Friday, March 13, 2009

Oh I forgot to add...

That while the dude was lying there the sprinklers turned on because they're on a timer.

Didn't phase him one bit.


  1. Well, at least he was a clean drunk :)

  2. I wish I could sleep so coundly!

  3. *ROFL* That's awesome. I wish you had gotten that on film, too.

  4. That makes the story even sweeter!!

  5. Did you see the SNL sketch called Hawaiian Hotel with the Rock? It all makes sense now!

  6. Oh crap... been there, done that...woke up wet.

  7. too funny !! Specially since the cop had to say he was Lost lolol good one !

  8. Such interesting folks on that island. I daresay it is one of the most entertaining locales I've ever been told about.

    I'll be sure to try the POG if I ever visit, and promise not to fall asleep to the sound of sprinklers in anyone's yard.

  9. Been there too.

    Although never under sprinklers. Sudden rain showers, yes. Sprinklers, no.

  10. yup. Why bother checking into a hotel when you can have a tree with all the amenities...

  11. hahahahaha this makes it even funnier! Is he like the town drunk? Did the cops know him?

  12. Oh my, that makes it even funnier! LOL

  13. Thanks. Part of my slurpee just went shooting out of my nose.

  14. My first guess would have been ice, but guess he was just a drunk. Those ice chronics can be freaky.

  15. I'm glad you can laugh about it.
    Are you laughing about it?
    Because they would freak me out to no end. Some random drunk dude just comes into your yard and tries to sleep it off in your tree?! That's just all kinds of creepy.
    Maybe you need a bigger, meaner dog...

  16. ok now I have to comment on it...

    I just pictured the scene and...laughed my heart out lol

    have a wonderful weekend Jorge!
    Take care

  17. With a show named Lost, I bet you get puns and jokes non-stop, and have to always look like you know exactly where you're going.

  18. You know you could have really messed with him. Made him think he'd woken up on the Island.

  19. Wow! I'm pretty sure that I've never been so drunk that being doused with cold water wouldn't wake me up! How did he end up laying with his feet up in the air is what I wanna know...

  20. dude, that is seriously fucked. At first i thought that pottery was his hand all bent backwards and stuff. Hopefully he is ok and doesn't get written off the show. ;)

  21. Maybe it was potent orange gin.

  22. Hey, I saw a rerun of you on Russian Roulette! Was that your first TV appearance?

  23. My kids woke me up way too early this morning - but this def made it all worth it, LOL....

  24. This is the stuff movies are made of.

  25. Not a comment to your blog, but just some info that I thought you might want to know and possibly pass on... Apparently someone (in a facebook group for Lost fans)is claiming to have two pre-production Lost scripts !!

    I dont know if its true or fake, because Ive been warned that it could possibly be a virus - but if its true, someone must be leaking information about the show. He said whats in the second script - Im not gonna write it here (obviously) - but it could be just to make everybody curious enough to click at his link.

  26. HAHAHA - still, serves his right for trepassing.

  27. Jorge,

    That was very generous of you to give him a shower before he had to go! :-)

  28. I love that you use the word "dude in your own daily conversations

  29. Who Is the Lolo Who Stole My Pakalolo?

  30. I went to Hawaii once. A lizard fell on me from a tree. That does not happen here in Durham, England....

  31. Haha, wow, that's

    Must be some good stuff. Heh, he looked like he'd made himself pretty comfortable.

    Ha! "Lost." I don't think I could resist saying that either. Punful!

  32. I'll have whatever he's drinking...

  33. Too Funny....! Looks a bit like the triton of the year waaay back when I graduated!!

  34. LOL!! My parents used to live in Hawaii and tell me all about the crazy locals. The best story has to be this one guy--a serial crapper-- who would go around, break into houses, and proceed to:

    1) Invade the fridge
    2) Eat all of the food
    3) Take a crap on the floor

    I guess you couldn't technically book him for stealing...

  35. ahahahahahahaha! I see a lot of people here (I live in D.C., go figure), but that...That really is in the top five, I think. There's this old guy who's always plastered who sometimes just walks into my fiance's house. He used to live across the street till he got kicked out after one of his buddies OD'ed on something. I bet your friend there and this guy would be friends.

  36. Reaching back into my misspent youth, I can tell you, there are automated sprinklers in more places than you can possibly imagine.

    Love your blog.

  37. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that, from this angle, he looks a bit like Charlie Pace? Maybe with longer legs?
