Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Middle One's a Strawberry

Colored eggs tonight. We only did five. Actually six, but one them didn't survive.


  1. They all look kind of lonely!

  2. I haven't dyed eggs in so long! This kinda makes me want to do it again. And like everyone else is saying, you did a fantastic job! =D

  3. I do not eat eggs but looks very delicious, especially strawberries. And what you've done intresting words - Happy easter?I want to also try.
    And what you have today,Happy Easter? We have - where I live through the Happy Easter week.

  4. Damn, pretty cool looking dye jobs...but why not the whole dozen to really show off your abilities?
    Happy Easter!

  5. I like the orange spotted one! :)

  6. OOOO I am so sad. My kids are too big for colored eggs. This is the first year we have none nothing for easter. They are all going through that teenage thing when everything is uncool. :pouts:

  7. omg! so awesome... does that mean the one that didn't survive was eaten? I like the strawberry one, just planted some real strawberries, yum.

  8. I love the way you guys make such an occasion out of the holidays!

  9. How the hell did you get good at dying Easter Eggs?!? Mine always came out weirdly purple or brown! The one with the faded pastels (in the kind of cross shape) is freaking amazing!

  10. Those are so cute! I like the one that looks like a strawberry! Very nice, Jorge!

  11. Try dying eggs with a six year old and a four year old, very few of them survive! :)

  12. Fabulous eggs! Any holiday that gives you a good excuse to get jiggy with the creativity, is a great holiday.

  13. Very nice, love the polka dot one and that strawberry is adorable.
    I was proud of my 1 egg I did (the kids hoarded them all) I did a zebra print with a black crayon and pink dye. My "Wild" Martha side was screaming to be let out.
    Happy Easter to you and Beth.

  14. Yeah! Thanks Jorge--you showed us the eggs. My life is so crazy busy right now, that we haven't even gotten around to dyeing ours this year. I promised the girls we still would. Or maybe I should just show them your pictures on the blog? kidding

  15. I really like the strawberry one! How clever! Definately on the list of "to-do with eggs" for next year :)

  16. Aww, I miss coloring eggs!

    I like that you guys carve pumpkins, make gingerbread houses and color Easter eggs. Too fun!

  17. wth. i wish my eggs looked like that.

  18. wow your artistic! mine came out like crap!

  19. The plaid egg is a must do here, too. :) Happy Easter!

  20. How did you do the strawberry one? Its pretty neat. All my colored eggs turn out one color. I'm not very good at it...

  21. that middle one is super cute

  22. I love the orange one with dots!

  23. That strawberry egg is awesome!!

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