Jorge!

Robs said...

That is awesome! I was literally JUST studying those two paintings in my art history class. That would be so cool to see them in person...

Pam said...

Oh wow, what a wonderful experience to see them in person!

feelisgood said...

You have good taste.
But why these paintings?
Quite a strange choice.

Shannon said...

La Guernica is one of my favorite pieces. It is sooo big! You totally don't get that when you look at a reprint in a book.

The pumpkin rocks. It never even occurs to me to do that to a pumpkin! It's enough for me to get eyes and a scary mouth without losing a finger!LOL

Kaoru said...

I love Goya's dark arts, they're amazing. You should also see some Dali's.
Feel free to come back to Spain whenever you feel like it.

Updates about Hanna said...

How do you carve the pumpkins, Jorge? Do you buy a template?

Lachrymist said...

'Saturn Devouring his Son' has to be one of my favorite paintings. Love the pumpkin!

Jen L. said...

That's amazing!! Guernica is my all-time favorite. I saw an amazing play based on it years ago. How cool that you got to see it in person!

Cosita Verde y Rosa said...

hahahha did you enjoy them?i really like your pumking, is so nice!!

Guernica is an amazing and huge art picture, and means a lot of important thing for us, you know, each part of that picture means a differnt thing.

And Saturno´s is a very scary one, and more knowing about what is going on with it, you know, the rage that a person could feel for the power, is an horrible thing, but is a very very good picture, the colour tones and the way he usedthe brush is amazing!

Tiffanie P said...

When you saw Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son at the Prado, did you see Las Meninas? Velasquez is awesome. I was amazed at how large that canvas is!

Unknown said...

For more yours than I care to remember, "Guernica" was easily found at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.

It was my favorite painting as I was growing up. Picasso always appealed to me since he seemed to see what was under a person't skin and painted that.

I'm a big fan of yours too....

Ty said...

all the Goya paintings were amazing to see when I was in Madrid...

Lory Gil said...

Wow, Nineteenth Century Zombies. Who Knew?

SoNSo1 said...

I'm a witches sabbath fan myself, but La Guernica is awesome.

elizabeth said...

i love guernica.
civil unrest depicted in art so masterfully.

LisaPisa said...

Madrid has some of the best museums. I liked checking out Picasso's early work, only because I was unfamiliar with it. The Dali stuff in person is mindblowing. Just started to watch the last season this weekend. Good stuff! Have fun in Spain. Gibralter is a fun place, hope you have time for it.

Kurt said...

Very cool. You need to go to the Musee National Picasso in Paris. Amazing to see so many of his works in one place.

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