Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Best Part About Flying First Class

The butter just seems better up there.


  1. Ha! That's great. Is that so they don't get confused and serve people inferior/superior butter?

  2. What was it that Lapidus said in last week's episode? If someone has to go out of their way to tell you they are the good guy, they're probably not the good guy? I don't know... sure seems that theory might have an application here. ;)

  3. I wonder how much they add on to the price of the tickets just to stamp that on the butter. hehehehe

  4. how much do I now want to learn how to stamp curse words into my butter just for the fun of it?

  5. The mini salt/pepper shakers were my fave's.

  6. That plane's got game in first class.

  7. Holy smokes- That's nuts! I mean really, what on earth? I love it. I'm totally with omphaloskeptic though..... What would it take.... -e

  8. I thought maybe they are using butter on stamps now at the Post Office. Hahah.

  9. LOL - that is really funny! Why would they bother making the butter like that anyway?

  10. Funny!

    Have you ever seen the Seinfeld where Jerry is up in "first class", and Elaine is stuck in "coach"? Classic! That's what this makes me think of!

  11. The only sad part about this is that you would have a hard time stealing it and using it at home. It would be kind of messy!

    But I so want stamped butter to put out for when we have company over! How funny would that be?!

  12. So, was there food to go with the first class butter? Cutbacks, ya know! LOL

  13. Butter? I thought that was soap.

  14. You lucky sonofabitch.
    The butter in Economy doesn't say "Economy", it just says "Shut the fuck up and don't ask for anything, we're busy".

  15. So that's what a $2000 pat of butter looks like.

  16. Gee, what do they serve in coach, "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" marked ECONOMY?

  17. First Class Oceanic 815 or Ajira 316?

  18. They shoud have, " you totally rock" on the butter. Id totally buy it. Now i gotta google if there is a brand of butter called first class... The more i think about that, the stranger it seems :-&.

  19. That is cute - I suppose they have to give you something besides two more inches of leg room!

    You can also buy butter molds for your house for when you are having fancy parties. I believe you just press the butter in then pop it out and put the individual little nuggets in the freezer to set up.

    Here's one with a pinneapple - kinda Hawaii-ish:


  20. At first I thought they were bars of soap!

  21. 1st class has butter, business class has margarine, coach class has the 'buttery spray'?

  22. awww I want first class butter!!! hehe.

  23. First class butter...that's hilarious! I wonder if there's actually a difference between that and what they gave to everyone in coach/business! That's just too funny!

  24. The different between first class butter and 'steerage' butter is the the leg room.

  25. Is it cholesterol free for been first class?
    Thanks for show me what I´ll never enjoy by myself :(

  26. gosh, i never knew! now everytime i fly i'll be yerning for that first class butter. drat!

  27. On my flight to the USA we were flying on economy and we didn't get ANY butter :D

  28. Wow its even marked first class?? What would happen is commoner butter was marked first class???? Would first class people choke??
    do they have a special first class butter stamp??? Are other things marked first class too??? Like toilet paper???

  29. Wait- first class gets BUTTER?!


  30. Wow, that's hilarious!
    I've only flown 1st class once - I don't remember stamped butter. But I do remember the warm facecloth, the little salt and pepper shakers and the wine. The dinner was served on an actual plate. Yeah, I'd fly that way all the time if I could afford it - or if someone else was paying for it.

  31. That butter needs like a monocle and a fancy hat.

  32. Dude, you have totally made it!

    Your life will never be as good as it is at this moment...

  33. All mine ever says is "butter". Or "Parkay"


  34. Such snobby butter!
    That's hysterical.

  35. They sell butter molds so you can stamp your own butter. I've never had any reason to host an event fancy enough to do that, but it does kind of seem like fun. As I recall, Ma Ingalls used to mold her butter in the Little House stories.

  36. I love how you think to take pictures of everything...even the butter!

  37. The butter in coach is stamped with phrases like "crunchy frog" and "lark vomit."

  38. Does it taste fancier?
    Like mustard as opposed to Grey Poupon?
    I'm just askin?! lol

  39. Ha! You know you've made it when your butter pats are stamped and without corners. 90 degree angles are soooooo Coach.

  40. Wow, they get butter up there? We just flew back from AK and butter was never an option!

  41. ok dude, eat that first class!

  42. Jorge,

    I don't suppose they had a brand name on the other side of the butter?

  43. Heads up Jorge: NYC Blogger, Jason Kottke, has just linked to your blog,so you are going to get LOADS more hits!

  44. BAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! That is awesome!! Awesome butter!

  45. Honestly, you should give up acting and become a full-time food photographer. Never has butter looked more appealing to me. You have a knack. But stamping first class on the butter? Really? They do that?

  46. Haha, that's hysterical. Apparently First Class has different butter than the rest. Interesting...

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