Monday, March 2, 2009

Saw a Lizard on the Screen

I thought it looked cool against the grass so I started taking pictures of it. 
Then I wanted to see how close I could get to it before it ran away.
Where I discovered that the lizard was actually on the inside of the house.


  1. Hahahaha! I woulda screamed my head off...and ran the other way. That lizard looks like he's standing on his tail in the grass. Cool

  2. If I had written that post it would've ended with "and then I realized it was on the inside of the screen...after voiding my bowels I ran away screaming like the little girl that I am." The end. :)

    We used to have "Chipmunk Alerts" when I was a mom and I would high tail it onto the top of the kitchen table screaming our heads off while my brother and father would chase after the offender with sling shots and pebbles...ahh the good ol' days out in nature.
    Brooke :)

  3. A Gecko actually. When I lived in SW Florida, I used to catch them to show my kids. They got a kick out of my spazzed out reaction, when I'd acidentally get them by their tails - which promptly fell off... said gecko would run away, leaving me holding a twitching tail.

  4. How cute!!! I would've tried to pick him up. Lizards are awesome.

  5. That's gorgeous! My mum has lizards living under her caravan - she feeds them little bits of meat. I think she's turning into the local crazy lizard lady. It's a change from cats.

    And far less allergenic.

    Ooh, I just mentioned lizards on my blog today... how odd.

  6. When i was in Hawaii, we were eating pizza at some pizza place on the north shore and this lizard was hanging out right next to us. it freaked me out, cause i thought it was gonna jump on my face.

  7. Oh its so cute !! I love lizards/geckos... my family thinks Im weird, LOL

  8. that's pretty cool! In San Jose we would always get little baby frogs all over the screen during the rainy season :-)

  9. Ya know, I think lizards and geckos are really cute, but I've been told by someone who used to live there that the sheer volume of them all would make even someone like me cringe...

  10. That was funny! It was cool that you were able to get the close up of him showing that he was inside.

  11. I'm assuming its not poisonous or anything, do you know they are considered sacred in Ibiza (one of the balearic islands in the Mediteranean)
    greetings from a very cold (expecting snow) Scotland

  12. That doesn't look like a gecko, it looks more like a baby iguana.

  13. Dude! Don't lizards eat bees?

  14. Geckos, cute. I used to watch them climbing the walls when I worked in India.

    Now spiders? *shudder*
    Got any nasty ones of those? No, wait, I don't want to know....

  15. Hi, all, just question : Lizard it is edible ?


  16. Ack! That would have sent me running!

  17. Actually it's a Anole which looks like a gecko but doesn't have the suction cup feet and huge large eyes. :-) Very neat, I would have caught it for sure. I have three lizard pets upstairs. ( in a tank of course) Very neat.

  18. Here in South Florida we have lizards all over the place. They love the tropics just as much as I do.

    Here's my short lizard story...
    My cousin came to visit me from Brooklyn, she wanted to sit outside and get a tan. After about 5 minutes, she came screaming into the house in a terrible panic! I ran over to calm her down, but she was a mess. Finally after about 10 minutes of hysterics she finally was calm enough to tell us what frightened her so much.
    My "Brooklyn girl" cousin was petrified that I had "baby alligators" running wild in my backyard, and wanted to know how I could put her in such danger.
    Of course they were not "Baby alligators", just innocent little lizards.

    She never got over that. And it gave me a funny story to tell the rest of my life.

  19. Yuck, it's bad enough they are outside. I'll remember that when i get to Hawaii, ick-Iv'e got the chills. This is why I prefer colder climates-no real icky things to worry about.
    Did it have a big tongue?

  20. Let it hang around! it will eat bugs and spiders and keep your house insect-free.

  21. Aw. The only uninvited guests I get at my place are spiders and the occasional centipede *shudder*. I'd gladly trade them in for a lizard!

  22. I live in Orlando. We have those suckers all over the place and I admit I've had the same encounter you had. But don't worry, if they are around, they are eating bugs and spiders. If they are gone, then you have snakes.

  23. "The crawl is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!"

  24. Cuuuute! :-D

    Although if it were a spider or a centipede I would be freaking out right now. Oddly enough, reptiles don't gross me out that much.

  25. And Nunu says, "Mmmmmm tastes like chicken!"

  26. OMG! How do you keep your grass so green and even?! And that landscaping of plants! Amazing! I need to move to Hawaii.

  27. Awww...are you afraid of a silly little lizard?! LOL!

    We have a house on Aruba and find little geckos inside all the time. The kids name them. Our friends once found an iguana inside their pillow case when they went to go to sleep! OK, THAT would give me the heebie jeebies;)

  28. We used to live in Singapore when I was a child, similar climate to Hawaii. We would get those lizards in the house all the time! I was convinced they were all the same lizard and he was my pet. I named him George.

  29. I love these little guys, they're all over the place in southeastern NC. If I could find a way to feed them like birds, I would. GREAT entertainment!

    This last spring is when I first saw some males fighting. They actually puff out this ridge along the top of their necks and the sides of their faces too. They look like little dinosaurs fighting.

    Anoles also make awesome earrings for your little brother. Until he starts screaming because they're biting a little too hard. So I've heard...not that I ever did that to my little brother.

  30. I always wanted a lizard as a pet when I was a kid. Maybe he can be your mascot. Those are cool pictures, though...

  31. On the Big Island they told me that the geckos in my house would eat the cockroaches (fun!) but they were small and kept out of my way.

