Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spoke too soon

I just got a text that I accidentally skipped a few posters I was signing.
So I have more to sign on Monday at work.


  1. Look on the bright side, your hand will be all rested for an earlier signature version!

  2. Man, if you thinking signing the posters sucks, imagine being the dude who has to go through and make sure all the posters have been signed. That'd suck!

  3. So the ultimate signature development is no signature at all.

  4. Have you thought of investing in a rubber stamp...or is that cheating...

  5. Havent you got a double or something on the show ? If you do, then let him do some of the boring jobs too.... and have a great week end.

  6. Imagine, then, having to do 500 muffins or prepare a cake for 300 people.

    Wanna taste it? Come to Malaga, here you have a free breakfast in my shop. :)

  7. Sorry to hear that-at least you have until Monday to rest up your hand.

  8. Me enviaWould you send me a pic with your signature ???? >___<

  9. could be worse. imagine being one of those actors that is never asked to sign something. i see musicians like that after shows all the time. the one guy standing holding his sharpie and the only time anyone talks to him is to ask him to take a picture of them with someone more famous.

    be happy that you rock this much that they keep bringing you more stuff to sign!! <3

    and for the record .. you rock quite a lot.

  10. Look at it this way - you're more popular than you thought? (I know, I know, but I'm trying to find the positive here.....WORK with me.... LOL)

  11. Ummm.....maybe the poster checking guy just couldn't "read" your signature....

  12. This has become one of my favorite blogs. I love it - thanks :)

  13. Look at this way. You are FAMOUS. You are lucky. You are in demand. You are in the best show on TV. Aloha...
    Have a good weekend, sun is shining and whales are still out there, go check em out.

  14. Well after all you've said...
    I can only say... GOOD LUCK!
    Cheers from Brazil! ;)

  15. that sucks. hopefully you only missed a few!

  16. Well, that's part of the job, right?? Happy Spring to you, Bethany, and NuNu!!!

  17. Just want to say Jorge, I love reading your blog. I don't comment often but I read it all..and you never cease to make me smile. :)
    It's no wonder you have so many posters to're one very sweet and funny guy!

  18. At least you got a teeny tiny little break :)

  19. You need at least three "n's" in your last name...try Henning in cursive!

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