    The lizards were sketchy, they lived outside in the forest that was my lawn and it was surreal to see them running away just inches from the lawnmower blades.

  32. Ahhh, living in Central Florida, I'm very familiar with lizards in the house. My cat enjoys chasing them ... I don't enjoy him doing that too much, though, as he brings me the heads and ONLY THE HEADS as a special gift. Ewwwww!

    Ahhh, our animals and their treats for us. :-D

  33. @orangejack: ROB? What are the chances that I bump into you on a random blog like this? Oh my word. Wow.

  34. Whoa! That first picture is so cool. It looks like a lawn ornament.

  35. I used to find these little lizards hiding out behind the dish drainer when we lived in Jamaica. The kids and I would try to catch them, but they were much too fast of course. It was fun to try though.

  36. I'm sure the lizard is a fan of yours and wanted to see how close he could get before you ran off!! :P

  37. Yikes! I guess its better than a roach. We have a foot of snow here. I'll take the Lizard given the option.

  38. We live on Oahu, too, and I am amazed at how many lizards and geckos I see everyday. I was standing in the front doorway of my home on Christmas Eve and a gecko (must have lost his footing or something and) landed on my shoulder. YUCK!! I think they're cute and cool from afar but slimy and creepy up close. And those lizards and their weird necks!!!

  39. In the Yucatan it's good luck to find a little lizard inside your house. They eat bugs!

  40. I've always though little lizards/geckos are cute. One time while in a screened in pool area in Florida, I saw a gecko inside the screen. I said, "look a gecko!" However, my sister-in-law described them this way: "those horrible little prehistoric creatures." Can you tell she didn't enjoy living in Florida? She doesn't anymore.

  41. How is the spider situation in the Hawaiian islands? I can deal with just about anything in the animal kingdom, but spiders throw me for a loop.

  42. I hate to tell you this but if you have resident geckoes that means you have resident roaches... LOL
    Listen for the crunching in the night.

  43. aw, cute! isn't it good luck if you find a gecko in your house in hawaii? (that's what I was told). And it's good you have a natural pest control on duty : D

  44. I love the first couple of pics where you don't even see the screen at all - it was a cool effect!

  45. Surprise! did it make you stop and wonder what else is crawling around inside the house? The one photo looks like he was jumping in the air. Very Lizard Jordan of him.

  46. hehe. that's a good one. made me laugh out loud.

  47. He's cute. I want to cuddle him.

  48. I love the moment of realization when you're closer to nature than you originally thought!

  49. That's hilarious! I would have screamed like a girl and ran. Of course, I am a girl, but still.

  50. Oh the joys of Hawaiian critters. I'd take lizards over rat sized cockroaches anyday! Except when they poop on your pillow (the lizards)...not so cool.

  51. I love lizards!! Too bad my cats love them too and bring them to me... in pieces :O :O

  52. I think I would've freaked at first had I seen that, but eventually I think I would calm down enough to let it stay. I'm not a huge insect fan, so a lizard would definitely be welcomed.

  53. i'm pretty sure that's a chameleon, not a lizard ;)

  54. Eeek. I would have tried to barricade / capture it in something before failing and running away. haha!

  55. haha that's happened to me when I lived in Florida! I miss those little guys...

  56. Dont let NuNu see it...doesnt she/he eat lizards?

  57. My 5 kitties would've eaten that varmit!

  58. What a lovely lizard! There are some of these at home, but I am not currently I kinda miss them :(

  59. How exactly do you get a lizard out of the house? Very curious...

  60. That. is. awesome. Did you name him? Did you help him get back outside. If he comes back, he definitely needs a name like "Scamper" or "Francis" or something.

  61. I did something similar with a cockroach once. I saw it on the screen door and, thinking it was outside, I went to flick it off, and the damn thing flew right in my face. My neighbor came running over in a panic to see what the screaming was about (glad he didn't call the cops first!).

    Lizards are awesome, though.

  62. You have to know this is coming. was he there to sell you car insurance? lol. ;)

  63. I lived in Florida for 10 years and these little buggers always amazed me. They were not easy to catch either. Wicked cool photos.

  64. I would have run out of the house screaming like a little girl. I got chills just looking at that last picture.

  65. It probably was there to sell you car insurance, but when you said no, it went to NuNu to ask but NuNu ate it, right? Thanks so much for the autographed picture, I love it!

  66. I stayed in Kailua for the summer many years ago with my grandparents. Those little boogers were always getting in the house, noisy little things too.

  67. hehe! We get those little guys here in Florida, too. I love them. (and so do my cats, much to the lizards' chagrin.)

  68. Reminds me of the time I had a lizard loose in my car. My ex put a lizard (Nile monitor) that he just bought into my glove compartment when he went into a store. The lizard got hot, and when he checked on the guy, he leaped out of the bag into my car. I had that lizard in my car for a week, and he only came out when I started driving. Mean little bugger, too.

    There are so many lizards around here in So. Cal, that they sometimes get in the house.

  69. I live in Florida and we have them everywhere. It bothers me when people freak out about them - who cares? They make me laugh. One time, I was out in my garden and saw two of them hitting it on top of the fence. I stood there watching for about seven or eight minutes before I went inside to get the camera - by the time I came back out, both the deed and post-coital bliss were done...

  70. Don't you hate when that happens, did it jump on you.LOL
